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How fast can you type ?


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Re: How fast can you type ? Your speed was: 62wpm Congratulations! You made no mistakes, practice does make perfect. Not bad 62 wpm. I type quite quick but I corrected quite a bit when I typed and also didn't rush. I suppose I could go up to 70 wpm.

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Your speed was: 89wpm. You made 2 mistakes, your mistakes are shown in bold text:
Hehe.. You inspired me to do it seriously :P Your speed was: 91wpm. You made 1 mistake, your mistake is shown in bold text:
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I dunno about you guys- but my typing speed sure falls a lot when i am not using my 7 years old crusty M$ internet keyboard.I'd say take the wpm thing with a grain of salt..if it says 89, its probably between 95 and 85- it depends a lot on the text too- some passages are easier to type than others and i always seem to take more time if the passage has a lot of punctuation marks. If they give us a passage from original Shakespeare, i dont think any of us will cross 70wpm..

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