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Multiple Terror Attacks in Paris

The Realist

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While I have no sympathetic view towards Islamic extremism as it has already bred groups like Al Qaeda, Lashkar, Boko Haram and Taliban, ISIS seems to be run or helped being run by someone too powerful. These guys have risen out of nowhere and in such short period of time they have gained massive resources to attack biggest cities in the world, which clearly indicates something really shady.

They are posing with US military supplies. I think US left lot of stuffs behind when they left which are in the hands of them. Also they radicalize lonely people irrespective of the religion. But it is easy to radicalize a muslim for them given that  the West vs Middle east wars resulted in huge civilian casualties. Most dangerous part is they even recruit christians. 

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Biggest fallout of this massacre after the victimes is refuge crisis. Countries which had reservation exercise caution in admitting syrian refugees. Obama has no objection. But republican leaders firm oppose it. What is your take? Hypothetically would you admit Syrians into India (with possible ISIS inside them) given that Saudi is not taking them.

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Exactly. This is one issue where i disagree with Obama. USA is ISIS no.1 target. They have already made a pledge next attack would be washington D.C.  But Obama is lecturing about "this is not who we are". I understand it is stupid to say "Only christians should be allowed" as Ted cruz says.  But admitting 10,000 undocumented refugees would pose a huge risk They have taken quiet a few refugees in the last 4 years. Usually it takes 2 years just to approve. But this huge influx of refugees there is a good chance they might slip in a few.  There are many countries that do not take them. Why they riskiest country against ISIS would take 10000 i will never understand. 

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new charlie hebdo cartoon :

"They have weapons," the caption reads, adding: "Screw them, we have champagne."



PARIS: French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo unveiled on Tuesday a tribute cover for the victims of Paris attacks showing a dancing reveller with bottle and glass in hand, and champagne pouring out of bullet holes in his body.



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They’ve got weapons. F*ck them. We’ve got champagne!”, the caption reads. In an editorial the magazine compared Parisians’ defiance to that of the British during the Blitz, French newspaper La Libération reports.
According to the newspaper, the editorial reads: “We had a feeling that the attacks in January would be followed by further attacks.

“We waited, and resigned ourselves to it falling on our heads, like a sword of Damocles, or the V-1 and V-2s during the war. Churchill foretold blood and tears. Here we are.

“Without realising it, Parisians in 2015 have become a little like the Londoners of 1940 – determined not to give in, to fear nor resignation, whatever happens.

“It’s the only way you can respond to terrorists. By ensuring their attempts to create terror are in vain.”

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