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Windows 7


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Unix is not open source as far as I know - Linux is. But i'll let the experts answer this and whether Unix is fundamentally more stable and secure than Windows.
BSD (one of the flavors of UNIX is in fact open source. OpenBSD is a open source unix variant whose goal is security. OpenSolaris is open source version of Sun's Solaris. There are other Unixes like FreeBSD, NetBSD etc. So most of the unixes are now open source and Free (as in free beer). Linux was started as a UNIX clone. However, it has digressed significantly (in terms of internal working, the kernel). However, it maintains POSIX standard which means that if your software is POSIX complaint, you will just need to recompile your software for Linux. Open source products are more secure because there are thousands of people looking into the code and can find out vulnerability.
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