Guest dada_rocks Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 WASHINGTON (Reuters)- When radio host Jerry Klein suggested that all Muslims in the United States should be identified with a crescent-shape tattoo or a distinctive arm band, the phone lines jammed instantly. ADVERTISEMENT The first caller to the station in Washington said that Klein must be "off his rocker." The second congratulated him and added: "Not only do you tattoo them in the middle of their forehead but you ship them out of this country ... they are here to kill us." POLLS SHOW WIDESPREAD ANTI-MUSLIM SENTIMENT Those in agreement are not a fringe minority: A Gallup poll this summer of more than 1,000 Americans showed that 39 percent were in favor of requiring Muslims in the United States, including American citizens, to carry special identification. Roughly a quarter of those polled said they would not want to live next door to a Muslim and a third thought that Muslims in the United States sympathized with al Qaeda, the extremist group behind the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington. PS: Before our pakistani friends hereburst into adjectives like sick, despicable, ignorant, bigot, it would be pertinent to recall that in their jaan jaan pakistan precisely this happens. Your Passport clearly identifies people as muslim and kafir. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gator Posted December 5, 2006 Share Posted December 5, 2006 Re: IN US, fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep PS: Before our pakistani friends hereburst into adjectives like sick, despicable, ignorant, bigot, it would be pertinent to recall that in their jaan jaan pakistan precisely this happens. Your Passport clearly identifies people as muslim and kafir. tht was some punchline, DR..... news by itself is not surprising to me at all.... ironically, the muslims who have integrated the most into the american society are of iranian origin.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dada_rocks Posted December 5, 2006 Share Posted December 5, 2006 Re: IN US, fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep PS: Before our pakistani friends hereburst into adjectives like sick' date=' despicable, ignorant, bigot, it would be pertinent to recall that in their jaan jaan pakistan precisely this happens. Your Passport clearly identifies people as muslim and kafir.[/quote'] tht was some punchline, DR..... news by itself is not surprising to me at all.... ironically, the muslims who have integrated the most into the american society are of iranian origin.... Iran has very sane and educated middle class they don't have much say in the state of affairs though. Most certainly from this section people come to western countries hence this sanity. Incidentally the great Dr. Ali Sina of fame is also of iranian orgin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King Tendulkar Posted December 5, 2006 Share Posted December 5, 2006 Re: IN US, fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep Even more so in UK. Muslims name is in the mud here and frankly rightly so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dada_rocks Posted December 6, 2006 Share Posted December 6, 2006 Re: IN US, fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep Even more so in UK. Muslims name is in the mud here and frankly rightly so. precisely the day i saw placard expressing words like england ur holocaust is on the way, i knew there is no point of return.. Good for then it's britain oen of the most dhimmi state in the world had it been any other place let us say india by now things wud have gne out of control.. u just can't live in a country and wish this sort of carnage on it in defence of ur co-religioint thousand miles away in soem another country.. its junt not ON. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King Tendulkar Posted December 6, 2006 Share Posted December 6, 2006 Re: IN US, fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep 40% of muslims in Uk want sharia law in recent poll. Muslim groups in UK after terror strikes used this opprtunity after being consulted by the govt to ask for certain aspects of sharia law with regards to family to be incorporaetd in to UK law. So when they should have been condeming Terror etc they instead wanted to talk about introducing sharia law and to condemn foreign policy. They are hated by all in UK now. The general public despises muslims now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaurav Posted December 6, 2006 Share Posted December 6, 2006 Re: IN US, fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep jasie murgi waisa anda :lmao: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dada_rocks Posted December 6, 2006 Share Posted December 6, 2006 Re: IN US, fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep 40% of muslims in Uk want sharia law in recent poll. Muslim groups in UK after terror strikes used this opprtunity after being consulted by the govt to ask for certain aspects of sharia law with regards to family to be incorporaetd in to UK law. So when they should have been condeming Terror etc they instead wanted to talk about introducing sharia law and to condemn foreign policy. They are hated by all in UK now. The general public despises muslims now. So do 60% of polled muslim population in india and that pide piper clown Zakir naik never tires expressing to his audience that although musli ms are fine with existing secular polity but if given the opportuntiy muslims would like to bring shariah law in india.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dada_rocks Posted December 6, 2006 Share Posted December 6, 2006 Re: IN US, fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep Muslim groups in UK after terror strikes used this opprtunity after being consulted by the govt to ask for certain aspects of sharia law with regards to family to be incorporaetd in to UK law. Here in canada too they tried to brign that despicable law in place but will have to give one pakistani gentleman named tarek Fatah single-handedly opposed these clowns. nedless to say he lost his seat in some islamic this that board now he is just a host of muslim chronicle. Except the usual belief among pakistanis viz a viz india he sounds like a sane man. HE kept on peperring audience with shariah in action video taken from iran's judicial system and needless to say there was no doubt in anyone's midn that this thing stinks.. I say why not stay where u come from if u love shariah so much , heck u left the place in first place becasue it had shariah. Now don;t give me crap of it was not implemented properly. Shariah is so prone to mis-implentation that presumably noone has gotten it right in this case I would say there is sthg wrong with the law itself. BE happy with the law of the land or at least wait till u outnumber the local population by virtue of highe birth rate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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