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What is your OPINION about homosexuality?


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Hindu texts and scriptures don't mention about homosexuality, coz Hinduism believes in collating different thoughts and practices.


Its unlike Abrahamic religion where concept of "us vs them" is deeply ingrained that even a choices of a human are restrained and controlled.


Hence for most of the Indian Society, they don't care about homosexuality till these discussions stay in their rightful place.


Ofcourse, Bollywood and other "independent web series" will keep on harping to show Hinduism as against Homosexuals while Abrahamic religions as those who accept and encourage them.

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28 minutes ago, coffee_rules said:

@Alam_dar I know you are conflicted and you are pondering here. We will accept you for who you are, man. Come out of the closet, brother.  Hindus are very understanding and open-minded . Raj Kapoor had sung ths song in the 60s itself: "bas yahi ik baat kehta hoon, aadmi hoo aadmi se pyaar karta hoon!".We know it is not an apradh. BJP government was the first since independence to de-criminalize gay sex. Ghar wapasi kar hi do.. to India and Hindusim and your brotherhood. 

He is confused. Someone who is born in a Islamic System, He can only see upto Secularism as better solution. Because thats how far off he can see. Limitations of distance a imagination can travel (Koop Mandook).

He cant go beyond that. He cant accept that Hindus who believe concept of "I" which is different than "Me" , "My Body", "My Soul" and concept of Moksha,  also happily accepted Charvak's philosophy "

यावज्जीवेत् सुखम् जीवेत् । (As long as I live, I should live in prosperity)

ऋणम् कृत्वा घृतम् पिबेत् ।। (Drink Ghee/acquire any materialistic stuff, even on Credit)


What/Who Hindus follow is a choice Hindus have. "Freedom of choice" ,"Incusivity" , To understand true meaning of these terms, He has to be born in a Hindu Society or he has to possess exceptional intellegince.

Edited by mishra
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55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

Or the language used is accurate and I have won the discussion, inferior liberal. 


Every Tomb, Dick and Jerry can make such claim. But the reality does not change that usage of such abusive language is a sign you don't have actual arguments and you want to win discussion through using abusive and offensive tactics. Calling me inferior liberal does not make me inferior, but it will only prove that you are indeed a Hindu supremacist. 


58 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

Firstly, a Hindu making a conclusion is irrelevant to what Hinduism says, since a Hindu is able to make conclusions without Hinduism in effect.


This is nonsense. You accused me of claiming something about Hinduism, which I didn't, but it were your fellow Hindus who claimed those things. Thus, you stay wrong for accusing me of that thing which I didn't commit. 


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

So classic inferior ethics of liberal ob display again, trying to pass off what hinduism says on the basis of random behaviour of a single hindu.

It doesn't matter if one Hindu said or all Hindus say, as the issue is I never said anything about Hinduism and that was the thing you wrongfully blamed me. 

1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

If Hindu scriptures is silent on homosexuals, then the conclusion of homosexuals being diseased or disabled is also not based off of Hinduism since Hinduism as you said is silent on the issue, retarded liberal. 

Where did I blame Hinduism that it calls homosexuality to be disease or disabled? 

I only asked the Hindu guy why if he considered homosexuality to be a disease and to be cured through therapy, medication etc. 


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

Yes it does. I am not responsible for condoning or criticising anything I am silent on. 


Of course, if the Hindu scriptures remain silent on the suffering of millions of homosexuals for thousands of years, this silence does not absolve them of responsibility.


Being silent on trivial issues which do not HARM anyone is acceptable. But if millions of people suffered for thousands of years, then this silence implicates them in the crime against humanity.


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

It doesn't. It implicates them in considering homosexuality as normal hence no comment on it. 


Their being neutral or normal on this issue means nothing if they utterly and completely failed to save millions of people from suffering for thousands of years. 


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

The one who brought Hinduism in it is you.


Show me where? These are your fellow Hindu friends who brought this issue right from the beginning. I only asked about their opinions and solutions in the opening post, and not about Hindu scriptures. 


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

The solution is simple- treat them as they have been and are treated in superior pagan asian societies. 


Your so-called simple solution is incomplete and it never answered the clear questions that I raised.


1. If homosexuality is considered natural or not?

2. If homosexuality is considered a disability/disease, why then Hindu gods made people to born with this ability/disease?

3. If homosexuality is a disability/disease, then you want it to be cured medically or through therapy or through parathna to Hindu gods? 

4. If you allow homosexuals to publicly appear as partners, to be able to publicly marry each other, to spend their lives as a family? 

5. Do you deny the LOVE between homosexual pairs? 

6. How can your Hindu society be considered superior to the Western society when it considers homosexuality to be disability/disease, discourages it, not let homosexuals appear openly in public in Hindu society? 


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

There is no mixup by me, since the mixup is from you liberals and treating lgbtq as one entity. I already differentiate between them as I only supoort lgb alliance. 


Of course, this is an intentional mixu0 by you here, as you are intentionally trying to mix the issue of transgender here. 

And I have not started the issue of transgender in this discussion, and I have no duty to defend all liberals. 


And if you are able to understand that the issue in this discussion by me is not transgender, then stop going again and again for men in frocks. 


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

Checkmate again. 


Abusing others and making and repeating false accusations is not equal to checkmate, but it is only equal to barking like dogs. And wise men already told that apni gali mein har kutta apna app ko sher samajh raha hota hai. 

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1 hour ago, mishra said:

Sanatan is not prescriptive. Its revisionist and descriptive. Hindu Dharma doesnt talk about how to have sex and who to have sex with. It talks about "Dharma". It doesnt prescribes exactly what is Dharma. "Dharma" of your body is is wakeup, eat digest,****, sleep. You have control of your body. What is your "Dharma" with your body is for you to figure out. Go love someone or have sex with someone or have sex with a donkey. Onus is on you


By the look of it, Although you claim you have gone beyond your religion and upbringing, You are actually wrong. Islam is still in you. Because , from outside, You only see and view things based on boundries of islam. Sometime inside boundry. Some time beyond the boundry. But you are always in and around Islamic boundry.


If god doesnt have to tell "pashu" (animals) how to have sex, why should it needs to tell "pahupati" (Supreme animal). Class one nonsense if god needs to tell Pashupati who, how and when to have Sex.



Open your mind, There is far more you can think of than what is written in the books.


Thank you Mishra ji for this post, although I still totally disagree with all that is written about divine scripts. 

If a divine script only concentrates on Dharma of my body, and does nothing to protect millions  of weak people from sufferings, then I cannot consider such a scripture to be divine. 


And thank you for the story, which I already knew. 

Actually, when we start criticizing Islam, then Islamists also claim exactly the same thing, i.e. we don't know about Islam and we have to first do a something like PhD on Islam before criticizing it. 

I don't consider myself to be a frog of well. I have the ability to observe, think and make rational decisions. 


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1 hour ago, coffee_rules said:

BJP government was the first since independence to de-criminalize gay sex.


Good for BJP for doing it. 

Although I remember something like this that Indian Supreme Court made a decision about it. However, if BJP is supporting this issue, then it is great too. 


1 hour ago, coffee_rules said:

Ghar wapasi kar hi do.. to India and Hindusim and your brotherhood. 


Hahaha. Thank you for the invitation. 

I am already trying to do ghar wapsi to HUMANITY.

We humans didn't originate in India, but we originated probably in Africa, and you are already my brother in humanity. 

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5 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Thank you Mishra ji for this post, although I still totally disagree with all that is written about divine scripts. 

If a divine script only concentrates on Dharma of my body, and does nothing to protect millions  of weak people from sufferings, then I cannot consider such a scripture to be divine. 


And thank you for the story, which I already knew. 

Actually, when we start criticizing Islam, then Islamists also claim exactly the same thing, i.e. we don't know about Islam and we have to first do a something like PhD on Islam before criticizing it. 

I don't consider myself to be a frog of well. I have the ability to observe, think and make rational decisions. 


First of all., there is no divinity in our scriptures, we all know who which rishi wrote what in vedas and finally compiled it all by rishi Ved Vyas. Although some trads believe Vedas as apaurushya (came from god and not manmade), I believe it is a abhrahmic religion influenced belief and only some sects believe in that. 

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1 hour ago, raki05 said:

@Alam_dar bro raise it on pakpassion as most maulanas are indulged in pedophillia/bachhabzi, isn’t bachhabazi is famous in Pakistan.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to do it on pakpassion. They already banned me multiple times. Muslims have a fully isolated system where they don't let anyone criticize Islam. But without criticism, no reformation is possible. Their Islamic system is destined to be doomed. 


And bachabazi is indeed widespread in Pakistan. However, I request you to please be cautious that there is a huge difference between Bachabazi and Homosexuality. Bachabazi is based upon victimhood, while homosexuality is based upon Love. 



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1 hour ago, mishra said:

also happily accepted Charvak's philosophy "

यावज्जीवेत् सुखम् जीवेत् । (As long as I live, I should live in prosperity)

ऋणम् कृत्वा घृतम् पिबेत् ।। (Drink Ghee/acquire any materialistic stuff, even on Credit)


Good for Hindu society for accepting Charvakas.


However, there is a difference between Hindu society and Hindu Vedas. 


The non-religious Secular western societies also accept all religions and ideologies. But they consider all religions/societies open for criticism. And I think Buddha and Charvakas also criticized Vedas and other traditions of Hindu society.

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27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Every Tomb, Dick and Jerry can make such claim. But the reality does not change that usage of such abusive language is a sign you don't have actual arguments and you want to win discussion through using abusive and offensive tactics. Calling me inferior liberal does not make me inferior, but it will only prove that you are indeed a Hindu supremacist. 

It makes you inferior since you hold on to inferior values that yeild higher mass murder, genocide, rape and degeneracy in the world today than asian pagans. 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:



This is nonsense. You accused me of claiming something about Hinduism, which I didn't, but it were your fellow Hindus who claimed those things. Thus, you stay wrong for accusing me of that thing which I didn't commit. 

They didn't claim it on behalf of Hinduism like you did, lying liberal. Show me where anyone here claimed anything about Hinduism's stance with Gays like you claimed in your typical inferior lying morals. 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


It doesn't matter if one Hindu said or all Hindus say, as the issue is I never said anything about Hinduism and that was the thing you wrongfully blamed me. 

Where did I blame Hinduism that it calls homosexuality to be disease or disabled? 

I only asked the Hindu guy why if he considered homosexuality to be a disease and to be cured through therapy, medication etc. 

Then WHY did you make the statement that Hinduism, like abrahamism discriminates against Gays, lying liberal ?? 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Of course, if the Hindu scriptures remain silent on the suffering of millions of homosexuals for thousands of years, this silence does not absolve them of responsibility.

It does. Because we are not morally culpable for anything we don't condone or decry. Neutral isn't Condemnable just as atheism isn't a belief according to u. 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Being silent on trivial issues which do not HARM anyone is acceptable. But if millions of people suffered for thousands of years, then this silence implicates them in the crime against humanity.

Show us millions of people suffered for being gay under Hinduism first. Millions of people suffering due to western degenerate religions and ideologies like socialism that openly calls for gay genocide, is not our responsibility. 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Their being neutral or normal on this issue means nothing if they utterly and completely failed to save millions of people from suffering for thousands of years. 



Show me where? These are your fellow Hindu friends who brought this issue right from the beginning. I only asked about their opinions and solutions in the opening post, and not about Hindu scriptures. 

The one who brought the issue Here is YOU. 

The one who equated Hindus to Muslims on Gays is you. 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Your so-called simple solution is incomplete and it never answered the clear questions that I raised.

Better solution than the one done in the west, as proven by history. Our history isn't of discriminating against homosexuals or using homosexuality and transgenderism to further misogyny like inferior western liberals who are noobs at LGBT tolerance compared to our established history of it. 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:

1. If homosexuality is considered natural or not?

2. If homosexuality is considered a disability/disease, why then Hindu gods made people to born with this ability/disease?

3. If homosexuality is a disability/disease, then you want it to be cured medically or through therapy or through parathna to Hindu gods? 

4. If you allow homosexuals to publicly appear as partners, to be able to publicly marry each other, to spend their lives as a family? 

5. Do you deny the LOVE between homosexual pairs? 

6. How can your Hindu society be considered superior to the Western society when it considers homosexuality to be disability/disease, discourages it, not let homosexuals appear openly in public in Hindu society? 

None of these questions are applicable since Hinduism has no stance on homosexuality to begin with. These questions are valid only for religions that address homosexuality, idiot liberal. 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Of course, this is an intentional mixu0 by you here, as you are intentionally trying to mix the issue of transgender here. 

And I have not started the issue of transgender in this discussion, and I have no duty to defend all liberals. 

The mix is from your retarded western liberals and leftists not us. We wanna separate homosexuality and trans but remember it's YOUR lgbtq liberals and leftists who see it as inseparable and one issue. 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:

And if you are able to understand that the issue in this discussion by me is not transgender, then stop going again and again for men in frocks. 

It's the inferior liberal and leftist solution today in play so ofcourse we will bring up inferior noob liberal solutions and criticize them. 

27 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Abusing others and making and repeating false accusations is not equal to checkmate, but it is only equal to barking like dogs. And wise men already told that apni gali mein har kutta apna app ko sher samajh raha hota hai. 

The false claims came from you: I have so far provided cited proof of every claimed fact, inferior educated lying libbu. 

Already proved to you that India has less discrimination and violent crime than the West, so does pretty much all of pagan Asia. Yet another evidence of pagan superiority over inferior western liberalism 

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12 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Good for BJP for doing it. 

Although I remember something like this that Indian Supreme Court made a decision about it. However, if BJP is supporting this issue, then it is great too. 


India courts cannot make laws , unlike Pakistan's.  they can only interpret them . Laws are made by legislature. Article 377 in our consititution criminalized homosexuality and it was an extention of IPC from British period who had a similar law in the British India Act of 1930s. It was observed by SC in multiple PILs to remove that article and SC asked the center to do it. BJP govt introduced the law to remove article 377 in the parliament. It was opposed by Muslim Mullahs and Christian religious organizations. No protests from Hindu organizations. It was passed in parliament.

Similar to Marriage law for LGBTQ, Muslims and Christians oppose it and no major opposition from HinIt is still under debate in our parliament. dus. And you think Hindus are not liberal. It is ingrained in our psyche about inclusion. Hence, we accept all reform  to our religion unlike some desert cults. 



12 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Hahaha. Thank you for the invitation. 

I am already trying to do ghar wapsi to HUMANITY.

We humans didn't originate in India, but we originated probably in Africa, and you are already my brother in humanity. 


Hindus originated from India and not in some white country as you believe. 

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52 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Thank you Mishra ji for this post, although I still totally disagree with all that is written about divine scripts. 

If a divine script only concentrates on Dharma of my body, and does nothing to protect millions  of weak people from sufferings, then I cannot consider such a scripture to be divine. 


And thank you for the story, which I already knew. 

Actually, when we start criticizing Islam, then Islamists also claim exactly the same thing, i.e. we don't know about Islam and we have to first do a something like PhD on Islam before criticizing it. 

I don't consider myself to be a frog of well. I have the ability to observe, think and make rational decisions. 



33 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Good for Hindu society for accepting Charvakas.


However, there is a difference between Hindu society and Hindu Vedas. 


The non-religious Secular western societies also accept all religions and ideologies. But they consider all religions/societies open for criticism. And I think Buddha and Charvakas also criticized Vedas and other traditions of Hindu society.

Told you, Read Ramayan in detail and u will not be confused about Dharma. Hindu Philosophy says attempt to take good things out and leave bad things from another person. So, when I mentioned Charvak, I meant the idea can coexist as long as fundamntals like inclusivity, freedom of choice, and Dharma exists. Ie u can follow Charvak, u can follow anyone as long as society following that someone lets you back into following Charvak. Ie Switch based on your “Vivek” (wisdom is english term to Vivek but its probably means virtue social family knowledge futuristic wisdom in a man). None of that exists in whatever religion u are talking about. Because atheism, Islam or Christianity, all are prescriptive.



Did u ever wondered why Eirope followed and killed every Muslim in Spain at the victory and why Hindu kings let the invaders leave once they beat them. Because they misunderstood that Islam or Christianity is a pantha(belief System). A lot of Modern Hindus is aware of it now. Specially ones that matter understand it. 

The country you are living in, Charlie Hebdo happens. Just because of a cartoon. When was last time someone was able to link paedophila among Churches to religion.  I have never seen someone seriously attacking Christianity and its practices in a debate. They only attack Islam and parliament and judiciary, both are associated with Church and widom from bible. If you think its not the case in West, You are purely ignorant.



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@Alam_dar when Auarangzeb put his father Shah Jahan in prison, During summer days , Shah Jahan observed through his daughter that his water bucket wasn’t enough to last whole day. Hearing this 
Aurangzeb told his sis that he should be thankful that he left him alive. 
Its written that hearing this in prison cell, Shah Jahan wrote, What kind of Superior System we have come to establish on the people who even give water to their parents, years after death while his own son cant provide though he is alive.


Same is with you. You have no clue about Hindus. 

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1 hour ago, coffee_rules said:


India courts cannot make laws , unlike Pakistan's.  they can only interpret them . Laws are made by legislature. Article 377 in our consititution criminalized homosexuality and it was an extention of IPC from British period who had a similar law in the British India Act of 1930s. It was observed by SC in multiple PILs to remove that article and SC asked the center to do it. BJP govt introduced the law to remove article 377 in the parliament. It was opposed by Muslim Mullahs and Christian religious organizations. No protests from Hindu organizations. It was passed in parliament.

Similar to Marriage law for LGBTQ, Muslims and Christians oppose it and no major opposition from HinIt is still under debate in our parliament. dus. And you think Hindus are not liberal. It is ingrained in our psyche about inclusion. Hence, we accept all reform  to our religion unlike some desert cults. 




Hindus originated from India and not in some white country as you believe. 

Root cause of inequality is prescriptive System. We didn’t needed any convincing or renaissance to root out social inequality. We didn’t needed suffrage movement, No civil war for caste issue. We just accepted the ills and right solutions.


We have problems of caste. We introduced , enshrined in our constitution and Administration with no or very limited opposition in for of reservation in every sphere.

Take the case of West where @Alam_dar is sitting. Racism is there, but till date, no step anywhere close to helping the non whites have been taken. Max, they have done is, make use of some term as “illegal”.

Edited by mishra
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3 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

They didn't claim it on behalf of Hinduism like you did, lying liberal.


Either Hinduism or Hindu society or their personal opinion, on whichever's behalf they made this claim, but it was made by them and not me. You stay wrong and wrong and wrong on all accounts of making this accusation against me. 



3 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

It makes you inferior since you hold on to inferior values that yeild higher mass murder, genocide, rape and degeneracy in the world today than asian pagans. 


Is this really your excuse for your abusive behaviour. I feel pity on your mentality, your supremacist mind made you fall so low.


3 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

It does. Because we are not morally culpable for anything we don't condone or decry. Neutral isn't Condemnable just as atheism isn't a belief according to u. 


Of course, this silence absolutely not absolve Hindu gods of responsibility of first making poor people born with disability/disease, and then not making sure their safety by becoming totally silent. 


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Show us millions of people suffered for being gay under Hinduism first.


You escaped from answering the main issue: "Being silent on trivial issues which do not HARM anyone is acceptable. But if millions of people suffered for thousands of years, then this silence implicates them in the crime against humanity."


Secondly, if your Hindu gods made the whole universe and all humans on this earth, then indeed millions of homosexuals suffered during last thousands of years due to your Hindu gods. 


What else? Should all these millions of homosexuals have to appear in front of you to prove their existence? You are a stubborn blind person, and thus even if they appear in front of you, you are still going to deny their existence. 


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

The one who equated Hindus to Muslims on Gays is you.


Yes, if Hindus are Muslims both are claiming homosexuality to be disability/disease, then why should we not equate them on this issue? 

Remember, I didn't claim Hinduism consider it a disability/disease, but only those Hindus who claimed it to be a disability/disease. 

So, it is you who has been constantly wrongfully accusing me to prove your wrong point. 


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Better solution than the one done in the west, as proven by history.


Ya, now go and hide behind history. While history was not the issue, but the SOLUTION today was the issue. 

And the history of Secular West is starting in this century as it is gaining power against religious people in the West and making sure people get their human rights. But a stubborn person like you will keep on blaming the present day Secular Western people for the crimes of religious Western people in the past decades. 

4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

None of these questions are applicable since Hinduism has no stance on homosexuality to begin with.


Nonsense. All these questions are valid and applicable today as Hindu SOCIETY have to present the complete solution. The silence of Hindu scriptures means nothing for solving the problems of Hindu society. 

Thus, if the Hindu society wants to present the complete solution, then it has to answer all these questions without any exception:


1. If homosexuality is considered natural or not?

2. If homosexuality is considered a disability/disease, why then Hindu gods made people to born with this ability/disease?

3. If homosexuality is a disability/disease, then you want it to be cured medically or through therapy or through parathna to Hindu gods? 

4. If you allow homosexuals to publicly appear as partners, to be able to publicly marry each other, to spend their lives as a family? 

5. Do you deny the LOVE between homosexual pairs? 

6. How can your Hindu society be considered superior to the Western society when it considers homosexuality to be disability/disease, discourages it, not let homosexuals appear openly in public in Hindu society? 



4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

The mix is from your retarded western liberals and leftists not us. We wanna separate homosexuality and trans but remember it's YOUR lgbtq liberals and leftists who see it as inseparable and one issue. 


As mentioned earlier, there is no liberal here discussing transgender issues with you—it's just me, and the conversation was solely about homosexuality. However, since you have a habit of resorting to dirty tactics, you deliberately conflated these topics to hurl baseless accusations at me.

But, of course, your stubbornness won't allow you to admit your intentional error. Instead, you'll likely return, claiming victory and proclaiming a "checkmate."

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4 hours ago, coffee_rules said:

It was observed by SC in multiple PILs to remove that article and SC asked the center to do it. BJP govt introduced the law to remove article 377 in the parliament. It was opposed by Muslim Mullahs and Christian religious organizations. No protests from Hindu organizations. It was passed in parliament.


It seems that the BJP government at the time adopted a neutral stance on the matter. The government chose not to file an affidavit opposing the decriminalization but left the decision to the "wisdom of the court." Some members of the BJP and affiliated groups expressed personal reservations about the ruling, reflecting conservative views on the issue, but there was no formal party opposition to the judgment itself.

In my opinion, the credit goes to SC and not to BJP.

In fact, senior Congress leaders, including Rahul Gandhi and Shashi Tharoor, publicly expressed their support for homosexual rights and played a bigger role than BJP. 


4 hours ago, coffee_rules said:

Similar to Marriage law for LGBTQ, Muslims and Christians oppose it and no major opposition from HinIt is still under debate in our parliament. dus.


It seems that it is not correct and BJP indeed opposes the right for homosexuals to marry and imposes its own opinion upon homosexuals. 

Same-sex marriage: As Centre opposes it


Though the BJP and the RSS have seemingly come to accept the space for LGBTQ people in Indian society, the BJP-led government has been steadfast against recognising same-sex marriage.


BJP is a right wing conservative party. It was too good to believe that it can give priority to human rights of homosexuals against the conservative values and traditions of Hindu society.  

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45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Either Hinduism or Hindu society or their personal opinion, on whichever's behalf they made this claim, but it was made by them and not me. You stay wrong and wrong and wrong on all accounts of making this accusation against me. 

Why are liberals inferior humans ? Because they are shameless liars like you. 


You said this: 

" Then the conclusion becomes:


Abrahamic religions and Hinduism all consider homosexuality to be not natural, but a disease. 

The difference is dealing with it on state level or dealing with it on family level."


So you did make statement about what hinduism considers based off of a random dudes thought. 


You should lie less often and not live up to the ethics of lying liberals.  



45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:




Is this really your excuse for your abusive behaviour. I feel pity on your mentality, your supremacist mind made you fall so low.


The supremacist is you, retard. You claim supremacy of your belief of retarded white man ideologies, I do not claim supremacy of Hinduism over everything. I even said that if you wish to argue Hinduism isn't best paganism, sure. Find me one supremacist who says that, retarded lying liberal. 

45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:

Of course, this silence absolutely not absolve Hindu gods of responsibility of first making poor people born with disability/disease, and then not making sure their safety by becoming totally silent. 


Ofcourse it does, since Hindu gods are not responsible for what happens to us in life. Retarded ex abrahamic, stop evaluating Hinduism as an ignorant fool consuming liberal propaganda propaganda original Hindu material. 


This is not a rational criticism of Hinduism since in Hinduism gods do not determine fate of man. 

45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


You escaped from answering the main issue: "Being silent on trivial issues which do not HARM anyone is acceptable. But if millions of people suffered for thousands of years, then this silence implicates them in the crime against humanity."

There is no proven suffering for lgbtq prior to invention of abrahamic religions, so again, it's not our culpability. Nor is it a religions culpability for not predicting the future. 

45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Secondly, if your Hindu gods made the whole universe and all humans on this earth, then indeed millions of homosexuals suffered during last thousands of years due to your Hindu gods. 

Nope. Because retarded liberal, that isn't premise of Hinduism. How dare you engage in debate on Hinduism when you do not know basics?? Oh coz you are a lying inferior moral liberal.

45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


Yes, if Hindus are Muslims both are claiming homosexuality to be disability/disease, then why should we not equate them on this issue? 

Because Hindus expressing personal opinion is irrelevant to Hinduism, retarded lying liberal, while the muslim is stating scriptural fact. 

45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:

Remember, I didn't claim Hinduism consider it a disability/disease, but only those Hindus who claimed it to be a disability/disease. 

Liar, I quoted you as to what you claimed Hinduism claims. 

45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:

So, it is you who has been constantly wrongfully accusing me to prove your wrong point. 



Ya, now go and hide behind history. While history was not the issue, but the SOLUTION today was the issue. 

And the history of Secular West is starting in this century as it is gaining power against religious people in the West and making sure people get their human rights. But a stubborn person like you will keep on blaming the present day Secular Western people for the crimes of religious Western people in the past decades. 

I have proven that secular liberals and leftists are inferior to adian pagans by today's standards, since Secular Western and leftists have far more blood on their hand than asian pagans in the same period, western leftists and liberals preside over societies that are orders of magnitude worse at raping women than asian pagans and don't use western lgbtq nonsense to peddle misogyny in a frock. Not to mention, western liberals and leftists lose in direct competition to adian pagans in every civilized metric known to man in their own backyard. 


45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:

Nonsense. All these questions are valid and applicable today as Hindu SOCIETY have to present the complete solution. The silence of Hindu scriptures means nothing for solving the problems of Hindu society. 

Thus, if the Hindu society wants to present the complete solution, then it has to answer all these questions without any exception:


1. If homosexuality is considered natural or not?

2. If homosexuality is considered a disability/disease, why then Hindu gods made people to born with this ability/disease?

3. If homosexuality is a disability/disease, then you want it to be cured medically or through therapy or through parathna to Hindu gods? 

4. If you allow homosexuals to publicly appear as partners, to be able to publicly marry each other, to spend their lives as a family? 

5. Do you deny the LOVE between homosexual pairs? 

6. How can your Hindu society be considered superior to the Western society when it considers homosexuality to be disability/disease, discourages it, not let homosexuals appear openly in public in Hindu society? 


None of these are problems in Hindu society as there  is no history of discrimination against lgbtq in Hindu society. 

So these problems do not exist in Hindu society. 

45 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


As mentioned earlier, there is no liberal here discussing transgender issues with you—it's just me, and the conversation was solely about homosexuality. However, since you have a habit of resorting to dirty tactics, you deliberately conflated these topics to hurl baseless accusations at me.

But, of course, your stubbornness won't allow you to admit your intentional error. Instead, you'll likely return, claiming victory and proclaiming a "checkmate."


As I mentioned, lying liberal, it's YOU western liberals who lump together lgbtq as one and decry efforts to separate lgb from tq as conservative ploy. This can be cited. Therefore it is valid to criticise western liberal policies on lgbtq as they basically use transgenderism to erase Gays and lesbians today and perpetrate liberal rate of misogyny. 


I pointed this out in solutions category: our lgbtq solution as Hindu or asian pagan is superior to liberal western solution since ours is a proven 2000 year old product and not noob inferior western people ideas of 50 years that end up funking over women 

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37 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


It seems that the BJP government at the time adopted a neutral stance on the matter. The government chose not to file an affidavit opposing the decriminalization but left the decision to the "wisdom of the court." Some members of the BJP and affiliated groups expressed personal reservations about the ruling, reflecting conservative views on the issue, but there was no formal party opposition to the judgment itself.

In my opinion, the credit goes to SC and not to BJP.

In fact, senior Congress leaders, including Rahul Gandhi and Shashi Tharoor, publicly expressed their support for homosexual rights and played a bigger role than BJP. 



It seems that it is not correct and BJP indeed opposes the right for homosexuals to marry and imposes its own opinion upon homosexuals. 

Same-sex marriage: As Centre opposes it


Though the BJP and the RSS have seemingly come to accept the space for LGBTQ people in Indian society, the BJP-led government has been steadfast against recognising same-sex marriage.


BJP is a right wing conservative party. It was too good to believe that it can give priority to human rights of homosexuals against the conservative values and traditions of Hindu society.  

The reason is bjp does not believe in judicial fascism of the west and India isn't the uncivilized land where unelected judges make rules. Bjp has steadfastly said they will legislate gay marriage when Indian public is majority in favour of it. Like a true Democrat party. 

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25 minutes ago, Alam_dar said:


It seems that the BJP government at the time adopted a neutral stance on the matter. The government chose not to file an affidavit opposing the decriminalization but left the decision to the "wisdom of the court." Some members of the BJP and affiliated groups expressed personal reservations about the ruling, reflecting conservative views on the issue, but there was no formal party opposition to the judgment itself.

In my opinion, the credit goes to SC and not to BJP.

In fact, senior Congress leaders, including Rahul Gandhi and Shashi Tharoor, publicly expressed their support for homosexual rights and played a bigger role than BJP. 



It seems that it is not correct and BJP indeed opposes the right for homosexuals to marry and imposes its own opinion upon homosexuals. 

Same-sex marriage: As Centre opposes it


Though the BJP and the RSS have seemingly come to accept the space for LGBTQ people in Indian society, the BJP-led government has been steadfast against recognising same-sex marriage.


BJP is a right wing conservative party. It was too good to believe that it can give priority to human rights of homosexuals against the conservative values and traditions of Hindu society.  

The law was passed by the  parliament. Who tables it and who opposed it very clear.   Why should SC get the credit , as they can’t even pass laws in India!!. For laws, they ask the Center government for action.

Again, you show limited knowledge of how things work in the Indian system by just googling  stuff. Congress or RaGa get zero credit as they claim they  are good for gays only  if Muslim organizations give the “green” signal. 


There is some legal opposition to gay marriage in our IPC regarding property rights etc., that’s what the Center is arguing. My point was the opposition to gay rights is coming only from bigots of Muslims and Christians and not from Hindus. VHP or Bajrang Dal or even BJP  has not protested on the street against gay rights. You are a dumb bulb to understand it. 

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^ Think, BJP was forced by SC judge saying that Government has to make it clear, whn BJP was expecting Judiciary to handle the matter. There are many Woke judges who like to remind Indian Muslim voters that BJP as against Islamic principles no matter how barbaric or illoogical or unfit the practice/ principle is.


And here we have a so called ex Muslim preaching new facts and truths by googling what he thinks is Truth

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