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Bangalore devastated by HURRICANE MCCULLUM


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Bangalore devastated by HURRICANE MCCULLUM 11 men presumed dead. 50,000 casualties taken. Bangalore has never encountered destruction of such magnitude, as HURRICANE MCCULLUM wreaked tremendous havoc over a relatively short period of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Seriously, what an innings. This is the thread where we can drool over it, and others (such as myself) can b itch and moan about not picking him in their Super Selector team.

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I didn't quite know how to react to this game as I'm a supporter of RCs. That said McCullum was my favorite naturally. I found it hard to divide my loyalty but in the end enjoyed the knock. It was great to see the likes of Ponting, Ganguly, Ishant and the rest in one single team. One good aggressive unit Kolkata one was. Kolkata vs Mumbai should be quite good.

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