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Cash and essential goods distributed in Election


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Somebody please embed few YT videos here. But with cash economy, this is bound to happen. Why do we oppose cashless economy. I mean crores and crores are distributed in every election. 


Cashless economy will be fair to everyone. Why these parties opposed demonetization as I see huge misuse of this cash.

Please dont make it an issue of 1 party against the other. There are no holier than thou here. All are same.


Discuss. Trolls delete your own post if it is not related to the topic :whack:.


Edited by dial_100
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An ideal economy is going to be cashless one but with that economy we need 100% literacy and if we have such literacy rate then those people will hardly sell their votes


Also I don't understand what cash has to do with bribe , if its not cash then may be gold coins of 1gram can be distributed , liquor is always distributed.Bhai jisne apna vote bechna hai woh bech hi dega 

Cash has nothing to do with it

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