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Sanjay Manjrekar Downplays India's Last Two Tour Success Saying Australia were not mean enough.

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There's an apt saying for Manjrekar and a bunch of morons like Manjrekar "With friends like these, who needs enemies"


Manju's inferiority complex always shines through no matter the opponent or the occasion. He couldn't do shyte when he was playing for India and is bringing down the team's achievements.

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4 hours ago, Ultimate_Game said:

There's an apt saying for Manjrekar and a bunch of morons like Manjrekar "With friends like these, who needs enemies"


Manju's inferiority complex always shines through no matter the opponent or the occasion. He couldn't do shyte when he was playing for India and is bringing down the team's achievements.

he did amazing vs Pak in Pak (in bottle top + home umpire era against imran, wasim, waqar, qadir); and shyte against everyone else.

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20 hours ago, Vijy said:

he did amazing vs Pak in Pak (in bottle top + home umpire era against imran, wasim, waqar, qadir); and shyte against everyone else.

ironically he has hardon for Pak players only

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11 minutes ago, Need4Speed said:

Infact India didnt play with 11 players this series..shyte selections..to accomodate Roko.. and playing 2 spinners in Sydney grassy pitch lol..

We did everything we could to handover this series to Aus from TM side..

"I know it all" narcissist coach,arrogant idiot captain

If this is your engine room,even SL will fancy their chance against us at our very den itself

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I will say this again and many times Sanjay is not a cricket pundit. I am surprised he gets media gigs with his horrible commentary. Sometimes when I hear his opinions I wonder if he ever played cricket at the highest level. He once I think made a rude remark on Harsha about the latter not having any cricket playing experience etc. He is neither a good commentator nor is he professional. 

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