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Capital punishment

Guest Gunner

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I read about an incident in Kerala few months back,a man killed his wife and four daughters.He raped the eldest daughter(11 years old) before killing her.Putting him in jail for 12 years won't do the justifice.He is a psychopath and dangerous to the society.Such people should be given death penalty after putting in jail for 10 years.Capital punishment is justifiable in rare cases. Again in the case of terrorists,an immediate action should be taken.We should not give an opportunity like Kandahar hijack to the terrorists.Such barbarians don't deserve any justice.

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You can't reform a psychopath. You can't reform someone who cold bloodedly killed 100+ innocent people with no remorse. Plus, under Indian law, getting a bail is fairly easy. And life in prison does not mean life without parole. It only means prison for about 14 years. Plus several more terrorist attacks to free that one terrorist and so on. I believe there should be a special commission for terrorist activities like the US in Guantanamo Bay which deals with terrorists and terrorist activities different to others as national security is paramount. Then under that commission there should be provision for death penalty - no questions asked for big terrorists. The reason is that while a psychopath kills a few, and a murderer kills a couple, a terrorist kills hundreds and aims to destroy the societal values and societal structure which causes irreplaceable harm. To the question - do we have the right to put someone in death penalty, the answer is: did that person have the right to end someones life especially in the case of terrorists who intentionally put the gun in point-blank range and brutally murder people with the intent to kill or plant bombs with screws and nuts in them to cause the most harm to the most people. I don't think they have that right and so they have no right to plead for the same rights as other people from a moral and philosophical perspective.

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