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  • Please avoid any name calling of cricketers on the site .Any abuse is strictly off limits on the site whether in IPL section or cricket section.Criticism of players is always welcome but abusing of cricketers with any derogatory words should be avoided .Any violation will result in immediate ban.
  • Don't make any unsubstantiated allegations of players about fixing or any such accusations.Kindly always provide a media link with such posts.Apart from being inflammatory such post could land ICF in unnecessary legal issues ,so any such unsubstantiated posts will be summarily deleted .
  • You have every right to disagree with your fellow members and explain your perspective.However, you are not free to attack, degrade insult or personal abuse other posters.
  • Access to ICF is a privilege not a right ,So we reserve the right to ban,Permanent or temporarily, any member who has violated the any mentioned guidelines  .
  • And finally kindly avoid mock naming Indian players in Cricket talk section.IPL is all about being fun but in Cricket talk please try avoid them .Don't mean one can't make fun of them but just use common sense while posting.
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