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Foreign players boycott BPL matches over non payment.

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5 minutes ago, Zero_Unit said:

I think you have your information wrong. It has nothing to do with Hinduism or Muslims and everything to do with India and Indians (this also includes Bangladeshi and Pakistani - but mostly Indians are to be blamed). You should look it up - keywords to look for: international students and refugee claims (insert western country name). Law abiding citizens is also another keyword you can look up. Anyways we are derailing away from the core subject of this thread: bpl = clown league.



I wasn't talking about immigrant issues or even the western countries. I think we are arguing over 2 different things. So let's call it a day lol. 


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2 hours ago, Zero_Unit said:

I mean IPL is full of AFG players - you can't have anymore religious extrimists than them. 


Afg players don't come off like that though. They don't have this "better than thou" attitude. Most of Afg players are humble and nice people. I don't recall anyone doing or saying anything which shows them as religious extremists. The only incident I recall is when Kohli the @$$hat did his usual drama with a Afg pacer and the Afg player didn't back down. Wish the Afg player had manhandled Kohli and taught him some manners.


Literally every Afg player from Rashid Khan, Naib, Gurbaz, Mujeeb to their pacers are nice folks. Not so with B'desh. Compare them to that midget Mushfiqur Rahim or annoying Shakib. There's no comparison between the two.

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9 hours ago, Ultimate_Game said:


Afg players don't come off like that though. They don't have this "better than thou" attitude. Most of Afg players are humble and nice people. I don't recall anyone doing or saying anything which shows them as religious extremists. The only incident I recall is when Kohli the @$$hat did his usual drama with a Afg pacer and the Afg player didn't back down. Wish the Afg player had manhandled Kohli and taught him some manners.


Literally every Afg player from Rashid Khan, Naib, Gurbaz, Mujeeb to their pacers are nice folks. Not so with B'desh. Compare them to that midget Mushfiqur Rahim or annoying Shakib. There's no comparison between the two.

I'll agree with you on that. However, I was referring to the fans/country in general. 

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19 hours ago, raki05 said:

Lol you try to divert each debate to bjp and right wing. Never anywhere i mention about any political party, this is the tactics of left librandu as an when a little uncomfortable question is asked they will try to divert the topic.

It's not even party ,they blame it very clearly on "majority" that is the Hindus

Where there is no evidence of Hindus threatening the security of any nation around the world but you will always find news on daily 24×7 basis a certain real "cult" causing mayhem and threatening the majority of each and every nation where they have found refuge or have been part for long till the time they have significant numbers

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8 minutes ago, Suhaan said:

It's not even party ,they blame it very clearly on "majority" that is the Hindus

Where there is no evidence of Hindus threatening the security of any nation around the world but you will always find news on daily 24×7 basis a certain real "cult" causing mayhem and threatening the majority of each and every nation where they have found refuge or have been part for long till the time they have significant numbers

Dude it doesn't matter what religion is majority. Majority religion rule by default will always lead to tyranny. And it's true for ANY religion. 


There is no evidence of Hindus threatening because the country where Hindus live have always been a secular one which didn't allow religion to interfere and the Hindus all over the world have grown up with a secular mentality and can assimilate wherever they go


Meanwhile there have many countries where Muslim religion is fed from birth and religion becomes the main point, so even when they move out they carry the same regressive thoughts 


But what you guys want is for india to turn into a majority religious obsessed country and religion to interfere in democracy. So you want us to follow the path to destruction 


You are the people with religion on your mind. Most normal people know that what helps countries and people is secularism, democracy and liberal values. 

Edited by New guy
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19 hours ago, raki05 said:

@New guy will run away as soon as you ask why secularism fabric dint help kashmiri pandit desertion from kashmir valley. When his fav party was ruling the country.

Kashmir was a special case and disputed region. But over years we brought peace and stability to the region, which is again now going back.


What's hilarious is people like you always think there are short cuts in countries like India. That you can just force people as diverse as Indians by force to obey things. Because populists make empty promises you blindly swallow.


It takes time and patience to build a nation and decades to improve. Which we finally are. But right wing bigots want all the years of progess to go back and be destroyed so their favorite party can rule on the ashes


Because of what happened in Kashmir 50 years ago you want the entire india to be kashmir now. 


P.S. there is a reason all of you guys discuss things from 50 years ago. Because you have nothing to say about what's happening now for last 15 years.

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21 hours ago, singhvivek141 said:

It seems you can't resist the urge of spreading agenda and turning everything as us vs them.


Not sure how much you have studied history, but constructive changes don't happen overnight. Its easier to bomb a country and burn down to Ashes. But it takes a lot of sustainable effort to rebuild it from scratch. If you would have build something for real then you would understand it.


My so called "cult party" in 15 years have done 2000 times more than what your "pappu party" did in 70 odd years. If I will start listing down their blunders then even a thread won't be enough.


But some people, who cant tolerate the good work will keep looking for excuses and other veil agendas to malign all the progress.


Your pappu party already brought enough shame courtesy of their scams during commonwealth games, 2G, 3G, Coalgate and what not. My cult party successfully organized G20 across the country and multiple cities bringing investment and revenue.


Make no mistake, I am not on any drugs and I understand there are work yet to be done. But Rome isnt built in a day. Even your favourite party's champion Shahjahan built the so called "Taj Mahal" in 22 freaking years, and here the pappu party fans are moaning as they are out of power since last 15 years.

The corruption which is happenijg now is 1000 times worse than any under congress yet your paid media and bhakts are too cowardly to call it out


The amount of oil bought from Russia eclipses anything the country has ever seen yet not one pasia has been seen by indias who pay among the highest rate in the world. Every single penny is in the pocket of those close to the goverment.


We used to talk about 100s of crores for congress, now today 100s of billions of dollars in oil etc are being done through goverment influence directly into pockets of billionaires,.yet bhakts and media won't question it



Entire city and roads are being shut down for weddings of businessmen, the country was never sold out to rich people to this extent in our history.


Nothing which congress ever did comes any close. Most polices which this government implements is to benefit their close businessmen. 


This is exactly what I call out in you guys, you guys have been crying non stop about Congress corruption for years but ignore what's happening on a much larger scale today . This is exactly what the right wing is doing in US, they spoke about corruptions of democrats but ignore that trump is literally selling out country to highest bidders. Same thing is happening in india today



India was already on the road to prosperity by 2014 and nothing which has happened since is something which was not predicted in advance, in fact more than this growth rate was predicted,  you could put a monkey in charge and india would have achieved exactly same thing which we have in the past 11 years



Most of the policies which are bearing fruit are all already set in place by manmohan, your PR just likes stealing credit. 


You cannot name one single unique policies which this government has done which helped the said growth. And all the summits etc comes automatically with that growth. 


On the contrary they pulled stunts like demonistisatiom which actually stifled the growth of our country and caused death and suffering but yet again you are too brain washed to question that. Imagine if congress or anyone else had pulled such brain dead stunts to torture its own citizens and in the end achieved nothing through it.


Basically like every populist they just like to steal credit for all good things in place and pays media to never publish the truth and brain washed low IQ supporters keep parroting the PR.


Edited by New guy
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21 minutes ago, BlueBlood said:

Silly posts like this is what makes India not create a single ChatGPT competitor while already China is dominating with DeepSeek etc.


Bangladesh geographically is in a flood zone with high water tables. Despite this they have a strong garment industry and relatively decent supply chain ecosystem more than many neighboring countries like Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc.


Instead of comparing India to China, we constantly feel superior comparing to countries which are punching above their weight despite many things holding them back.


Other than cricket, India has same funding issues for all other sports. 


This sudden fake patriotism needs to stop. It wasnt there before Modi. It's gotten to the point where people can't even criticize failures like Rohit Sharma because he has blessing of nepo kid Jay Shah.


If not for being the most populous country in the world blessed with areas like Deccan plateau which gets zero flooding (perfect for data centers and IT) and Ganges river and farmlands along with several tax incentives in the 90's and early 2000's for the IT sector with glorified body shops operating like Infosys, Wipro, TCS etc. With zero inventions, what's so much to boast about. 95% of posters here escaped India and comment about patriotism.


This is the biggest problem with the right wing lunatics. They are more focused on how others are doing worse than them and chest thump. 


Some of their logic makes no sense.


1) Constantly chest thump about being better than pakistan and bangladesh as if they should be bench mark. Not nations leaving us behind. On the other hand all western nation are enemies.


2) Want to change things in india and bring hatred here based on what these failed nations are doing in their home. Imagine how brain dead you need to be to look at failed countries and what's happening there and think - hey they are spreading religious hatred, let's do the same in my country!


3) Constantly talk about past to excuse present government. On the one hand they claim that government sucked, so surely current should do better? But instead of holding accountable, they keep looking backwards. 15 years is not enough apparently


It's a strange kind of double speak for them where their enemies are weak and incompetent yet are responsible for every single thing which happens everywhere. There enemies are really really bad but they want to copy their enemies and do the same thing in their country. Previous party sucks but current should be excused for doing bad things. 

Edited by New guy
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20 hours ago, raki05 said:

Lol you try to divert each debate to bjp and right wing. Never anywhere i mention about any political party, this is the tactics of left librandu as an when a little uncomfortable question is asked they will try to divert the topic.

I brought real life examples of what's happening, you can name call or deflect all you want, but these are real examples of what's happening today in our country



Yes you avoided blaming parties as you don't have the guts to criticize current goverment which were the examples I brought up.


There is no morality or values for you guys except what your party does. If your party does its good and unquestionable, if others do they are bad. That's all your values are.

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21 hours ago, rollingstoned said:

Corruption and nepotism you cannot compare even if you agree that both are guilty of it to some extent, the proportions are not even in the same universe. Such people who cannot stop exhibiting cult like behavior should stop embarrassing themselves and call others bhakts when they cannot put that ideological filter down even if they tried very hard.

Are you serious? The oil from Russia alone is worth 100s of  billions and way more than any number you can name for congress and not one penny has gone to indian citizens or our country.


I have never seen entire big city shut down for the wedding of a businessman under any other government. 


Most of the goverments policies like demonistisatiom etc were directly for benefits of businessmen close to them and harmed normal people. 


Dude today we have our goverment work mostly for billionaires which has never happened to this extent in our history.


Just because media is paid off and too afraid to being this up doesn't mean rest of the country is dead and blind. You can pretend to be deaf and blind , but the scale of corruption today is unprecedented to anything which ever happened. It's just that everyone pretends this isn't happening.



The networth of 2-3 billionaires close to the party has grown over 250% in last 5 years and over 150% before that. This is unprecedented and no other sector or businessmen within india have seen same growth. Congress didn't even have 1% of this.


A couple of billionaires are running a proxy goverment today and they have just paid off media and threatened others so none of this is in the news, One bofors was headlines for years, bit how many reports did you see of the billions of dollars of oil we got at throw away prices and oil cost increasing for the citizens?  just like it's happening in America. It's the same template,. billionaires own the government and government is just a proxy. It's just like musk etc are more vocal that our ones. 

Edited by New guy
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29 minutes ago, New guy said:

Are you serious? The oil from Russia alone is worth 100s of  billions and way more than any number you can name for congress and not one penny has gone to indian citizens or our country.


I have never seen entire big city shut down for the wedding of a businessman under any other government. 


Most of the goverments policies like demonistisatiom etc were directly for benefits of businessmen close to them and harmed normal people. 


Dude today we have our goverment work mostly for billionaires which has never happened to this extent in our history.


Just because media is paid off and too afraid to being this up doesn't mean rest of the country is dead and blind. You can pretend to be deaf and blind , but the scale of corruption today is unprecedented to anything which ever happened. It's just that everyone pretends this isn't happening. A couple of billionaires are running a proxy goverment today and they have just paid off media and threatened others, just like it's happening in America. It's the same template.

There is hard data on the oil we are importing and refining from Russia at a profit and selling it on. Look it up. Govt itself has it. Not sure what 'corruption' you think is happening there other than as usual hallucinating stuff. 


Which big city shut down for the wedding lol? I live here and I certainly missed it if that was the case and didn't get the memo. Fekna hai to kuch bhi mat fek. Even Rahul Gandhi has stopped milking the Ambani cow lately, you should take your cue from him for a change. 


Spoken like a true ignoramus who regurgitates  talking points and atrocity lit from some halfwit opeds he read on Quint, wire, News laundry or Scroll again without bothering to think for himself. Demonetisation preceded both a bank liquidity crunch as well as underground illicit money channels and was necessary to jolt that system. No billionaire 'benefitted' from it unless you can cite what specifically you wanted to see happen or think happened. It broke the back of underground crime networks and helped transition the nation further on toward a cashless economy which is hardly a bad thing for the common person. You have even traffic signal bhikaris who have bank accounts and accept money in upi now. 


Yes they work 'mostly for billionaires' by launching several schemes which directly benefit especially the lcd In society in an unprecedented fashion just coz the careworn socialist narratives from the 60s and 70s which still finds currency due to decades of brainwashing and wants to discredit an ideology that it doesn't agree with says so. Reality and facts be damned. Lol. Ambani and Adani were both created by the Congress btw and they go way back. It's a fact of governance that unless you want govts in business perpetually - a bad idea which created the forex crisis in 90s - your best bet is to encourage and not start a witch hunt against wealth creators in the country. It's in your best interest to encourage the growth of more of them so that a trickle down effect takes place and you actually have more tax revenue and jobs in the country. Useless activism on social justice causes - itself paid for and sponsored by foreign govts and billionaires - doesn't cut it unfortunately when it comes to running a nation. 


I assume this is the same media that is paid for and runs constant fake news and has a constant ideological agenda against the govt based on some things they disapprove of that they do based entirely on hot air and not data and calling those that disagree with it 'godi media' and 'bhakts'. They seem to be so 'afraid' that we have automatons who keep regurgitating those very same discredited talking points that have been circulating now for over a decade warning of the impending receding freedoms and a calamitous 'right wing tyranny' ok the horizon not seeing the irony in it at all. Maybe they'd  rather the period of more than a decade ago when every new day meant the uncovering of a new scam in the papers of several lac crores which went right to the top echelons in the govt and their allies. Might help refresh memories of what actual real corruption and a systemic rot looks like. 


Your 'billionaire circle jerk controlling govt panic' while not original is directed at the wrong place. Every identity politics/DEI movement currently  is inorganic and has massive fat cat funding and money behind it and it is in their interest to scupper any mention of it by redirecting this attention elsewhere which started from the Wall Street protests the start of the previous decade. Their talking points decide what the useful idiots they mobilise see as  'populism' and 'popular movement','evil oligarchs' and 'benevolent entrepreneurs' hedging their bets on these same legions being illiterate as to what these terms actually mean since they only use it for moral signalling purposes. 

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3 hours ago, New guy said:

Kashmir was a special case and disputed region. But over years we brought peace and stability to the region, which is again now going back.


What's hilarious is people like you always think there are short cuts in countries like India. That you can just force people as diverse as Indians by force to obey things. Because populists make empty promises you blindly swallow.


It takes time and patience to build a nation and decades to improve. Which we finally are. But right wing bigots want all the years of progess to go back and be destroyed so their favorite party can rule on the ashes


Because of what happened in Kashmir 50 years ago you want the entire india to be kashmir now. 


P.S. there is a reason all of you guys discuss things from 50 years ago. Because you have nothing to say about what's happening now for last 15 years.

Wht disputed reason…. Bloddy librandus like you wipe it off, its an alarming sign which says ass soon as demogphy will conducive to peaceful kafirs have to surrender their jar, jodu and zamin. People like you blind enough to wipe it off.you cry day in day out against current government but all the biggest terror attack, all the biggest scam, all the biggest internal riotss happended during your pappu’s party time. You are just a librandu who wants people to forget kashmir but cry tirelessly for individual cases against minorities as if violence happened against only minorities.

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3 hours ago, New guy said:

I brought real life examples of what's happening, you can name call or deflect all you want, but these are real examples of what's happening today in our country



Yes you avoided blaming parties as you don't have the guts to criticize current goverment which were the examples I brought up.


There is no morality or values for you guys except what your party does. If your party does its good and unquestionable, if others do they are bad. That's all your values are.

Lol learn to read and stop passing generic statements like you guys. I have also given you real life brutal examples but you try to run away by saying it happened 50 years ago you dont even know when Kashmir pandit exodus happened. BTW there are many here including me who criticises bjp government for bad governance when we see one, but why do you expect people should blame modi government for bpl debacle. Thats why i said anything happening around the world , for librandu like you its due to current government in india.

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3 hours ago, BlueBlood said:

Silly posts like this is what makes India not create a single ChatGPT competitor while already China is dominating with DeepSeek etc.


Bangladesh geographically is in a flood zone with high water tables. Despite this they have a strong garment industry and relatively decent supply chain ecosystem more than many neighboring countries like Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc.


Instead of comparing India to China, we constantly feel superior comparing to countries which are punching above their weight despite many things holding them back.


Other than cricket, India has same funding issues for all other sports. 


This sudden fake patriotism needs to stop. It wasnt there before Modi. It's gotten to the point where people can't even criticize failures like Rohit Sharma because he has blessing of nepo kid Jay Shah.


If not for being the most populous country in the world blessed with areas like Deccan plateau which gets zero flooding (perfect for data centers and IT) and Ganges river and farmlands along with several tax incentives in the 90's and early 2000's for the IT sector with glorified body shops operating like Infosys, Wipro, TCS etc. With zero inventions, what's so much to boast about. 95% of posters here escaped India and comment about patriotism.


Ok mr. gyani . Crux is for few people self loathing is only escape out. Have you even read what i mentioned i dint create this thread, i presented a statement that why everything comes out from western media shouldn’t be taken as gospel. Which part of my response sounds to you as boasting about India. Just because you are ready to rant on anything which is not align with your thought process doesnt make you some AI experts. BTW why dint great posts like yours able to create a jet engine or ChatGPT. What amusing is there are people who can harp there knowledge on internet as know it all but they are really shallow . Harsh reality is they dont  have aukkat to run a tea shop but make fun of wipro, tcs and infosys .

Edited by raki05
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3 hours ago, New guy said:

The corruption which is happenijg now is 1000 times worse than any under congress yet your paid media and bhakts are too cowardly to call it out


The amount of oil bought from Russia eclipses anything the country has ever seen yet not one pasia has been seen by indias who pay among the highest rate in the world. Every single penny is in the pocket of those close to the goverment.


We used to talk about 100s of crores for congress, now today 100s of billions of dollars in oil etc are being done through goverment influence directly into pockets of billionaires,.yet bhakts and media won't question it



Entire city and roads are being shut down for weddings of businessmen, the country was never sold out to rich people to this extent in our history.


Nothing which congress ever did comes any close. Most polices which this government implements is to benefit their close businessmen. 


This is exactly what I call out in you guys, you guys have been crying non stop about Congress corruption for years but ignore what's happening on a much larger scale today . This is exactly what the right wing is doing in US, they spoke about corruptions of democrats but ignore that trump is literally selling out country to highest bidders. Same thing is happening in india today



India was already on the road to prosperity by 2014 and nothing which has happened since is something which was not predicted in advance, in fact more than this growth rate was predicted,  you could put a monkey in charge and india would have achieved exactly same thing which we have in the past 11 years



Most of the policies which are bearing fruit are all already set in place by manmohan, your PR just likes stealing credit. 


You cannot name one single unique policies which this government has done which helped the said growth. And all the summits etc comes automatically with that growth. 


On the contrary they pulled stunts like demonistisatiom which actually stifled the growth of our country and caused death and suffering but yet again you are too brain washed to question that. Imagine if congress or anyone else had pulled such brain dead stunts to torture its own citizens and in the end achieved nothing through it.


Basically like every populist they just like to steal credit for all good things in place and pays media to never publish the truth and brain washed low IQ supporters keep parroting the PR.


:hysterical:   READ THE THREAD TITLE .

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57 minutes ago, raki05 said:

Wht disputed reason…. Bloddy librandus like you wipe it off, its an alarming sign which says ass soon as demogphy will conducive to peaceful kafirs have to surrender their jar, jodu and zamin. People like you blind enough to wipe it off.you cry day in day out against current government but all the biggest terror attack, all the biggest scam, all the biggest internal riotss happended during your pappu’s party time. You are just a librandu who wants people to forget kashmir but cry tirelessly for individual cases against minorities as if violence happened against only minorities.

disputed region.. ?? LOL

ethnic cleansing of the worst order happened from Aghanistan to Kashmir and apologists like him are why we are in this state.

Edited by diga
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