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Why is the west so health conscious?


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being here in India i know that it's not the most hygienic place on Earth. But looking from this part of the world sometimes it really looks like more of a Phobia to me than anything else. There are people living here in conditions that would be unacceptable to the west but mange to stay more healthy than those of us living in the comforts of apartments. Take a look at the reason one employer in UK gave for firing it's employee because she wore a nose stud "Jewelery can harbor bacteria, create a hazard when working with machinery and find its way into the food people eat." Now i don't know the real reasons behind this But you tell something like that to even a well educated Indian you are sure to leave him bemused.

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West and health consciousness is an association generally limited to fairy tales if you factor in the average education in the West vis a vis India. Obesity is chronic in the US coupled with high cholestrol thanks to the low level of exercise. Indians might not be getting the best of nutrients due to socio-economic conditions or the latest lifestyle in the metros might have given birth to a lot of obese people, but overall I would still think given the level of education and facilities Indians are healthier than Americans.

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