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Foreign players boycott BPL matches over non payment.

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3 hours ago, singhvivek141 said:

Who is responsible for the proverty? 

We all know who they are and from which party they belong to.


You are free to have anti-xyz party agenda, but don't show your half baked knowledge by trying to deceive others while very carefully placing the cloak on someone else's wrong doings. The time of left narrative is past its sell date.


Anyway, this is a cricket talk section, I won't go deeper than that to derail the point. We have chit chat for that.

The hypocrisy is that your favorite party is engaging in the same corruption and same tactics but people like you shut your mouth.


The only people deceiving are those like you who cried about corruption all their life but as soon as your cult party is on power 10x corruption and slave mentality is being ignored 


The same numbers which were being used by you to blame congress is now being called fake when it's your cult party in power


It's the same hypocrisy which you guys invoke in every aspect of your life. Cry about nepotism in Bollywood but mouth shut when it's in cricket because your party does it. Corruption is ok now because congress who have not been in power for nearly 11+ years can be blamed. 


The absolute gall of you calling others deciever is hilarious.


So how long before you stop blaming other parties? 50 more years? A 100 more years? You have got used to blaming everything on them that you dont even realize your cult party had 11+ years to make things better but we have gone backwards and you can only cry about fake numbers 


For god's sake, your cult has been in power for 11+ years now with 4 more years minimum mandate. Learn to stop blaming the past and own up and be a man. Or be called a hypocrite.

Edited by New guy
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2 minutes ago, New guy said:

The hypocrisy is that your favorite party is engaging in the same corruption and same tactics but people like you shut your mouth.


The only people deceiving are those like you who cried about corruption all their life but as soon as your cult party is on power 10x corruption and slave mentality is being ignored 


The same numbers which were being used by you to blame congress is now being called fake when it's your cult party in power


It's the same hypocrisy which you guys invoke in every aspect of your life. Cry about nepotism in Bollywood but mouth shut when it's in cricket because your party does it. Corruption is ok now because congress who have not been in power for nearly 15 years can be blamed. 


The absolute gall of you calling others deciever is hilarious.


So how long before you stop blaming other parties? 50 more years? A 100 more years? You have got used to blaming everything on them that you dont even realize your cult party had 15 years to make things better but we have gone backwards and you can only cry about fake numbers 


For god's sake, your cult has been in power for 15 years now. Learn to stop blaming the past and own up and be a man. Or be called a hypocrite.

It seems you can't resist the urge of spreading agenda and turning everything as us vs them.


Not sure how much you have studied history, but constructive changes don't happen overnight. Its easier to bomb a country and burn down to Ashes. But it takes a lot of sustainable effort to rebuild it from scratch. If you would have build something for real then you would understand it.


My so called "cult party" in 15 years have done 2000 times more than what your "pappu party" did in 70 odd years. If I will start listing down their blunders then even a thread won't be enough.


But some people, who cant tolerate the good work will keep looking for excuses and other veil agendas to malign all the progress.


Your pappu party already brought enough shame courtesy of their scams during commonwealth games, 2G, 3G, Coalgate and what not. My cult party successfully organized G20 across the country and multiple cities bringing investment and revenue.


Make no mistake, I am not on any drugs and I understand there are work yet to be done. But Rome isnt built in a day. Even your favourite party's champion Shahjahan built the so called "Taj Mahal" in 22 freaking years, and here the pappu party fans are moaning as they are out of power since last 15 years.

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4 hours ago, New guy said:

Because we are a secular, democratic country which never allowed extremism to flourish. Same thing with the west. None of these countries allowed their countries to be ruled based on majority religion. Things are changing now. Meanwhile desert cult built countries around majority religions and we can see the results. Religious extremism has always destroyed countries regardless of which religion it is. The proof is the amount of hate religious bigots spew even in india.


Right wing low IQ lunatics never understand this, they keep blaming other religion extremism and then want to destroy secularism in their own county and usher in majority religion tyranny. Its hilarious how right wingers from every country are exactly same and have always held back progress of humanity


There is a reason every time right wing comes into power we have anti science, anti education, global warming denial, hating on equality and things like basic human empathy while spreading hate and ignorance. . Low IQ Right wing loonies have always been the cancer holding back humanity's progress throughout centuries. 

The 'secular, democratic' you speak of is not because it is in the constitution but because of the majority population and their - mostly religious - sensibilities. it's another thing that that that warped notion of anti-majoritarian 'secularism' which is being held up as a moderate ideal is itself an extreme which pretends to be neutral and because it has been normalized and the people have been relentlessly brainwashed into thinking this is what holds the nation together. Across the world most countries are run along religious lines only, they even have it in their Constitutions even the ones you think are 'progressive' and are a shining example for us. 


The other 2 paragraphs are the usual fact free, wishful tropes, delusional posturing and projection with no resemblance to reality or history which is the standard fare we get from ignorant low IQ ideologically possessed left leaning libtards who try to compensate for their lack of knowledge with a shrill display of moral superiority akin to the kind you see from 8 yr olds in school who tell on others. Nothing new there.

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4 hours ago, New guy said:

These index right or wrong are still good indicators of which way a country is moving. Those indexes were moving one direction, but now they are moving in another on the same index


And whats the alternative you propose? chest thump and be jingoistic while we have so much poverty still and government polices always help rich businessmen? Blindly believe your cult political party when they claim we are living in a paradise with all well when we see huge inflation and benefits never reaching common people or middle class? 


A flawed index is still better than no index or just PR driven by a populist party. Just because you really really want to believ your favorite party ushered in paradise, doesnt make reality so


Heck this party and its affiliated businessmen have been buying russian oil at throw away prices. Yet indians have not seen one paisa benefit, nor petrol diesel prices have gone down. Every single penny has gone to the businessmen and the party. This is corruption at an unprecedented scale. Thats the biggest proof of whats happening with this country and the real gulami mentality


The real gulami mentality here is not based on skin color or us vs whites. Its rich billionaires everywhere aligning with right wing parties and taking the common man for a ride. From Trump to our own businessmen, this is whats happening and how the world is shaping. Our next generations are just going to live in countries controlled only by these corrupt businessmen. They are the kings and queens and we are the servants. We literally saw that when public roads were closed for a wedding and chest thumping nationalist who worry so much about celebrities said nothing. 

Indexes which fly in the face of reality and common sense but come from a place of partisan ideological leanings deserve to be shoved where the sun doesn't shine. This cuts both ways and the parochialism on the left-libtard/gloablist side is perhaps starker than the Goebellsian attempt to paint their opponents with that brush. 


BTW if you beef is with billionaires you should see who funds all so called 'progressive' causes in the world and especially in the West. Champagne socialist leftist rags routinely whine about 'oligarchs' while being full to the gills with that sweet billionaire money themselves but they hope people don't notice that if they constantly harp on about 'muh right wing in cahoots with evil billionaires ree'. Pound for pound it is not even a comparison but you;d have to be anything other than a cognitively challenged zergling NPC who spouts just US coastal liberal talking points to get validation to observe this. 

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19 minutes ago, New guy said:

The hypocrisy is that your favorite party is engaging in the same corruption and same tactics but people like you shut your mouth.


The only people deceiving are those like you who cried about corruption all their life but as soon as your cult party is on power 10x corruption and slave mentality is being ignored 


The same numbers which were being used by you to blame congress is now being called fake when it's your cult party in power


It's the same hypocrisy which you guys invoke in every aspect of your life. Cry about nepotism in Bollywood but mouth shut when it's in cricket because your party does it. Corruption is ok now because congress who have not been in power for nearly 11+ years can be blamed. 


The absolute gall of you calling others deciever is hilarious.


So how long before you stop blaming other parties? 50 more years? A 100 more years? You have got used to blaming everything on them that you dont even realize your cult party had 11+ years to make things better but we have gone backwards and you can only cry about fake numbers 


For god's sake, your cult has been in power for 11+ years now with 4 more years minimum mandate. Learn to stop blaming the past and own up and be a man. Or be called a hypocrite.

Corruption and nepotism you cannot compare even if you agree that both are guilty of it to some extent, the proportions are not even in the same universe. Such people who cannot stop exhibiting cult like behavior should stop embarrassing themselves and call others bhakts when they cannot put that ideological filter down even if they tried very hard.

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6 hours ago, New guy said:

These index right or wrong are still good indicators of which way a country is moving. Those indexes were moving one direction, but now they are moving in another on the same index


And whats the alternative you propose? chest thump and be jingoistic while we have so much poverty still and government polices always help rich businessmen? Blindly believe your cult political party when they claim we are living in a paradise with all well when we see huge inflation and benefits never reaching common people or middle class? 


A flawed index is still better than no index or just PR driven by a populist party. Just because you really really want to believ your favorite party ushered in paradise, doesnt make reality so


Heck this party and its affiliated businessmen have been buying russian oil at throw away prices. Yet indians have not seen one paisa benefit, nor petrol diesel prices have gone down. Every single penny has gone to the businessmen and the party. This is corruption at an unprecedented scale. Thats the biggest proof of whats happening with this country and the real gulami mentality


The real gulami mentality here is not based on skin color or us vs whites. Its rich billionaires everywhere aligning with right wing parties and taking the common man for a ride. From Trump to our own businessmen, this is whats happening and how the world is shaping. Our next generations are just going to live in countries controlled only by these corrupt businessmen. They are the kings and queens and we are the servants. We literally saw that when public roads were closed for a wedding and chest thumping nationalist who worry so much about celebrities said nothing. 

Lol you try to divert each debate to bjp and right wing. Never anywhere i mention about any political party, this is the tactics of left librandu as an when a little uncomfortable question is asked they will try to divert the topic.

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1 hour ago, New guy said:

The hypocrisy is that your favorite party is engaging in the same corruption and same tactics but people like you shut your mouth.


The only people deceiving are those like you who cried about corruption all their life but as soon as your cult party is on power 10x corruption and slave mentality is being ignored 


The same numbers which were being used by you to blame congress is now being called fake when it's your cult party in power


It's the same hypocrisy which you guys invoke in every aspect of your life. Cry about nepotism in Bollywood but mouth shut when it's in cricket because your party does it. Corruption is ok now because congress who have not been in power for nearly 11+ years can be blamed. 


The absolute gall of you calling others deciever is hilarious.


So how long before you stop blaming other parties? 50 more years? A 100 more years? You have got used to blaming everything on them that you dont even realize your cult party had 11+ years to make things better but we have gone backwards and you can only cry about fake numbers 


For god's sake, your cult has been in power for 11+ years now with 4 more years minimum mandate. Learn to stop blaming the past and own up and be a man. Or be called a hypocrite.

Ok prove  top 10 scam of rulings party and i will provide you the list of evidence of your favourite party. After that dont divert this thread to party specific discussion. I asked yoo that china is mainly budhhist and literally did mass killing of Uighars their conversion, raped their ladies in confiscation camp forcefully married their wives and daughter to chinese people , made their men impotent and look at their economy they are majority driven government. 

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15 minutes ago, raki05 said:

Lol you try to divert each debate to bjp and right wing. Never anywhere i mention about any political party, this is the tactics of left librandu as an when a little uncomfortable question is asked they will try to divert the topic.

Monkey balancing every single time 

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1 hour ago, rollingstoned said:

The 'secular, democratic' you speak of is not because it is in the constitution but because of the majority population and their - mostly religious - sensibilities. it's another thing that that that warped notion of anti-majoritarian 'secularism' which is being held up as a moderate ideal is itself an extreme which pretends to be neutral and because it has been normalized and the people have been relentlessly brainwashed into thinking this is what holds the nation together. Across the world most countries are run along religious lines only, they even have it in their Constitutions even the ones you think are 'progressive' and are a shining example for us. 


The other 2 paragraphs are the usual fact free, wishful tropes, delusional posturing and projection with no resemblance to reality or history which is the standard fare we get from ignorant low IQ ideologically possessed left leaning libtards who try to compensate for their lack of knowledge with a shrill display of moral superiority akin to the kind you see from 8 yr olds in school who tell on others. Nothing new there.

@New guy will run away as soon as you ask why secularism fabric dint help kashmiri pandit desertion from kashmir valley. When his fav party was ruling the country.

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1 hour ago, raki05 said:

@New guy will run away as soon as you ask why secularism fabric dint help kashmiri pandit desertion from kashmir valley. When his fav party was ruling the country.

That party also oversaw partition along religious lines, at that time also there were people like this who would've called you some variation of 'andhbhakt' in the 1920s if you told them nation will be divided like this in the future. 

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9 minutes ago, Zero_Unit said:

Clown league. Just checked on Cricinfo, no decent international players playing this year too - tells you the reality of this league.


P.S did Taskin get into an IPL team this year? Bro seems to be on fire with the ball lately


I would prefer no B'desh player to be selected. No point allowing religious extremists benefiting from Indian economy and IPL. Just like Pak, they should be kept away. And it's not as if we'll miss out on any world beaters :giggle:

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39 minutes ago, Ultimate_Game said:


I would prefer no B'desh player to be selected. No point allowing religious extremists benefiting from Indian economy and IPL. Just like Pak, they should be kept away. And it's not as if we'll miss out on any world beaters :giggle:

I mean IPL is full of AFG players - you can't have anymore religious extrimists than them. 

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3 minutes ago, Zero_Unit said:

I mean IPL is full of AFG players - you can't have anymore religious extrimists than them. 



Well the Afghans, and rest of Muslim world, are not that anti-India or anti-Hindu. It's just the converted 2nd hand Muslims of the Indian subcontinent who are vitriolic in their hatred towards the Hindus.


The Indian subcontinent Mullahs intentionally preach them to hate Hinduism so that they don't fall back to the religion of their ancestors.


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7 minutes ago, AuxiliA said:



Well the Afghans, and rest of Muslim world, are not that anti-India or anti-Hindu. It's just the converted 2nd hand Muslims of the Indian subcontinent who are vitriolic in their hatred towards the Hindus.


The Indian subcontinent Mullahs intentionally preach them to hate Hinduism so that they don't fall back to the religion of their ancestors.


Just for an FYI, alot of western countries (especially Canada) are anti-india now

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2 minutes ago, Zero_Unit said:

Just for an FYI, alot of western countries (especially Canada) are anti-india now



Yeah I know that very well. And that has to do with the Disinformation spread by the subcontinent muslims (especially P@kis) and also the anti-Hindu Leftists. 


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13 hours ago, rollingstoned said:

This league is not even shown on tv this year thankfully. It was last yr. Not that it was worth watching anyways, when other better ones are going on at the same time. 

not shown on tv otherwise the crowds bigotry will be exposed

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38 minutes ago, AuxiliA said:



Yeah I know that very well. And that has to do with the Disinformation spread by the subcontinent muslims (especially P@kis) and also the anti-Hindu Leftists. 


I think you have your information wrong. It has nothing to do with Hinduism or Muslims and everything to do with India and Indians (this also includes Bangladeshi and Pakistani - but mostly Indians are to be blamed). You should look it up - keywords to look for: international students and refugee claims (insert western country name). Law abiding citizens is also another keyword you can look up. Anyways we are derailing away from the core subject of this thread: bpl = clown league.

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