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And the Rebellion will continue against Islam (The message of LOVE on the Valentine's Day)


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It is madness. In Pakistan, Mullahs and even the Government spoke persons, even the universities, even the police are harassing the pairs who want to show their love on the Valentine's day only by giving flowers as a sign of their love. 

Private Universities are telling the male students to keep 2 meter distance from the female students today, otherwise they will be expelled from the universities, as the Pakistani law allows them to make their own laws inside the university premises. 

Groups of radical Muslims will come out today, and they will beat the pairs in the parks and on the streets. And they will break the shops with flowers and wish cards and presents for the Valentine's day. 

Anyhow, the rebelling will continue, and this is the most important message of Love to the Muslims, on the Valentine's day 





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