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Re: Site Feedback

^ Also just curious why there are moderators for this
Admin/Mods Only Forums For Admins and Moderators of this site only forum Moderators Dhondy, Bheembhai, rajeev, Rahul, Salil
and none for this
Have a laugh, Funny threads forums Inject a bit of humour, lighten up and enjoy the day.
Stunningly insightful post, that!
I think the names have just been sprinkled around randomly and since the Funny threads forum was added later perhaps no one bothered to add names there. As for moderators for the Admin forum, I feel we need them to stop Salil from praising Aussie cricketers there.
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Re: Site Feedback

noooooooooooooo....(russell peter style :lol: ) let the other sport stay as other sport... i dont mind the other two being combined... :hic:
Can't please everyone :spin: Just thought it may lead to more posts if there were less sections :chin:
Bumper is thinking similarly DSR, I guess he may do this afterall. :wtg:
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Re: Site Feedback

Cheers Dhondy, I noticed Varsha hadn't joined, so I told her about the site and and the old faces that have come back (after leaving due to frustration at ICFever's moderation). She should be here soon...
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Re: Site Feedback Ravi, Can you change time(I think you are displaying Aus time or NZ time). Most of the members are from US or UK and India. to see Tuesday on monday morning or afternoon is bit odd if you are in USA(East Coast) may be GMT time is good..

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