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- Do you get annoyed when people call you "too fat" or something similar??? - name few of your favorite cricketers apart from Tendulkar - Thing you like about United states and hate about INdia - Thing you like about India and hate about U.S - Your Favorite Cricket Match in which Indian didn't play - If you get a chance to meet an ICFer, whom would u pick

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i heard you were doing bachelors in computer engineering - so - whats next? masters or job at google/micrsoft/apple/other ? or family dhokla business?? :o - your favorite programming assignment or project? - your favorite programming language? c/java/perl/python/other

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1. Do you study only at exam time, or every day? 2. You once said Tendulkar was the greatest inspiration in your life. Please explain how, a sportsman can inspire you- an aspiring technocrat to dizzy heights, more so than the Nobel Prize winners at your institute? 3. If you had a chance to bivouac into finance at a greater pay than if you continued as a computer engineer, would you take it? 4. Why, in your opinion, do so many engineering grads take up alternative streams? 5. What is the one quality you admire most in others?

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1. The thing about you that you like the most, hate the most? ( need some unconventional answers here). 2. What has Grad-school taught you? ( Literally and figuratively) 3. If given a choice, which one would you choose amongst the two; Happiness or peace of mind. 4. Are there any incidents/moments/collection of event(s) that have had a profound impact on you as a person? And finally.. 5. Is it true that your Dad owns half of Bombay? :giggle: P.S; More to come. 6. Gimme your version of a perfect holiday.. 7. If I all of a sudden gave you 2 hours of time out of nowwhere, what would you do with it? 8. Biggest regret in life so far? ( Neednt be something that has to be personal)

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