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An observation on hygiene!


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Recently, I watched many films in the cinemas in India at the RK film festival. One thing that disturbed me was hardly anyone was using soap in the washroom. 

In fact most of the time, I was only one using the soap to wash my hands. Others just washed their hands simply with water and moved on. 

By noticing this, it will make me hesitant to shake hands with people in general. 

As a hygiene freak, I am bothered :((. It is going to be “Namaste” from now on. 


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A positive to mention as well. At the washroom in the food court, I encountered a group of 3-4 people in the washroom. This group washed their hands with soap properly. In fact, many were seeking the soap out as at some sinks, the soap had run out. :thumb:

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