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Indians predated Newton 'discovery'


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He wasn't smoking anything- i find it hard to believe you've never run into religious book-thumpers of the abrahamic variety who at the same time are quite well qualified in the sciences. Newton was no exception. In his days, you did science in Europe under strict watch of the church and usually the objective was to 'further validate God of the bible'. It wasn't until Baruch Spinoza ( you may be familiar with him through 'spinoza's God' hypothesis) popularized the school of continental rationalism from descartes did the western science gain some sanity.
spinoza used leibniz's approach towards mathematical proofs to deconstruct the argument in favor of the existence of god, and he was the first well known atheist. but there were several athiests prior to him. a number of them spent time in prison for their beliefs. copernicus and galileo for one. and no, i do not come across many well read scientists who are theists. the exception to this rule however, are indian, especially south indians who are very well read. what they do not realize is that, their success in independent of the existence of God, but the discipline instilled in them by religion and rituals is what is helping them succeed.
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and he was the first well known atheist.
In the west. Not in the world. As i said, your west-centric education continually trips over the facts and your scoff shows nothing but your narrowminded approach in this field. Both in terms of historicity and realizing the logical limitations of the concept you consider as science. There were many prominent atheists in our own India and thousands of years before your western atheists. Indian school of atheism FYI, is the oldest school of atheism mankind knows of.
and no, i do not come across many well read scientists who are theists.
Give the field of creationism a try- there are quite a few doctorates and masters holding people in those fields too.
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