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Riley's Girl

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For those of you brave enough to admit to being Twighlight fans, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer is a must read! Was quite an experience, seeing things through Bree's eyes. Knowing how it has to end doesn't detract anything. In fact, it made me emphatise with her character more than I probably would have otherwise.

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I read 2 unusual books last week. The first was " The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists ". Its the 1st non-fiction book i could sit thro'. What starts out as a basic article for New york times on a pick up artist community, Neil Strauss, an investigative journalist, gets entrenched completely into this community and even becomes the best pick up artist. It starts out as funny and then becomes interesting when average looking men try to sleep with as many women as possible by playing psychological games. Towards the end it meanders into immature fight for power. What probably made it more interesting is that the people in the book are real and a quick google search provides additional pictures and information on these people. The 2nd was "The Private dancer". It's a thriller set in the sleazy prostitution areas of Thailand. Its not a very well written book but the book has absolutely no characters with any redeeming qualities, which made it a bit interesting. The book made me hate all of Thailand and its people esp. after i read many true life stories that confirms what happens in the book.

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Currently Reading Vampire Diaries The Return: Shadow Souls by LJ Smith She was fired from the series lately and won't be writing the rest of it. I'm rather glad. I'm a huge Damon fan, but the Damon/Elena endgame she had planned just doesn't work on any level. The whole point is supposed to be Stefan and Elena's relationship. Plus, as my bro pointed out, Stefan only has Elena, he loves her, his whole existence is about her. If she chooses Damon, Stefan won't be able to deal with it, and an out of control Stefan is NOT a pretty thing to witness. Damon on the other hand, while truely loving Elena, will be able to move on. He already knows she's in love with Stefan and it may not be easy on him, but her happiness comes first and he's coping alright. Furthermore, I don't like how absolutely dark she writes it. It's dark in a sinister kind of way instead of being just dangerous enough to be sexy. I also don't like the Japanes mythology angle, I mean WHY? Just so that Sinichi can use his evil kitsune mind control crap on Damon, making him do things that's below his admittedly questioanble standards? There are too many unexplained, unnecessary, confusing legends that are simply too far away from the vampire mythos. We have the vampires obviously, the werewolves, witches, the kitsune, there's this dark power at work AND then there's Elena, who was human, died and went vamp, died again, then was returned to earth as some sort of weird celestial being and now apparently she's heading for human again. That gave me a headache. Lesson: Do not turn your female lead and then let her turn to ash early in the story. It leaves you with very few rational storylines.

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Currently reading Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson; wonderful tome that revolves around cryptology, WW II, information flow, technology, with undercurrents about freedom of information and lost gold. Not to mention great action, iintelligent characters and some great writing.

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From BEIRUT to JERUSALEM - Thomas Friedman. A riveting account of the situation in the middle east and the causes behind it. Friedman was posted in Beirut and Jerusalem for 6 years as a New York Times Journalist and has used all his experiences in writing this marvelous book. Football - Bloody Hell, the biography of Sir Alex Ferguson by Patrick Barclay Written by one of UKs most well respected and accomplished sports writers. A very good book about a complex man who has led Manchester United to great heights.

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I read a lot my day starts with bbc.com...just quick brush through the headlines.then I read status updates of my friends on face book,then Cricinfo,then ICF forum....sometimes I lurk on the green forum to get my dose of 'what the rest of the world' :winky: thinks about us

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