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Pakistan Elections - 2013


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^ either he will face a Trial OR will somehow manage to fly back out somewhere (may b asking for medical reasons)... But NO possibility for him to stay in Pak + escape all cases scot-free' date= bet!
its an option for him but i am talking about specifically on TRIAL. i am not betting on his flying back options etc etc. :orderorder:
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^ as I mentioned earlier, this time nobody can predict about any party, can u? But top 2 ofcourse would be N and PTI, alphabetically... interestingly both can end up at an even or v close result as well as there could b a huge gap bw #OfSeats for both having either of them at top...

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^ They basically targetting govt parties since PPP+ANP+MQM remained part of federal govt for 5 years, still ofcourse its not fair but whats the solution, apparently i. these parties (govt) was supposed to control terrorism ii. these parties themselves have militant groups working in karachi... pay-back time for not genuinely working to control terrorism...

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