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Women in Islam


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Just got me thinking on what is the view of Islam on women.


Touchy subject, when we have our own issues with women. 

But, in the west we only hear about feminism in western societies and also how regressive is Hindu women with Bindis, Bangles and KarwaChauths.


Listen to this African Lady about the status of women in Islam, old video but still relevant 



Wiki on Wimen in Islam has a noble page quite contrary to reality


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Islam#:~:text=Now%2C women in Islam are,played a role in education.


Tagging some noted ICFErs like @Alam_dar to comment more. 

Women in Iran are fighting against hijab and in Saudi to get a DL. Liberals equate this struggle with ghunghat and whatnot.


What does Quran say about the status of women in general? 

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5 hours ago, coffee_rules said:

Just got me thinking on what is the view of Islam on women.


Touchy subject, when we have our own issues with women. 

But, in the west we only hear about feminism in western societies and also how regressive is Hindu women with Bindis, Bangles and KarwaChauths.


Listen to this African Lady about the status of women in Islam, old video but still relevant 



Wiki on Wimen in Islam has a noble page quite contrary to reality


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Islam#:~:text=Now%2C women in Islam are,played a role in education.


Tagging some noted ICFErs like @Alam_dar to comment more. 

Women in Iran are fighting against hijab and in Saudi to get a DL. Liberals equate this struggle with ghunghat and whatnot.


What does Quran say about the status of women in general? 


According to my research:


* What Ayaan Hirsi Ali has said about Islam in the Video, it is 100% correct. She has told not a single thing which is wrong. 


* While the Article at Wikipedia has been written by Islam Apologists, and they are dishonest, and they deceive people by hiding the real face of Islamic Sharia. It is such a sad thing that Islam Apologists have such a big Propaganda Machine and whole world (including normal Muslims themselves) don't know the exact rulings of Islam. 


For example: 


* Quran, Hadith, 4 Fiqh Imams, all the early Muslim Scholars were "Unanimous" that free Muslim woman should take Hijab and hide whole of her body, while the Slave Woman were prohibited to take Hijab, and to resemble the free Muslim women. 

* Slave women were only allowed to hide their body from naval till knees. Rest whole of their body (including their breasts) were naked. 

* And if any slave woman took Hijab by mistake, then Umar Ibn Khattab (2nd Caliph) used to beat them with stick, and tell them not to resemble to the free Muslim women, and Hijab is only the Honour and Right of a free Muslim woman. 

* This means that thousands of slave women were half naked in front of Muhammad, as they were forced to move in public in this half naked state. And this practice continued for centuries in the Islamic World. 



Now 99% of normal Muslims of today themselves don't know that Islam/Muhammad compelled the slave woman to stay half naked in the public. Rest of the world also does not know this real face of Islam. What we hear today is only this that Hijab is a sign of "modesty" and thus Muslim girls themselves are attracted towards Hijab in name of modesty. 


Our ignorance about real Islam is our biggest enemy.  If we only come to know about these real teachings of Islam, then Islam would automatically die in this modern world. 

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Example of Muslim Propaganda:  Marriage with minor girl in Islam



Let me show another prime example of dishonesty of Islam apologists, and their propaganda machine. The article about women on Wiki (which you mentioned above) wrote about it:



According to Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, the two Sunni hadiths, Muhammed married Aisha, his third wife when she was 6, and consummated the marriage when she reached the age of 9 or 10. This version of events is rejected by Shia Muslims.



There are several  lies present in this statement: 


* Firstly, Islam apologists gave this Impression that Nikah could be done with minor girl, but it could only be CONSUMED when a girl gets her menses (i.e. age of 9 years in Arab areas of that time). 

* And although Shia Muslims claim that Aisha was 18 when Muhammad married her, but other that Aisha, they also "unanimously" agree that Islam permits to marry a minor breastfeeding girl too, and to consume all types of sexual enjoyment with naked body of such minor girl. And even penetration could be done with minor girl at age of 5, 6 or 7 if husband thinks it would not harm her. 


Forget about Aisha. Her case has been used for deception today, and they hide the real face of Islam by using her case. 


All Sunnis (just like Shias) also agree upon it unanimously that one could marry a breastfeeding baby girl too, and undress her, and kiss her naked body, and consume all types of sexual enjoyments from her, except for penetration, which could be done at age of 5, 6 or 7, or whenever husband thinks she would not be harmed by penetration. Also husband could compel the small girls of 5, 6 or 7 to masturbate them. 


This is a "Unanimous Ruling" (known as IJMA in Islamic terminology). 


Unfortunately, 99% of present day Muslims (and also rest of the world) does not know about this real face of Islamic Sharia. Islam apologists succeeded in hiding it, and even those people who criticise Islam, they don't know it and at maximum they use Aisha's age to criticise Islam. But Islam apologists have already compiled good defence of Aisha's case by claiming that girls got menses at age of 9 in Arab areas in that time, and therefore nothing is wrong with Islam. 


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