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Why Men Are Happier


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[h2]Why Men Are Happier??[/h2] Men can play with toys all their life. Men can wear shorts no matter what their legs look like. Men have one wallet and one pair of shoes which are good for every season. :haha: Men can choose whether or not to grow a mustache. Men can "do" their fingernails with a pocket knife. Men's bellies usually hide their large hips. Chocolate is just another snack. The whole garage belongs to them. Weddings take care of themselves. Men's last name never changes. Everything on a man's face stays its original color. Men only have to shave their faces and necks. Men can keep the same hairstyle for years, even decades. :haha: Men can do their Christmas shopping for 25 relative on Christmas Eve in 25 minutes. For men, wrinkles add character. Men can go on a week's vacation and pack only one suitcase. Men's new shoes don't cause blisters, or cut or mangle their feet. Men don't have to stop and think which way to turn a screw. Men have one mood all the time. A wedding dress cost $5000. A tuxedo rental - 100 bucks Men can open all their own jars.

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Men, you may think you have a command of the English language, but when it comes to communicating with women, you may be surprised. Here is our dictionary of Womanese. Master these terms and you'll find your relationship with women greatly improved. The Real Definition of Words When Used By Women Fine - I am right. This argument is over. You need to shut up. That's Okay - One of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. "That's okay" means she wants to think hard and long before deciding when and how you'll pay for your mistake. Nothing - The calm before the storm. This means "Something" and you better be on your toes. Note: Arguments that start with "Nothing" usually end with "Fine" (See #1). Five Minutes - If getting dress, this means half an hour. (Don't be mad about this. It's the same definition for you when it's your turn to do some chores around the house. Thanks - A woman is thanking you. Do not question this or faint. Just say, "You're welcome," and let it go. Loud Sigh - Not actually a word but rather a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. It means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is standing here wasting her time arguing with you about "Nothing." (See #3) Go Ahead - This is a dare, not permission. (Don't Do It!) Don't worry about it, I got it - The second most dangerous statement a woman can make. It means that a woman has asked a man several times to do something and is now doing it herself. (This will result in you asking at a later date, "What's wrong?" For the woman's response, see #3.)

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