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Is this the most opportune time to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir?


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If situation in Pakistan becomes worse and unstable, India should incentivize the merger of GB and AZK with India with full consent of Indian Kashmiri's (autonomy promise). It won't been seen as foreign occupation as Kashmir is being reunited. Once Pakistan is weak and broken, giving autonomy to Kashmir is not a bad idea. All they want is being identified as Kashmiris and Muslims first, that too will die down in few decades. Root cause of problem in Punjab & Kashmir is this persistent imposition of language, culture by majority Hindu populace. Stop saying Sikhs and Hindus are same, and Kashmiris are Hindu converts. Learn how Putin managed to win over so many diverse cultures and religions. 

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Pakistan doesn't have any rights to ask / beg for anything especially when they gave up aksai chin to all weather friend china. Made gilgit baltistan a different province from Azad Kashmir. 


Why is india expected to follow human rights when our opponents w.r.t china and pak do * all about them anyway ? It's another thing that for the most part (despite some deplorable excesses , we do follow human rights)


Question for even the morally bankrupt west to ponder... Preach about human rights and equality and help etc etc when your civilization is under threat by big bad Russia or the perceived threat of Russia... Otherwise be hypocrites. 


India is spending a lot of effort defending itself and the rest of world from the rabid dog of a nation Pak and their handler China. India's isolation of Pakistan is just not for its benefit alone. Terror originates from that land and India's the first wall of defense towards that terrorism (which ironically the west helped in create too)


Learn to direct contempt to where it's supposed to be given. 

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