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On 12/13/2021 at 9:57 AM, Vijy said:

I've read the books for these series (Witcher, Wheel of Time, ASOIAF - Game of Thrones), so there's usually higher expectations. Here's my rating so far:


First 4 seasons of GoT >> Witcher S1 = Seasons 5 & 6 of GoT > WoT S1 > Season 7 of GoT >> Season 8 of GoT

Just as an update, I finished seeing Witcher S2. Two comments: first, it has very low overlap (maybe 10%) with books. Second, if one sees it as its own entity (and not as adaptation), it is pretty good: solid acting and direction, excellent use of landscapes and creation of atmosphere, decent-ish plot, etc. Quite impressed with the product, even though it does deviate hugely from books.

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If you guys are watching on TV (not laptops, monitors, and phones), below can improve your watching experience: 


  • Turn off all dynamic settings (different brands will have different moniker) including dynamic contrast and auto motion 
  • Turn off noise reduction if the TV has that option
  • Set sharpness to zero (depending on your TV, it could add artifacts) 

You could try an app like below to see if your TV settings are roughly ok THX



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5 minutes ago, singhvivek141 said:

Quality has gone down.
Series like "3 body problem" and "The Umbrella Academy" started with a bang...but had a rather pale ending.

Yeah, I don’t recall watching anything special in the last 2-3 years. 

Sometime back, I watched “Murder at the End of the World” but it may have been on D+.

I was more focused on classic films from around the world in the last few years.  

Edited by zen
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