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Indian cricketers get their new dietary plan, will be able to eat only ‘Halal certified’ meat now


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4 hours ago, ravishingravi said:

Every site is random and driven by its subscribers. Credibility is not the issue anymore. 

Innocent till proven guilty. True until proven fake. Yes BCCI would retract or deny like any organization would. 


Pretty sure BCCI won't issue statement on what has been reported only by 1 site on India. 


Apart from sports tak no one else has reported it. 


It's a fake news and nothing else. 

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4 hours ago, Alam_dar said:

Veg vs Non-Veg


1 kg of meat needs a lot more resources than 1 kg of vegetables. 


But still I consider that as a result of evolution, we (i.e. human beings) need a large variety of food, which includes vegetables/fruits and also meat/fish. 


(1) All the scientific data proves that our  ancestors were hunter-gatherers for millions of years. 
(2) Our teeth points out that we are omnivore and could eat both vegetables and meat.

* The length of intestine of herbivores is about 10 (or more) times of their total height, so that vegetable get enough time to be digested. 
* While the Intestine of Carnivores is very small (half the length of body), as meat does not need long time for digestion. Actually, is should come out of body as soon as possible, otherwise it becomes toxic. 

* While the length of intestine of omnivores is about 5 times of their total height. It is a compromise between meat and vegetables. And human intestine is about 5 times of his height, which also indicates that we are omnivores. 


If we follow the nature and the scientific data and logic, then all of them point out that Omnivorous diet is ideal for us as human beings. 



Cutting blood arteries of throat is indeed a better and superior way than Jhatka


Please differentiate between these 2 things:

(1) Slaughtering in name of Allah/God (i.e. Halal/Kosher/Bali). It should be banned in all countries. 


(2) Slaughtering an animal in a way that has been in modern Halal/Kosher way (i.e. cutting the blood arteries in the throat, so that maximum blood is drained out).


I fully support this way of slaughtering as compared to Jhatka, while:


* Jhatka causes a lot more pain to an animal as compared to cutting only the blood arteries. 


* Drainage of blood during slaughter produces meat which is more tender, more tasty and stays fresh for longer time. Such meat has less microbial load (link to scientific study 1  and study 2 ). 

Even in the western countries, even if they do Jhatka, still they try to hang the body upside down, in order to drain the blood, while they also know if blood remains in the body, then it does not make the meat tasty. 



Pain Argument: 


One of the greatest mistake that we (i.e. Non-Muslims) make is to try to ban Halal slaughter in name of "Pain Argument".  Please remember that Muslims will always win this argument against us, while modern scientific studies are on their side and they show that Halal way causes  lesser pain than the Jhatka way. 


Scientific study (which was done by a German scientist Dr. Schulze)  shows that death (unconsciousness) is caused within 10 seconds (for sheep/goats) and within 30 seconds (for cattle) in Halal method due to lack of blood, and it is the same for Jhatka method too where whole neck is cut off in one strike. In both methods "unconsciousness" is caused due to the lack of blood. 


But the difference is this that in Jhatka method, the "spinal cord" is also cut. Due to this, the nerves going to heart are also cut off immediately, and the heart stops beating (i.e. immediate heart attack in many cases), and thus the blood also stops running in the veins and arteries and drainage of blood does not take place.


But there are cases where the animal does not get this immediate heart attack in Jhatka method, and the heart keeps on beating. In this scenario, animal keeps it's movements almost just like in Halal slaughter. Please watch the following video (link) where whole throat has been cut, but still the animal is able to do the movements after a minute, while the animal didn't get the heart attack. 



Islam didn't invent the method of Halal slaughter (i.e. cutting the blood arteries in throat), but ancient Hunters invented it

The slitting the blood arteries of throat (like in Halal slaughter) was an old practice. Before Islam, it was done by the per-Islamic Arabs and also by the Arab Jews who resided in Madina. And before Jews, it had already been done by the Hunters for thousands of years. 
For cutting the whole throat in one strike (non Halal Method), one needs a big heavy axe. But it was not possible for the hunters to carry such heavy axe during hunt where they had to chase the animals for many miles. Thus hunters only carried knives with them during long chase, and thus slitting the blood arteries of throat was the preferred way of killing for them as compared to cutting the whole throat off. 
Many people even didn't have knives, and they had to use sharp stones, and thus they were only able to cut the blood arteries of throat, and not the whole neck. 
Therefore, CREDIT of present Halal method does not go to Islam, but to the ancient hunters. 



Most Humane way of slaughter (better than Halal one):

In Halal slaughter the wind pipe, food-tract (oesophagus) are also cut along with the 2 jugular veins. But this cutting of wind pipe and food tract is extremely painful for the animal.


The most humane way of slaughter not Halal,  but to only cut of the two jugular veins. You could see this slaughter in this video (link).


Also stun the animal before slaughtering (as has been done in the modern times). It will make whole process totally pain free for the animal. 





* Don't use Jhatka, as it is not as good for health as compared to cutting the blood arteries. 

* Do stun the animal, and then only cut the blood arteries which carry the blood to the brain, so that animal becomes unconscious within next 3-5 seconds. 

* Stop using the Pain Argument for supporting the Jhatka method over the Halal method. It is a mistake which will only benefit Muslims and their arguments as scientific studies are showing that Jhatka causes more pain to the animal. 

* Don't call this method to be Halal. No, it is not Halal while firstly it was invented by the Hunter gatherers, and secondly, you are not cutting the wind pipe and oesophagus (food tract) in this method. 

* Put a complete ban upon HALAL in the Official affairs (i.e. Indian Airlines, hospitals, sports etc). Reason is very simple, we could not eat any meat which has been slaughter in the name of any god/Allah etc. 
Muslims may eat Halal privately, but India should not provide any Halal meat officially. 
All players should go on hunger-strike if still Halal meat is provided to them. 

So few points I would like to make.

I agree halal was done by Jewish people before Islam and they called it kosher.

It is a very painful death as animal is slowly bleeding to death. Jhatka is instantaneous and it is over. That is how all the slaughter houses do it in the west. Halal is cruelty to animals.

Now the reason behind that in middle east is because the weather is hot and there was no refrigeration. Draining blood preserved the meat. Islam adopted as a religious thing.

It was all about preservation without refrigeration.

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5 hours ago, Khota said:

It is a very painful death as animal is slowly bleeding to death. Jhatka is instantaneous and it is over.


I am afraid that I was unable to make things clear in my previous post. Please make more efforts to understand yourself, while I am very bad in explaining things. 


If you claim that Halal is more painful than Jhatka, then I am afraid that you will immediately loose your argument in front of Muslims, as they will come up with modern scientific studies, which indeed prove the Muslim argument. 


I myself consider Islam and Muhammad to be fake, but in this particular case, unfortunately scientific studies are supporter the Halal method as compared to Jhatka. 


Let me present you the Muslim Argument with scientific proof:


The University of Hanover in Germany (one of the largest and oldest science and technology universities in Germany) did a study, entitled Attempts to Objectify Pain and Consciousness in Conventional and Ritual (knife) Methods of Slaughtering Sheep and Calves". It was conducted by Dr. Wilhelm Schulze, a German professor of veterinary medicine, director of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover (1966–68, 1978–80 and 1980-81).  Results were as follows:

I – Islamic Method

  1. EEG recorded pain for the first 6 seconds. But after that, the  EEG recorded a condition of deep sleep – unconsciousness. This is due to the large quantity of blood gushing out from the body, showing no feeling of pain at all.

  2. As the brain message (EEG) dropped to zero level, the heart was still pounding and the body shaking vigorously (a reflex action of the spinal cord) driving a maximum amount of blood from the body thus resulting in hygienic meat for the consumer.

The German Federal Constitutional Court based its 2002 verdict permitting ritual slaughter on this study. English translation of this study could be read here:


And here's the 2002 verdict from the German court citing the study as evidence:  


So, Muslims claim that in both methods:

  1. the pain stops after 6 second,
  2. And it is not due to the occurring of death, but due to the occurring of "unconsciousness". 
  3. That is why it could not be claimed that Halal method causes more pain than non-Halal one strike method. 
  4. And actually, animal feels more pain in first 6 seconds in non-Halal method while nerves of whole throat (including spinal cord) are cut in that one strike. 

The main difference is both methods is that in non-Halal method, the "spinal cord" is also cut. Due to this, the nerves going to heart are also cut off immediately, and the heart stops beating (i.e. immediate heart attack in many cases), and thus the blood also stops running in the veins and arteries and drainage of blood does not take place. Thus the animal dies much earlier in this one strike method, but this does not mean that animal feels less pain in this method as compared to the Halal method. 


Moreover, there are cases where the animal does not get this immediate heart attack in non-Halal method too, and the heart keeps on beating. In this scenario, animal keeps it's movements almost just like in Halal slaughter. Please watch the following video  where whole throat has been cut in Jhatka, but still the animal is able to do the movements after a minute, while the animal didn't get the heart attack. 


How to still counter Muslims and Islam, despite their being correct about Halal method?


Islam is still fake, despite present Halal method draining whole blood:

There are 2 major misunderstanding. 

(1) Islam didn't invent the method of Halal slaughter (i.e. cutting the blood arteries in throat), but ancient Hunters invented it.
The slitting the blood arteries of throat (like in Halal slaughter) was an old practice. Before Islam, it was done by the per-Islamic Arabs and also by the Arab Jews who resided in Madina. And before Jews, it had already been done by the Hunters for thousands of years. 
For cutting the whole throat in one strike (non Halal Method), one needs a big heavy axe. But it was not possible for the hunters to carry such heavy axe during hunt where they had to chase the animals for many miles. Thus hunters only carried knives with them during long chase, and thus slitting the blood arteries of throat was the preferred way of killing for them as compared to cutting the whole throat off. 
Many people even didn't have knives, and they had to use sharp stones, and thus they were only able to cut the blood arteries of throat, and not the whole neck. 
Therefore, CREDIT of present Halal method does not go to Islam, but to the ancient hunters. 

(2) Muhammad*s intention/emphasis was not to "drain all the blood" through Halal method
Muslims claim Halal method drains all the blood, which makes meat better while blood contains germs, bacteria and toxins.
But again it is a misunderstanding, while Muhammad's intention was not to "Drain All the Blood" during Halal slaughter, but Muhammad's emphasis was  "flowing of some blood"  as the "symbolic sign" of sacrifice in name of Allah.
It was only a co-incidence that it had already been a custom in pre Islamic Arabia to use this method of slitting blood arteries which caused maximum drainage of blood. 


Importance of "flowing blood" as "symbolic sign" for Muhammad as he followed the old Ignorant Arabic traditions:

Sahih Muslim, The Book of Pilgrimage (link):

Ibn 'Abbas reported that (during Hajj) Allah's Messenger called for his she-camel and cut the right side of it's bump (known as "Isha'ar in Arabic) and let the blood to flow from it (as symbolic sign of sacrifice), and then he tied two shoes round its neck (known as Qalada in Arabic).

Both of these two practices of "Isha'ar" (i.e. flowing of blood) and "shoes around the neck" belonged to the ignorant Arabic traditions of that time, and Muhammad continued following them as there existed no perfect Allah who could have stopped Muhammad on the spot in making every human mistake. 

Both these practices of "Isha'ar" and "Qalada" are found in many other Prophetic Ahadith too e.g. (Sahih BukhariMuwatta Imam Malik etc.). This flowing of blood in name of Isha'ar is still practised today during Hajj and this Barbaric Act should be stopped. 

Thus, flowing of blood was a "symbolic sign" (just like saying Bismillah at time of slaughter). 

You could also see this love affair of Muhammad with flowing of blood in the following tradition:

Sunan Tarmidhi, Book of Sacrifice (link):

Sayyidah Ayshah (RA) narrated that Allahs Messenger said, “Of the deeds a man does on the day of sacrifice the dearest to Allah is the flow of blood (during sacrifice). It will come on the day of Resurrection with its horns and its hair and its hoofs. Indeed, blood will be accepted by Allah at once even before it falls on the ground. So, please yourselves with this flowing of blood!


Sunnan Abu Dawud, Book 9, Number 2819 (link):

Abu al-Ushara' reported on the authority of his father: He asked: Apostle of Allah, is the slaughtering to be done only in the upper part of the breast and the throat? The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) replied: If you pierced its thigh, it would serve you.
Abu Dawud said: This is the way suitable for slaughtering an animal which has fallen into a well or runs loose.

 This clearly shows that "flowing of some blood" was the main emphasis of Muhammad and not the total drainage of blood, and only due to this reason he allowed to slaughter the animal by piercing it's thigh which obviously does not cause the maximum drainage of blood. 

Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 10, Number 2848 (link):
Narrated 'Adi b. Hatim: I asked the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) about featherless arrow. He said: If it strikes with its end, eat, and if it strikes with the middle part of it, do not eat, for it died by a violent blow (and caused no blood to flow). 

Again this is a proof that Muhammad's intention was not maximum drainage of blood, but if the arrow hits the heart directly (or any other vital organ) and very little blood flew, still it is a Halal slaughter. Therefore, flow of blood was a "symbolic sign" of sacrifice in name of Allah. 

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6 hours ago, Alam_dar said:


I am afraid that I was unable to make things clear in my previous post. Please make more efforts to understand yourself, while I am very bad in explaining things. 


If you claim that Halal is more painful than Jhatka, then I am afraid that you will immediately loose your argument in front of Muslims, as they will come up with modern scientific studies, which indeed prove the Muslim argument. 


I myself consider Islam and Muhammad to be fake, but in this particular case, unfortunately scientific studies are supporter the Halal method as compared to Jhatka. 


Let me present you the Muslim Argument with scientific proof:


The University of Hanover in Germany (one of the largest and oldest science and technology universities in Germany) did a study, entitled Attempts to Objectify Pain and Consciousness in Conventional and Ritual (knife) Methods of Slaughtering Sheep and Calves". It was conducted by Dr. Wilhelm Schulze, a German professor of veterinary medicine, director of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover (1966–68, 1978–80 and 1980-81).  Results were as follows:

I – Islamic Method

  1. EEG recorded pain for the first 6 seconds. But after that, the  EEG recorded a condition of deep sleep – unconsciousness. This is due to the large quantity of blood gushing out from the body, showing no feeling of pain at all.

  2. As the brain message (EEG) dropped to zero level, the heart was still pounding and the body shaking vigorously (a reflex action of the spinal cord) driving a maximum amount of blood from the body thus resulting in hygienic meat for the consumer.

The German Federal Constitutional Court based its 2002 verdict permitting ritual slaughter on this study. English translation of this study could be read here:


And here's the 2002 verdict from the German court citing the study as evidence:  


So, Muslims claim that in both methods:

  1. the pain stops after 6 second,
  2. And it is not due to the occurring of death, but due to the occurring of "unconsciousness". 
  3. That is why it could not be claimed that Halal method causes more pain than non-Halal one strike method. 
  4. And actually, animal feels more pain in first 6 seconds in non-Halal method while nerves of whole throat (including spinal cord) are cut in that one strike. 

The main difference is both methods is that in non-Halal method, the "spinal cord" is also cut. Due to this, the nerves going to heart are also cut off immediately, and the heart stops beating (i.e. immediate heart attack in many cases), and thus the blood also stops running in the veins and arteries and drainage of blood does not take place. Thus the animal dies much earlier in this one strike method, but this does not mean that animal feels less pain in this method as compared to the Halal method. 


Moreover, there are cases where the animal does not get this immediate heart attack in non-Halal method too, and the heart keeps on beating. In this scenario, animal keeps it's movements almost just like in Halal slaughter. Please watch the following video  where whole throat has been cut in Jhatka, but still the animal is able to do the movements after a minute, while the animal didn't get the heart attack. 


How to still counter Muslims and Islam, despite their being correct about Halal method?


Islam is still fake, despite present Halal method draining whole blood:

There are 2 major misunderstanding. 

(1) Islam didn't invent the method of Halal slaughter (i.e. cutting the blood arteries in throat), but ancient Hunters invented it.
The slitting the blood arteries of throat (like in Halal slaughter) was an old practice. Before Islam, it was done by the per-Islamic Arabs and also by the Arab Jews who resided in Madina. And before Jews, it had already been done by the Hunters for thousands of years. 
For cutting the whole throat in one strike (non Halal Method), one needs a big heavy axe. But it was not possible for the hunters to carry such heavy axe during hunt where they had to chase the animals for many miles. Thus hunters only carried knives with them during long chase, and thus slitting the blood arteries of throat was the preferred way of killing for them as compared to cutting the whole throat off. 
Many people even didn't have knives, and they had to use sharp stones, and thus they were only able to cut the blood arteries of throat, and not the whole neck. 
Therefore, CREDIT of present Halal method does not go to Islam, but to the ancient hunters. 

(2) Muhammad*s intention/emphasis was not to "drain all the blood" through Halal method
Muslims claim Halal method drains all the blood, which makes meat better while blood contains germs, bacteria and toxins.
But again it is a misunderstanding, while Muhammad's intention was not to "Drain All the Blood" during Halal slaughter, but Muhammad's emphasis was  "flowing of some blood"  as the "symbolic sign" of sacrifice in name of Allah.
It was only a co-incidence that it had already been a custom in pre Islamic Arabia to use this method of slitting blood arteries which caused maximum drainage of blood. 


Importance of "flowing blood" as "symbolic sign" for Muhammad as he followed the old Ignorant Arabic traditions:

Sahih Muslim, The Book of Pilgrimage (link):

Ibn 'Abbas reported that (during Hajj) Allah's Messenger called for his she-camel and cut the right side of it's bump (known as "Isha'ar in Arabic) and let the blood to flow from it (as symbolic sign of sacrifice), and then he tied two shoes round its neck (known as Qalada in Arabic).

Both of these two practices of "Isha'ar" (i.e. flowing of blood) and "shoes around the neck" belonged to the ignorant Arabic traditions of that time, and Muhammad continued following them as there existed no perfect Allah who could have stopped Muhammad on the spot in making every human mistake. 

Both these practices of "Isha'ar" and "Qalada" are found in many other Prophetic Ahadith too e.g. (Sahih BukhariMuwatta Imam Malik etc.). This flowing of blood in name of Isha'ar is still practised today during Hajj and this Barbaric Act should be stopped. 

Thus, flowing of blood was a "symbolic sign" (just like saying Bismillah at time of slaughter). 

You could also see this love affair of Muhammad with flowing of blood in the following tradition:

Sunan Tarmidhi, Book of Sacrifice (link):

Sayyidah Ayshah (RA) narrated that Allahs Messenger said, “Of the deeds a man does on the day of sacrifice the dearest to Allah is the flow of blood (during sacrifice). It will come on the day of Resurrection with its horns and its hair and its hoofs. Indeed, blood will be accepted by Allah at once even before it falls on the ground. So, please yourselves with this flowing of blood!


Sunnan Abu Dawud, Book 9, Number 2819 (link):

Abu al-Ushara' reported on the authority of his father: He asked: Apostle of Allah, is the slaughtering to be done only in the upper part of the breast and the throat? The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) replied: If you pierced its thigh, it would serve you.
Abu Dawud said: This is the way suitable for slaughtering an animal which has fallen into a well or runs loose.

 This clearly shows that "flowing of some blood" was the main emphasis of Muhammad and not the total drainage of blood, and only due to this reason he allowed to slaughter the animal by piercing it's thigh which obviously does not cause the maximum drainage of blood. 

Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 10, Number 2848 (link):
Narrated 'Adi b. Hatim: I asked the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) about featherless arrow. He said: If it strikes with its end, eat, and if it strikes with the middle part of it, do not eat, for it died by a violent blow (and caused no blood to flow). 

Again this is a proof that Muhammad's intention was not maximum drainage of blood, but if the arrow hits the heart directly (or any other vital organ) and very little blood flew, still it is a Halal slaughter. Therefore, flow of blood was a "symbolic sign" of sacrifice in name of Allah. 

You are quoting lot of non sense which has no merit. Multiple universities have done studies that show during religious killings the pain signals were present during religious killings. The only humane way of killing is done by the west which is equivalent of jhatka. They stun the animal first and then make the cut. The instance the animal is stunned all the pain signals disappear pointing to the best method. Then the cut is made close to the skull so the nervous sytem and pain goes away. The movement you see is autonomous movement where heart keeps on pumping blood.

So no halal is painful.

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4 hours ago, Khota said:

You are quoting lot of non sense which has no merit. Multiple universities have done studies that show during religious killings the pain signals were present during religious killings. The only humane way of killing is done by the west which is equivalent of jhatka. They stun the animal first and then make the cut. The instance the animal is stunned all the pain signals disappear pointing to the best method. Then the cut is made close to the skull so the nervous sytem and pain goes away. The movement you see is autonomous movement where heart keeps on pumping blood.

So no halal is painful.


I am extremely sorry that I am unable to explain things in a way which make sense. My intention is only to make situation clear, and to explain why Muslism are winning the right to Halal slaughter in Europe/West, and what could be the best strategy to counter the Muslim boasting that Halal method proves that Allah is the All-Weisiest. 


Stun Gun:


In the modern times in the West, the Stun gun is involved in both Halal and the non-Halal Jhatka methods. 


Muslims in the western countries come up with this excuse today  that pain issue has been totally resolved due to the stun gun (i.e. animal feels no pain after the use of stun gun in the Halal method too), thus Halal should be allowed in Europe/West officially. They further claim that stunning+Halal is better way than stunning+Jhatka, while stunning+Jhatka still cause heart attack and immediate death, which does not let the drain of blood to happen. 


In ancient times (before the invention of the Stun Gun):


Off course animal felt pain in the religious Halal slaughtering. But the issue is this that animal also felt the same pain in the Jhatka slaughtering too. 


It is due to the reason that pain is not linked to the "death" of the animal, but pain is linked to the "time of becoming unconscious", which is the same in both Halal and the Jhatka methods. 



Thus Muslims try to take the credit of Halal slaughter, but this is wrong as this method of cutting the throat arteries is much older than Halal slaughter and was practiced by the hunter-gatherers, and was also practiced in the Arabia and Muhammad only followed that custom of Arabia. 

Edited by Alam_dar
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23 hours ago, Trichromatic said:


Pretty sure BCCI won't issue statement on what has been reported only by 1 site on India. 


Apart from sports tak no one else has reported it. 


It's a fake news and nothing else. 

So I guess these guys are doubling down on fake news. 




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6 hours ago, Alam_dar said:


I am extremely sorry that I am unable to explain things in a way which make sense. My intention is only to make situation clear, and to explain why Muslism are winning the right to Halal slaughter in Europe/West, and what could be the best strategy to counter the Muslim boasting that Halal method proves that Allah is the All-Weisiest. 


Stun Gun:


In the modern times in the West, the Stun gun is involved in both Halal and the non-Halal Jhatka methods. 


Muslims in the western countries come up with this excuse today  that pain issue has been totally resolved due to the stun gun (i.e. animal feels no pain after the use of stun gun in the Halal method too), thus Halal should be allowed in Europe/West officially. They further claim that stunning+Halal is better way than stunning+Jhatka, while stunning+Jhatka still cause heart attack and immediate death, which does not let the drain of blood to happen. 


In ancient times (before the invention of the Stun Gun):


Off course animal felt pain in the religious Halal slaughtering. But the issue is this that animal also felt the same pain in the Jhatka slaughtering too. 


It is due to the reason that pain is not linked to the "death" of the animal, but pain is linked to the "time of becoming unconscious", which is the same in both Halal and the Jhatka methods. 



Thus Muslims try to take the credit of Halal slaughter, but this is wrong as this method of cutting the throat arteries is much older than Halal slaughter and was practiced by the hunter-gatherers, and was also practiced in the Arabia and Muhammad only followed that custom of Arabia. 

So they are employing the western method of stunning. The reality is once you stun there are no pain signals transmitted. So now they are also employing the western method and halal is a two step process stun + artery cut. Jhatka always was stun + cutting the cortex nerves. Anyway I there is plenty of scientific evidence that halal is the most painful. 

I would not be surprised if France is the first country to ban it.

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2 hours ago, ravishingravi said:


Pork, beef banned in any form; Halal meat made compulsory for Indian cricket team - Report

Published as "sports tak said so in report" rather than :"BCCI has done so".
Not even a single media house has their own sources in BCCI?

the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) got embroiled in a fresh controversy after a report claimed the team management has banned beef and pork in any form in the new strict diet regimen for the Indian men's cricket team. The report also stated that the players have been asked to consume meat only in halal form.



If these claims are true, why are they using such terms? Why isn't WION bold enough to publish that BCCI has enforced such ban? 


It's easiest way to publish such claims, never publish it as news, rather say that xyz said so.


Show me a single news article which is breaking it as BCCI enforcing ban as news and not as claims of sports tak.

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The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) treasurer Arun Dhumal has clarified that the board has no role in determining the food choices of the players after the latest controversy over the new dietary plan of the Indian team. Dhumal said the players are free to choose what they want to eat and what they don't want to eat.





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2 hours ago, SujitPrakash said:


Another ridiculous rule.

Stupid. Dumb. Asinine. BCCI can have a policy on dietary requirements but they have no right to tell whether you can eat jhatka or halal. Bunch of morons deciding it


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5 hours ago, Trichromatic said:

The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) treasurer Arun Dhumal has clarified that the board has no role in determining the food choices of the players after the latest controversy over the new dietary plan of the Indian team. Dhumal said the players are free to choose what they want to eat and what they don't want to eat.





Oh you mean the BCCIslam is not a crypto Islamic organization forcing Islamic practices down everyone's throats ( pun unintended)????


I thought we should all rage over a shoddily written article in the OP by a hitherto unknown source few more weeks and perhaps cancel the Indian cricket team and the BCCI too!

Edited by Mariyam
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Meanwhile, a senior BCCI official told ABP News: "No such circular has been issued by the board. Consuming vegetarian or non-vegetarian food, or halal or non-halal meat is completely a player's own choice. The board has never issued any instructions on this."




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1 hour ago, Khota said:

Stupid. Dumb. Asinine. BCCI can have a policy on dietary requirements but they have no right to tell whether you can eat jhatka or halal. Bunch of morons deciding it


I so very totally absolutely completely agree.

Also I hate, abhor, detest, loathe, despise and execrate all kinds of redundancy.  

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20 minutes ago, Mariyam said:

Oh you mean the BCCIslam is not a crypto Islamic organization forcing Islamic practices down everyone's throats ( pun unintended)????


I thought we should all rage over it a shoddily written article in the OP by a hitherto unknown source few more weeks and perhaps cancel the Indian cricket team and the BCCI too!


Outrage is so important for OP started abusing in another thread, just because I had hidden the thread to discuss with others about the source and whether to keep it on forum or not. He also lied about it being all over news then even though it was reported by only sports tak and quoted by OpIndia.


Lies, abuses and intimidation, those are tools used by RW who have taken over the site. It is extremely offensive to them if their agenda is not fulfilled 100%. 

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