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Deviousness in the name of the virus. Stop calling it in the name put forth by the media

Real McCoy

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There is no reason for corona (already a loaded name) to be called covid. the rationale given is for the first two letters taken from corona and virus and d for disease and 19 for the year. Do they do it at all abbreviations. Why not UnStoA and UnNa instead of USA and UN. What's the difference you may ask. This is why.


Copied from link:

Speeding up to the present: on 11.02.2020 the Director-General of The World Health Organization announced that the new disease caused by the coronavirus and previously called by different names such as SARS-2 or coronavirus pandemic will be called COVID-19: 

“Now to coronavirus.

First of all, we have a name for the disease:

COVID-19. I’ll spell it: C-O-V-I-D hyphen one nine – COVID-19. 

Under agreed guidelines between WHO, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, we had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people, and which is also pronounceable and related to the disease.

Having a name matters to prevent the use of other names that can be inaccurate or stigmatizing. It also gives us a standard format to use for any future coronavirus outbreaks.”[19]

Since then, all news outlets, all over the world, have been relentlessly repeating the term, in a kind of ritual invocation: COVID, COVID, COVID… 

COVID -19 is supposed to be an acronym coming from Corona Virus Disease and the year it was first registered, 2019. However, what happens if we investigate COVID according to the above-mentioned Dolly/ Ylod/ ילוד algorithm? Chances are that the inverted Hebrew letters would not return anything meaningful, right? After all Dolly could have been only a bizarre coincidence. Well, coincidence or not, according to the same rule,COVID becomes DIVOC transcribed as דיבוק in Hebrew[20]and it actually means something – it means possession by an evil spirit.(The word is transcribed into English as dybbuk, b and v being represented through the same Hebrew character, Bet – ב). To better understand what a dybbuk is we will submit to no less of an authority as professor Yoram Bilu, professor of sociology and anthropology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and recipient of the prestigious Israel Award in 2013. According to Bilu:

“The term dybbuk (dibbuq) was used in Jewish mystical circles to designate a spirit of a dead person, a notorious sinner in his lifetime, that took temporary possession of a human being (…) dybbuk possession was always conceived as an affliction or an illness and the possessing agent a foreign, dangerous intruder that had to be expelled. (…) The exorcist was always a revered rabbi who confronted the spirit with various religiously informed measures used in a fixed, graded order[21].” 

Quoting renowned kabbalist Gershom Sholem’s works, Bilu points out that “dybbuks, demons or evil souls possessed some unhappy or mentally sick creature”. Dybbuks seem to target mostly women and children and “emotional intensification or arousal” are prerequisites for such demonic possession. Bilu concludes:

“Dybbuk possession left the victim as a passive object, temporarily bereft of self-awareness and without self-control vis-à-vis two external authorities: the possessing spirit who deprived the possessed of her individual identity and the rabbi-exorcist who compelled the spirit to leave[22]

Dybbuks are recurrent motives in Jewish folklore as well as in art, movies and theater plays.


@nevada@Jimmy Cliff This article makes a good point about news outlets repeating the name all the time as a ritual. Sound vibrations are powerful. That's why good chants about Krishna, Shiva, etc are important against these bad chants from the idiot box and from the zombie crowd who repeat it everywhere. Here's a wiki article on it:


Dybbuk comes from the Hebrew word evil דִּיבּוּקdibbūq which means 'the act of sticking' and is a nominal form derived from the verb דָּבַקdāḇaq 'to adhere' or 'cling'.[4]


What was surprising was there was a mallu film called Ezra where this is the central part of it. It also involves a jew. what a surprise. jews are not even than many in India. Yet a film is made out of their mythology. Gives a whole dimension to "god's own country" doesn't it. No wonder one cannot trust a mallu:phehe:j/k.

Its not only the jews. freemasons and other secret societies use hebrew mysticism such as kabbalah and use hebrew letters. Even satanist cults use hebrew and it is well known that satnaists use law of reversal. These people also use numbers and numerology of letters known as gematria. I believe 19 or the 91 when read reverse has some meaning. The 19 for year name is total bullshit. If so, why not name other pandemics with numbers.

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Vamos_retard laughs off COVID deaths on the account of, this media organisation is owned by A, B, C and that media organisation is owned by X, Y, Z. 


Go to any COVID related thread opened up by brother @BacktoCricaddict and this Vamos clown is there with his conspiracy theories. 


@BacktoCricaddict is an actual scientist with many journal research publications and holds a PhD (can't remember which field).


Who you going to believe?


Edited by EnterTheVoid
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enzerdabungbung is someone to talk as he spams every thread I've created and is now blaming me of the same in threads opened by another spammer backtowhatever who it calls "brother" :laugh:

also the other guy is as much of a scientist as anyone else here. just posting stats and talking in some scientific/medical jargon doesn't make a scientist. he holds a phd on psuedoscience :lol:viewers of this post be aware. enzerdabungbung must be a sad person in real life. it turns up on this chit chat section like a bad penny.

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2 hours ago, Real McCoy said:

enzerdabungbung is someone to talk as he spams every thread I've created and is now blaming me of the same in threads opened by another spammer backtowhatever who it calls "brother" :laugh:

also the other guy is as much of a scientist as anyone else here. just posting stats and talking in some scientific/medical jargon doesn't make a scientist. he holds a phd on psuedoscience :lol:viewers of this post be aware. enzerdabungbung must be a sad person in real life. it turns up on this chit chat section like a bad penny.


Says the Vamos_retard who gets his profound wisdom trawling through the sewers of right wing conspiracy forums. 


Rails against main stream media but when it suits his purpose, quotes from the Wikipedia like it's the gospel. The same Wikipedia where anyone can edit anything. :laugh:


This is the retard who finds human tragedy in COVID something to laugh about. Explains it's up bringing.

Edited by EnterTheVoid
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1 hour ago, EnterTheVoid said:


Says the Vamos_retard who gets his profound wisdom trawling through the sewers of right wing conspiracy forums. 


Rails against main stream media but when it suits his purpose, quotes from the Wikipedia like it's the gospel. The same Wikipedia where anyone can edit anything. :laugh:


This is the retard who finds human tragedy in COVID something to laugh about. Explains it's up bringing.


You have a weird obsession with me ever since you were pwned in THAT thread. Stop stalking me. The OP was never about you yet you try to take shots at me. Get a life :facepalm:

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