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Large no of Kanwariyas on pilgrimage points towards an unemployment problem


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This is as spectacular a clash between tradition and modernity as one can get. The traffic jams reflected the inability of modernity to deliver as the march of tradition grew in numbers and in its swagger.

While this clash is an interesting subject to study and understand, it is not my subject of discourse here. My interest is in finding in this phenomenon a reflection of the jobs situation in India.


I am not familiar with the Kanwariya culture, but this is very insensitive thing to say. Only in case of Hinduism, anything to criticize the religion is jais in India. So, large number of people going to Kumbh mela is because they have nothing else to do. Left liberals will break India with this kind of opinion. Sharad Yadav is backing this up as well. 


This is a very intelligent tweet. So, people going to Haj/Vatican are unempolyed as well.




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Sharad yadav is just stupid, last year my local contractor just left renovation of my house for Kawar yatra because some mannat though I have to say this from business , job angle .


Due to his kawar yatra the work suffered very badly and his mason's left which led to dispute between us and he lost work

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Sharad yadav is an irrelevant politician trying to get some attention.


Has he even seen the yatra? A lot of these yatras are sponsored by big money . Trucks with huge music systems  and the rest of the bling have turned it into a rave party for some .


The rest of the ' true' kawariyas have been doing this  for ages. So the youth have been unemployed since then?


If what he says is true , then the roads should always be full of unemployed people all the time .



This kawariya yatra has become the a culture of the youth.....specially the middle and lower middle class.

Most of them work and yatra season is off time for them .


Unfortunately , like all good things can be turned bad....the commercialisation of the kawariya yatra and the large entry of criminal elements have turned it into a nightmare for normal people.



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