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Eggs are good but take only the white portion ... it has more % of protein .. the yolk contains mostly fat (Cholesterol)
Which is what you need, specially if you are a guy. Cholestrol is the precursor for generating testoterone and that is what your body needs for anything from heavy lifting, less fat to sexual libido. Eggs have gotten rap over the years. It is still inconclusive as to how bad it is but from a gym point of view there is nothing wrong in consuming about 3-4 whole eggs everyday. In fact personally speaking my best results come when I take in that number of whole eggs. Egg whites are great to "nuke" protein content and everything but by itself it will cause bloating, as CG has suggested. In fact most proteins by itself cause bloating unless they are pre-digested hydrolysates. Purely from guy's perspective I highly recommend atleast 2 whole eggs everyday and one spoonful of coconut oil (good quality). It will give huge boost to your testosterone production, specially if consumed late in night, and you(possibly your partner as well) would thank me later lol. xxx
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Good on you. 50 pound dumbbell curls are too much. That is if you are doing it with good forms, elbows buried in your armpits, no swinging etc. If you can curl 8 reps for 3 sets for anything more than 35 pounds you have my respect. Make sure you are doing it in right form or else curls and bench press are biggest shoulder killers.
Thanks bro... I totally believe that posture and form is the most important thing while working out... For biscep curls, I actually do 8 reps of 45s in first 2 sets and 6 reps of 50s in the last one ... on the other hand, one question.. how good are you in Cricket after all these years of Gyming... I used to be serious quick bowler till last year and now I lost all my pace cuz of gyming... lol, I used to be front line pacy bowler and now I am a part timer bowler:(( ... I don't the reason behind loss of my pace... I stretch out good for 5 minutes after every work out.
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1) Possible but extremely difficult. Losing fat is more about diet, or restriction around it, while gaining muscle is facilitated by intaking more calories. Can you do the same together? Yes but only if you know your body, have a good steady routine(diet and exercise wise) and are very self-disicplined that way. By the way if you can get around 12% fat you should be good. My personal experience is I am in best shape around 10%. Any less and I start seeing great ab lines but my legs become very weak. To lift heavy on legs you have to have strong hip mucles as well as stomach muscles too. Once you start seeing six packs your tummy muscles are not that strong. I would say if you are between 10-12% dont worry much about weights. Diet wise cut down on salt and meat for a month. Salt will make you retain water while meat almost always makes it harder to digest. If you skip salt and meat and go heavy on fibres you will see simply that will lose your fat, and waist lines. also if you are working regularly and using supplements, protein powders etc, it is a good idea to just have a month off everything. Go heavy on veggies and cleanse your system. There are also some good cleansing system, basically they clean your bowels, that can get you slimmer without any lifestyle changes. xxx
Thank you Lurker sahab. I'll try my best. I had another question for form while doing bicep curls...what is the proper form? I've read some books and they are varied...
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1) Possible but extremely difficult. Losing fat is more about diet, or restriction around it, while gaining muscle is facilitated by intaking more calories. Can you do the same together? Yes but only if you know your body, have a good steady routine(diet and exercise wise) and are very self-disicplined that way. By the way if you can get around 12% fat you should be good. My personal experience is I am in best shape around 10%. Any less and I start seeing great ab lines but my legs become very weak. To lift heavy on legs you have to have strong hip mucles as well as stomach muscles too. Once you start seeing six packs your tummy muscles are not that strong. I would say if you are between 10-12% dont worry much about weights. Diet wise cut down on salt and meat for a month. Salt will make you retain water while meat almost always makes it harder to digest. If you skip salt and meat and go heavy on fibres you will see simply that will lose your fat, and waist lines. also if you are working regularly and using supplements, protein powders etc, it is a good idea to just have a month off everything. Go heavy on veggies and cleanse your system. There are also some good cleansing system, basically they clean your bowels, that can get you slimmer without any lifestyle changes. xxx
whoah you should be a personal trainer dude!!
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grotesquely out of shape now that i have not seen the inside of a gym in over six months... lurker bhai please advise! i am 5'8-9 ish and around 187lbs. a good 20 more than i was last year...
:hehe: My advice wont be as good as Lurkers but i would say cut down on salt and sugar stick to olive oil and nuts as ur healthy oils etc and really max out of fresh fruit and veg in terms of exercise running in my opinion is the best fat burner in intervals ( so run at a steady pace for a min and at a fast pace for 2 mins) for a total of 30 mins on average 3 to 4 times a week In addition, do weights!! there are myths that doing weights will not help u lose weight but i can tell from tried and tested experience that because weights improve muscle mass you can then perfrom better in your cardio therefore burn more fat!! if you can take suppliments then please do!! there are some really good ones out there! Xenadrine is my favourate!! good luck!
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Thank you Lurker sahab. I'll try my best. I had another question for form while doing bicep curls...what is the proper form? I've read some books and they are varied...
If you want my personal opinion I would say bicep curls are overblown and vastly overrated. If I was training a person I would NOT let him do bicep curl unless he is at a point where he can do 10 chin ups(pulls ups with palm facing you) with body weight. The good form for bicep curls is to stand straight, legs at about shoulder width. Grab a barbell with about shoulder width and make sure your arms are right against your torso. Then slowly curl it upwards. Make sure your arms dont move, neither does your body. Dumbbell will give you a longer range and also prevent arm imbalances.
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whoah you should be a personal trainer dude!!
Thanks. I have a bit of background there, startd on ISSA certification but dropped out half way through. Would like to finish it some day. Whether I finish it or not I do intend to keep my options open for owning a gym someday.
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grotesquely out of shape now that i have not seen the inside of a gym in over six months... lurker bhai please advise! i am 5'8-9 ish and around 187lbs. a good 20 more than i was last year...
The question is not that of advise THX mian but perhaps that of pep talk. Knowing what I know about you, and admittedly I dont know much, do you want advise or do you need a pep talk? Do you want me to line out the diet for you or tell you man-o-mano how a chap that I have known fight terrible storms in life, and Houston, has fallen trap to life/women/marriage yada yada to the point where he gave up on one person who always stood behind him - you? Do you want me to create your routine, or kick your behind and tell you to snap out of it? You tell me first. :hmmm:
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The question is not that of advise THX mian but perhaps that of pep talk. Knowing what I know about you, and admittedly I dont know much, do you want advise or do you need a pep talk? Do you want me to line out the diet for you or tell you man-o-mano how a chap that I have known fight terrible storms in life, and Houston, has fallen trap to life/women/marriage yada yada to the point where he gave up on one person who always stood behind him - you? Do you want me to create your routine, or kick your behind and tell you to snap out of it? You tell me first. :hmmm:
here is there thing... its as you said, about motivation. i have had too much going on off late which is why i have not been able to go to a gym with any periodicity. i am usually up by 6, out of the door by 7, at school by 8:30. do some reading or work till 11, class from 11 till 12, then again from 1 till 230, then twice a week i have to teach from 4 till 6, otherwise i leave for work and get home by 10. by then i am too beat to go running and ever since we had a spike in crime of late, its become a cause for anxiety for everyone at home if i am out late. now i have this schedule from monday till friday and then saturday morning, i am a lab instructor from 8 till 12, thereafter i have a study group till 7 and then its home by 9. that leaves only sunday when i cant get myself motivated enough to go running... thus that leaves me with the following: to keep a certain level of activity, i never take the elevators. that means climbing 8 flights of stairs some 5 odd times a day (and of course 5 times down). i walk from the parking lot till the classrooms, or work, and on three days a week when i take the metro, i walk about a mile in the morning and a mile in the evening from one station to another, though the connecting routes do not require me to, but its a good walk in the morning or the evening and lately the weather has been quite good. but here is what i have: a one hour from 12 till 1 every day that i can work out. what do you recommend i do to intensity the results. i ve lost a good inch or so around my arms but gained some around the legs thanks to all that walking and for the moment i am steering clear of the protein shakes since they spiked my cholesterol... i dont wish to lose any more around the arms for sure, and would like to lose the fat around my abdomen. a routine would be great... i love to run, so anything that involves that would be freaking awesome.
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i am steering clear of the protein shakes since they spiked my cholesterol...
Why are protein shakes spiking your cholestrol mate? A good protein shake should get you about 25 gm protein per serving, and about 2-5% of daily recommended cholestrol with it. With your body weight you dont need to get more than 100gm of protein from shakes, which translates into roughly 8-20% of your daily cholestrol intake. There is no reason why it should be any more than that. Let me know if you need any help picking a protein powder. There are tons of great ones out there and with extremely low cholestrol level.
a routine would be great... i love to run, so anything that involves that would be freaking awesome.
First up props for being disciplined and taking steps, parking car further away, eating right etc. Trust me those little things do matter and it shows your self-discipline, which is half the battle won. Secondly dont worry much about losing inch around arms. Happens to all of us. I am like you in that regards, if I am moving around much and dont spend my usual time on gym my legs, shoulders and back remain the same but my arm shows loss. I personally do not care about arms and abs(2 muscle group I consider as fufu muscles, those that makes you a woman's man and not a man's man..but thats just me). Why not use this chance to get a more sprightly body and go lean mean till you work yourself a nice schedule? Onto the routine now. You mentiond you like to run. Well then Run Lola Run :-) seriously nothing better to jog your entire body than run. Do you have access to some basic equipments? If not you can do 30 minutes of run followed by 15 minutes of free body workout. You can do pushups and pullups. Both of them have so many varities. Arms at shoulder width, close width, legs on higher elevation (for pushups), one-lgged pushups, pull ups with palms in, palms out, one palm in and out. All abs exercise are mostly body weight anyway so you can do all sort of crunches. On ground, decline, leg ups, bicycle curls, torso twist etc. You can do body weight squats for legs. I use them for warm ups before squats, 2 sets of 25, but try doing 50 or more and see how your legs burn. You can also get exercise bands, you can get them for about 20 bucks or less, and you can easily do bicep curls, shoulder raises(lateral and frontal), chest press, thigh exercises etc. A pretty good investment if you are short on time and equipment. xxx
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