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Israeli settlers in Occupied Palestine


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15 minutes ago, Sandz said:

Just read that Palestine had a higher HDI than India in 2022. That’s a real wtf stat.


Even Iraq has a better HDI ranking :dontknow:

TFR of Gaza 3.97 , WB - 3.49 , Israel 2.9


The genocidee has better TFR than the genocider. At one point in the 90s when relative peace was there during Oslo Accord. The TFR of Palestine was 9.x . Each woman had an average of 9 children!!  The west like Kaneda would kill to have such TFR!!

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9 hours ago, BacktoCricaddict said:



One more thing. I've said this before in other threads, but it bears repeating:


the reason I think this dispute will never be settled is that both groups of people consider this land their "holy" land. Once you attach a religious tag, nothing else matters. You can offer both groups of people the most productive, pristine, resource-rich, beautiful land with perfect climate, and they will refuse it in favor of *this holy land*.

Refuse to accept that it is the same religious fervor across the aisle. This is classic monkey-balancing of the left The conflict of Palestine is “one side wanting to kill all and throw them to the sea and the other side refusing to get killed”!  This has been the Arab strategy since 1917 , the Balfour declaration.  The doctrine of Islam is that once it had established rule of a land, any change to that have to be fough back. Hence , the push in EU to get back Spain and Portugal, or South Sudan or rest of Nigeria. Only exception being East Timor. The Extremist Jewish settlers in WB is also similar doctrine, will not serve Israel in the long run. 


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20 minutes ago, zen said:

Israel need to stop the genocide. These people already live more or less in a refugee colony in their own country.

By saying that why others don’t want them, you are implying that Israel can do whatever it wants to people who are living in their own country and if they can’t take it move out and let Israelis settle.


Israel has turned into a terrorist state with extremists in power. 


Stop making insensitive comments.


Strange how these videos of children cannot seem to get Hamas to return the civilian hostages taken even today - nor even stop further escalations. 


I guess the low EQ factor again.  


I care about these children as much as the Hamas does. 

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11 minutes ago, coffee_rules said:

TFR of Gaza 3.97 , WB - 3.49 , Israel 2.9


The genocidee has better TFR than the genocider.

Do not continue to post nonsense esp. on my threads. 

Everyone knows Palestine has a high death rate esp. in the last few months where 1/3rd of those dead are said to be children. 

The above only further showcases what has been said about your posts in the past. Don’t make stupid posts on sensitive topics. 

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22 minutes ago, zen said:

Do not continue to post nonsense esp. on my threads. 

Everyone knows Palestine has a high death rate esp. in the last few months where 1/3rd of those dead are said to be children. 

The above only further showcases what has been said about your posts in the past. Don’t make stupid posts on sensitive topics. 

I had chosen to ignore you and I suggest you do the same. I am finding hard to refute your posted content , but I won’t respond to your posts directly and I suggest you do the same. I see your posts when someone replies to you like  @bharathh. There is no thread ownership here in ICF. Why are you targeting only me, there are a varied of opinions expressed here. Just put me on ignore list , I will put you back.  No hard feelings!


You are assuming that I don’t care about the dead. I was regurgitating data in response to a post on HDI. I don’t care what you think about my posts. I am not here to seek your approval or your feedback or prove to you on what and how to post.  I will continue to speak my mind. 

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13 minutes ago, coffee_rules said:

I had chosen to ignore you and I suggest you do the same. I am finding hard to refute your posted content , but I won’t respond to your posts directly and I suggest you do the same. I see your posts when someone replies to you like  @bharathh. There is no thread ownership here in ICF. Why are you targeting only me, there are a varied of opinions expressed here. Just put me on ignore list , I will put you back.  No hard feelings!


You are assuming that I don’t care about the dead. I was regurgitating data in response to a post on HDI. I don’t care what you think about my posts. I am not here to seek your approval or your feedback or prove to you on what and how to post.  I will continue to speak my mind. 

Its a discussion group ..anybody can post their opinions. Where does the question of thread ownership come in?


As long as one posts in moderation without prejudice, it should be allowed.

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6 minutes ago, coffee_rules said:

I had chosen to ignore you and I suggest you do the same. I am finding hard to refute your posted content , but I won’t respond to your posts directly and I suggest you do the same. I see your posts when someone replies to you like Bharathh. There is no thread ownership here in ICF. Why are you targeting only me, there are a varied of opinions expressed here. Just put me on ignore list , I will put you back.  No hard feelings!


You are assuming that I don’t care about the dead. I was regurgitating data in response to a post on HDI. I don’t care what you think about my posts. I will continue to speak my mind. 


Yes, you do appear insensitive towards the dead. If you ignore my posts, you could ignore my threads as well.

My thread here is by and large discussing the plight of Palestinians in territories occupied by Israel esp. due to its extremism. 


Thank you!! 

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“42,000 killed in Gaza over the last 12 months could be an underestimate”



Health care workers volunteering in Gaza appear to be suffering from trauma by experiencing what’s happening there. 



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Many Jews argue that it is their original land given to them by their God (a position along those lines). They were forced to move out “centuries” ago. 

But if their God wanted Jews to have the land, why would he make them move out. :hmmm:


Look at Palestinians here. Despite atrocities, oppression, and brutal violence, they don’t move out to maintain “their” presence. 

I won’t be surprised if there is more to the story here including potentially a nuclear weapon fired by either side. Someone like Pak just has to provide a nuke to Hamas, who would justify its use based on the slaughter of its people much like how Israel weaponized Oct 7th to target Gaza (targeting Gaza is a predetermined plan of the extremist govt, Oct 7 gave them a reason to act soon).


I hope that better sense prevails. We get the two-state solution. 

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12 minutes ago, zen said:


But if their God wanted Jews to have the land, why would he make them move out. :hmmm:



God is on side of people with bigger/better/Technically advanced weapons.  Jews thought prosperity to them was given by God.


But now they are very clear, That they must also take military might which god is giving them. A very basic most Indians dont get when they vote for Congress and left which gives you A K Antony as defence Minister.


You can not secure prosperity without military because Someone will allways F u.



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Talking about the creation of the Jewish nation. Three countries were shortlisted (from the top of the mind recall): 


* Argentina

* Palestine

* Uganda 


Then Palestine was chosen (likely influenced by the British presence post WWI rather than the said original connection). The implementation began with powerful Jewish banking families like Rothschild providing the finance to set up “collective farms” (The British East India company tactic?). 


PS the above is from memory so if anyone has details let me know (I will also look into it later to refresh my memory).

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7 hours ago, bharathh said:


Strange how these videos of children cannot seem to get Hamas to return the civilian hostages taken even today - nor even stop further escalations. 


I guess the low EQ factor again.  


I care about these children as much as the Hamas does. 


You just said "let Palestinians kids die early. They were going to be suicide bombers anyway"


Please stop talking about EQ.

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33 minutes ago, Vicks57 said:


You just said "let Palestinians kids die early. They were going to be suicide bombers anyway"


Please stop talking about EQ.

Many do not understand the issue (or may hold a simplistic view such as Muslims = bad, non Muslims = good, where almost any action against Muslims is justified). They thinks Gaza is being bombarded because of 6 hostages when Israel is said to have over 10,000 Palestinians (most considered innocent) in its prison (no equivalence).

They do not probably know about (or ignore) the extremists’ idea of a Greater Israel, phase 1 of it appears to be occupy the West Bank with illegal settlements, phase 2 is what we are seeing in Gaza with eventual plans to resettle it, and phase 3 will likely involve targeting areas in Jordan and Lebanon. 

Earlier, Israel got away as lots of events were happening in the ME and neighbouring region - the Iranian Revolution, the Gulf War, AQ, ISIS, etc. Now people appear to be evaluating an issue based on its merit rather than through a blanket understanding of the region or stereotypes.


Thankfully, many in the world are vigilant. Countries such as South Africa have filed a genocide case against Israel.  

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When it comes to India, many comically assume parallels b/w Israel and India where:


Zionists = Hindus 

Palestinians = Muslims 

Lebanon, Jordan, etc. = Pakistan, BD, etc. 

Greater Israel = Akhand Bharat :facepalm: 


This is where the support for extremism in Israel comes in because since nothing happens in India, the events in Israel are probably seen as a visualization of these folks’ what if …” world.


In the real world, there are no strong parallels. 

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