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ICF IPL Auction - Players Auction Registration


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1.Time : Everybody has agreed to tomorrow 6PM IST 2.Auctioneer: Scarface has agreed.You cant do it as you are an owner 3.No of players each time can buy : Since there are 25 players,I's suggest 5 each 4. Base price : around 25-30 bilz imo 5: SS to Play : Cricinfo Fantasy league
lol copy paste :rofl:
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1.Time : Everybody has agreed to tomorrow 6PM IST 2.Auctioneer: Scarface has agreed.You cant do it as you are an owner 3.No of players each time can buy : Since there are 25 players,I's suggest 5 each 4. Base price : around 25-30 bilz imo 5: SS to Play : Cricinfo Fantasy league
Disagree with tomorrow 6pm. Can only do now... Everyone get into chat :orderorder:
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