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Why left wing people consider themselves as intellectuals ???


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30 minutes ago, Sachinism said:

Don't. It may cause you to pause in your bootlicking


still better than begging for funds in streets..

you know what in tirupur/Coimbatore/erode area  , we call your commies as "(h)undial boys" :lol:


anyway i meant , i will buy that karl marx for you ..

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On 2/26/2019 at 10:17 PM, velu said:



what about your generalizations about RW ? .. considering you as a leftie/commie you should be smart/intelligent enough not to generalize like us RW? :cantstop: 



@Sachinism   dude .. if you have concluded that i meant commies/lefties are smart from the above quoted post , i really cant help you  :lol:

again proves that lefties cant meme and detect sarcasm :rotfl:  

Edited by velu
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9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

?!?! You do realize that American top 1% may make it to global top 1 % easily, but the American 10-20% range ends up as rest of western world/Japan/SoKo's 20th-30th percentile range, yes ? 


Most Americans are in a great position when compared to the rest of the world. I don't know anyone that lives their day to day life wondering which income percentile they belong too... expect maybe a socialist.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


I don't care one whit if it makes a difference to Trump's electability. But running a casino into the ground in Vegas is proof positive that he is an epic fail as a businessman is all that it leads to and it cannot be denied by any objective person. 



Trump is an amazing Businessman and a failed casino does nothing to dent that.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


Sorry but there is no rational basis to this statement. I can say the exact same for conservatives because there is proven research that conservatives the world over are : a) likely to be less educated than the liberals b) more prone to conspiracy theories than the mean average. There is humongous amount of research all around the world that shows this. 



Getting a degree in gender studies or black culture doesn't make you educated, if anything it furthers the point you are an idiot. The dumbest people in the US are those that occupy ghettos. Lowest education rate and lowest income also held by these people - they are overwhelming Democrat liberals. Their crime rate is also very high, they are scum.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


Same with conservatives. Those who beat into their kids head that they can be any gender or orientation they want to be (the hyper liberals) are just as nutty and no different than those who beat into their kids that anything but cis-gender or heterosexual is wrong ( the hyper conservatives). 



Sorry but anyone who teaches their kid to identify as a trans cis gender dog is sick. If teaching your kid to be normal instead of embracing mental disorders is nutty, I guess I'll be called "nutty".


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


Its pretty much the core ethos of capitalism, especially libertarian capitalism. 


Only filthy commies see it that way.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


It is most definitely a conservative problem if you are taking a stance of anti-abortion AND anti- support for child welfare. You are in effect saying that a child must be born and it must suffer because of the mistakes of their parents and your responsibility ends at bringing it to life. Sorry, but that is despicable. 


I don't think conservatives can do anything about this anymore. If blacks and immoral sluts want to slaughter their kids, let them go for it.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


Baby survives abortion ?! Sorry but baby does not survive abortion if the doctor knows what they are doing. We are not talking about self-administered coat-hangers in the bathroom here.

 Spoken like a man who has zero inkling of how many conservative women choose abortion or wish to choose abortion when the baby is medically not viable. 


The stuff being pushed right now is crazy. Babies can be aborted days before they are born. Of course only sick sluts are doing it so why not left them. Less libtard votes for the future.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


It is also common amongst the conservatives who see themselves as victims of liberal politics. 



Liberals are victims and want to be victims. This is part of their core and has nothing to do with conservatism.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


They are part of the conservative spectrum and your baggage. There are plenty of liberals too who wash their hands off of the hyper liberal loonies but you cons won't let them. So why should you get to engage in this double standards ? Those who are crazy liberals but 99% liberals want nothing to do with, will still be liberals to you but those who are crazy cons who 99% cons want nothing to do with are no longer cons ? Sorry, that double standard doesn't wash. 


Sorry, I told you why conservatives can't own it. They are not in the business of creating a cesspool.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

There is nothing victim about saying a certain word has been used certain times in certain places. Pointing out your (and by citizenship, also mine) nation's flaws is not playing the victim card. 


You are looking to be a victim by saying you were called "x". Nobody cares that someone hurt your feelings, this is the real world.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:




Well conservative men are more paedophilia oriented and love rape. Are you okay to be tagged as such ? Because if you wish to cling to the fact that there are more homosexuals in the liberal camp than cons, then i can easily demonstrate the fact that most paedophiles are from conservative backgrounds and self-identified conservatives. 


Those freaks would then have to be libtards at heart. It violates the principals of conservatism.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Irrelevant who invented what. Labels have changed, the conservative tilt hasn't. Sure, 100 years ago the democrats were the conservatives and the republicans were the liberals, which all changed in the 50s and 60s.  It doesn't change the fact that for the last 60 years or so, the KKK and the neo-nazi types are aligned with the republicans and the conservatives. 


Ah the old switcheroo card lol The party of slavery and hate will always be what it is, you can't shake it.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Um ok. That is irrelevant, but sure. 

Irrelevant because it's true?


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

That is because unlike you, i am a centrist. Which by american standards actually makes me more liberal than most liberal Americans ( fiscally atleast). 

You can call yourself whatever you want. It's clear what you truly are.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

The non-islamic Africans and Latinos are FAR more likely to be hard-working, degree & entreprenuer seeking folks than the randomized European which you have no basis to conclude from immigration documents if they are liberals or conservatives. 


Do you have an issues with Islamic Africans lol? Or do you admit they are ****? I'm just saying that there are more **** people out there than you think and people should be vetted more thoroughly.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Err no. Again, the largest demographic to be child molestors are conservative christian pastors and priests. That demographic alone accounts for 70-90% of all child molestors in the western world. This again, is easily substantiated. 


A "conservative" lol - if you can call them that who molests a boy is a closet libtard, plain and simple.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Because European development of democracy is relevant to the world moving forward, far more than the American 'special scenario of empty continent' one. THat is why. Currently the world is not empty. Neither is an entire continent just gonna drop dead from disease due to immigration, for the immigrants to fill in with unique & economic goldilocks scenarios. That is why American model is largely irrelevant - its a unique, special case in history, formed by having the empty continent phenomenon. And as America 'fills up', its goldilocks window closes and it becomes more and more like 'European political model'. 


Not sure what you are on about here, Europe isn't worth ****.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Irrelevant. Blacks for example in the last 5 presidential elections have been extremely hard to predict and have swung from majority Republican votes to majority democrat votes. This again, is easily verifiable. 


Lmao, you should have seen them Obungas and Obama-neishas line up during the 08 and 12 elections for their own kind. It was hilarious to see.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Sorry, but that is nonsense of the highest order. Doctors and nurses are *the* authorities on human life behavior and they see far more unique life scenarios in their work than you will ever see. Deference to authority is a mark of education, especially when that authority is meritoriously earned. 
It is also a fact that conservative voters the world over have a lower education level than liberal voters the world over, so i am not surprised if conservative people hold on to some moralistic nonsense ideas re: abortion over scientific facts. 

Nobody has authority over human life. Not sure what kind of doctors you see but I've met many that care for the interest of mother and baby's life. Again, a liberal voter who has a degree in black studies and can recite rap lyrics better than solving a simple math problem is not educated. They are more dumber than they were before.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



If you define failure as not being top 1% of society, then 99% of us would prefer a society that is better than America. Ergo, American society, statistically cannot be the optimal society for species homo sapiens if it yeilds sub-optimal results for 99% of its members. 


I didn't define failure by any income %, only libtards are obsessed with that. It's not my fault that people don't have the intelligence or will to do better.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

The only difference is, the person who makes 30K in USA is screwed for the next 2 years if they get stabbed in the gut- coz of medical expenses, while in Canada, we are a superior society by making healthcare an equal opportunity for all our citizens. 


Canada is no superior than any commie craphole if that's the yard stick.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

It is called blind nationalism. The same rationale that sees Bhutanese people poll happiest people on the planet despite making 1500 dollars per year income or Chadians polling happier than Americans. 

Your feeling of being happy while being poor is no different than Bhutanese person's feeling of being happy despite being poor.

It's laughable to see people take those polls seriously. Bhutan and Chad are crap, no made up happiness poll will fix that.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



A wall would do almost nothing, since a very small % of people cross the border as illegal immigrants overland. motion detecting atomatic turrets ? Sorry but this isnt 19th century. your president would be hauled in front of the ICJ as a criminal for authorizing that. Come back to reality, champ. 

Not sure why libtards think this is so hard. Agreed it's not viable because the cucks would try to block every effort to carry it out. However, thoroughly vetting people, building a wall, hunting down those who don't belong here on a massive scale to deport them would have a big impact. Automatic turrets and the death sentence to invaders is far fetched but I would love to see the intimidation and deterrence it brings. Heck, if the cockroaches make it through, maybe they could be useful for something.


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



would you like to see studies that prove that in the last 50 years, people who identify as conservatives have a higher prevalence of buying nonsense conspiracy ideas than those who identify as liberals from the world over ? or the studies from world over that shows a direct correlation between conservatism and lower education standards ?


Again, gender studies or throwing paint on a canvas isn't intelligence. Look at the amount of liberals that think otherwise - now that's a true conspiracy!


9 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Or are you going to prove yourself to be a case study candidate for these same studies, by claiming a worldwide conspiracy and rejecting said evidence ? Choice is yours....

I'm not sure what your obsession with this guy is but I don't share it. If I haven't made it clear already, to even consider liberal "studys" or thoughts as rational is insanity.

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15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Most Americans are in a great position when compared to the rest of the world. I don't know anyone that lives their day to day life wondering which income percentile they belong too... expect maybe a socialist.

True. But most americans are worse off compared to rest of the first world. This is a fact. This makes America a less than ideal place to live for most people. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Trump is an amazing Businessman and a failed casino does nothing to dent that.

A failed casino in Vegas makes him a crap businessman. Period. Just like losing an entire tank batallion to 100 men with 1 jeep and 1 recoiless rifle makes one a crap general. No two ways about this. No amount of conservative echo chamber-ism will gloss over the fact that bankrupting a gambling business (casino) in one of the top 5 places in the world to gamble is an epic black mark of failure for a businessman. 

I struggle to think of equivalent failure in coding world, i don't think a proper analogy exists to that level of failure. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Getting a degree in gender studies or black culture doesn't make you educated, if anything it furthers the point you are an idiot. The dumbest people in the US are those that occupy ghettos. Lowest education rate and lowest income also held by these people - they are overwhelming Democrat liberals. Their crime rate is also very high, they are scum.




As you can see, there is significant research out there that higher the education level of a person, the greater the likelyhood of them being liberal. Professors lean more liberal than Graduate degree holders, who are more liberal leaning than bachelors degree holders, who are more liberal leaning than high school only. 


So this isn't about which degree who holds but the fact that higher the level of education in ANY field, the greater the chances they are liberals. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Sorry but anyone who teaches their kid to identify as a trans cis gender dog is sick. If teaching your kid to be normal instead of embracing mental disorders is nutty, I guess I'll be called "nutty".

Teach your kids that its okay to be who THEY are. Why should your kid, if he/she is gay, be forced to suppress that ?! Why should your kid, if he/she is a hidja, be forced to suppress that ?! What kind of a parent does that to a child ? Its their life and your job is to accept your kid for who they are and make their journey through life as easy as possible. Chances are obviously that your kid will be cis & straight, because that like 90% people, but there is 1 in 10 chance that your kid will not be. Let them be who they actually are. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:


Only filthy commies see it that way.

Nope. Sorry. The libertarian pillar of capitalism is anti-minimum wage and anti-maximum working hours. The libertarian core ethics of capitalism is, the market will determine what is right/wrong. If people want to work for 2 bucks/hr for 20 hrs/day, its their choice. 
That is de-facto pro slavery. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

I don't think conservatives can do anything about this anymore. If blacks and immoral sluts want to slaughter their kids, let them go for it.

They have two choices that are ethical - either be pro abortion or be anti-abortion but pro child support. But they are not. They are anti-abortion and anti-child support. Which makes them de-facto inflicting of harm on innocent little children who's parents cannot afford a good life for them. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

The stuff being pushed right now is crazy. Babies can be aborted days before they are born. Of course only sick sluts are doing it so why not left them. Less libtard votes for the future.

Stop your nonsense. I have family who are doctors and nurses. Just a few weeks ago a super-conservative Christian woman set aside her 'morals' and chose compassion to abort her child seven months in, due to the fact that this foetus had an unclosed heart and the doctor told her in no uncertain terms that her baby, when born, will live for less than a day and will die a painful death. 


Any woman who chooses to birth a baby only to watch it die in pain in a few hours is not a conservative paragon of virtue but a psychopath. 


The overwhelming majority of late term abortion are medical necessities- most places do not allow you to abort viable foetus in the third trimester. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Liberals are victims and want to be victims. This is part of their core and has nothing to do with conservatism.

Conservatives are victims and play victim card too when it suits them. They play the victim card of 'we are victim of liberal media, we are victimized by liberal agenda towards abortion or religion' stuff. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Sorry, I told you why conservatives can't own it. They are not in the business of creating a cesspool.

They are in the business of creating the cesspool of racism and ethnic divide, since most of the KKK and stuff identify as conservative. THey are the baggage of conservative people because they are conservative far-right. Hence the term the 'far right'. 

You not owning them is just as disingeneous as liberals not owning the crazy crackpot feminazis in their midst. THey can use the same logic as you did too. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

You are looking to be a victim by saying you were called "x". Nobody cares that someone hurt your feelings, this is the real world.

I didn't say my feelings were hurt. i said i was called a term seen as racist by many. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:


Those freaks would then have to be libtards at heart. It violates the principals of conservatism.

There is nothing more conservative than a pastor or a priest. Paedophilia is a conservative people problem predominantly, whether you want to admit it or not. Most paedophiles identify as conservative. So lets call you a paedophile by the standards you espouse. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Ah the old switcheroo card lol The party of slavery and hate will always be what it is, you can't shake it.

Irrelevant. We are talking conservatives vs liberals here. Not republicans vs democrats. Conservatives and liberals can switch cards and labels all they like every 100 years, but they are still the conservatives or the liberals. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Irrelevant because it's true?

No, irrelevant because it has no bearing to the points we are making. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

You can call yourself whatever you want. It's clear what you truly are.

It is very clear what i am. When liberals call me out for being conservative and conservatives call me out for being liberal, it makes me a centrist. We are a shrinking bunch in this polarizing world, but unlike you, i am of the soil of India and i havn't forgotten my ancestral culture of seeking balance. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Do you have an issues with Islamic Africans lol? Or do you admit they are ****? I'm just saying that there are more **** people out there than you think and people should be vetted more thoroughly.

I have issues with Islam. But my statement stands - the non-islamic Africans and the Latinos are far more likely to go into STEM fields or management or trades than the average European who is way likelier than them to sink money into useless studies like gender studies or fine arts. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

A "conservative" lol - if you can call them that who molests a boy is a closet libtard, plain and simple.

Nope. They are conservatives. You don't get to pick the labels for people to suit your worldview. A pastor/priest is a beacon of conservatism by principle, by logic and self-identified as such. You don't get to label the inconvinient malcontents amongst your midst as liberal as you choose,sorry. They are your baggage.

You are proving one of the axiomatic problems with conservatives - they are far less prone to self critique and acceptance of malcontents in their midst without labelling them as liberal/commie insiders. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Not sure what you are on about here, Europe isn't worth ****.

In simple terms, their model of democracy is far more relevant to America moving forward than the unique, exceptional and unnatural scenario that spawned American democracy and is now a bygone era. The American dream is not a natural economic state but the product of an empty continent laid waste by disease, waiting to be exploited. That window closed a 100 years ago, hence sticking to the American dream has destituted the American masses more than the superior socio-economic systems of rest of the western world. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Lmao, you should have seen them Obungas and Obama-neishas line up during the 08 and 12 elections for their own kind. It was hilarious to see.

Still doesn't change the fact that there are elections in the last 20 years where Afro-americans have voted predominantly Republican. Ergo your contention that they are democrats primarily, is shortsighted and incorrect. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Nobody has authority over human life.

Nobody has authority over human life. Doctors and medical professionals do have authority to determine if it is human life or not. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Not sure what kind of doctors you see but I've met many that care for the interest of mother and baby's life. Again, a liberal voter who has a degree in black studies and can recite rap lyrics better than solving a simple math problem is not educated. They are more dumber than they were before.

Again, the overwhelming majority of medical professionals in the western world are pro-choice. Because they see ghastly horror stories of unviable babies being forced to born in conservative societies with laws that do not take medical realities into account. Ireland used to be that way until just a couple of years ago. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

I didn't define failure by any income %, only libtards are obsessed with that. It's not my fault that people don't have the intelligence or will to do better.

Intelligence or will doesn't make everyone squish into the top 1% bracket. Thats an oxymoron. The simple reality of America is, America is an inferior country to Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway,Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan, Netherlands and probably one or two i am forgetting, for anyone outside the top 5% bracket comparatively.


This makes USA, objectively, an economically inferior nation for most of its citizens. 


"Not my fault people cannot do better" is an implicit argument to what i stated earlier - America is the greatest nation on the planet for the top 1-10% of income earners but a backwards nation by first world standards for the rest 90% of people. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Canada is no superior than any commie craphole if that's the yard stick.

We are far superior than USA because we have public healthcare that doesn't destitute people for breaking a leg or being punched out. Amongst many other things. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

It's laughable to see people take those polls seriously. Bhutan and Chad are crap, no made up happiness poll will fix that.

Then no amount of your made-up delusion of feeling happy when you were poor is gonna change the fact that USA is a cr@phole of the first world for overwhelming majority of people. Simple. If you are going to dismiss feeling of happiness despite being poor of other people, then yours are dismissable just as easily as well. 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Not sure why libtards think this is so hard. Agreed it's not viable because the cucks would try to block every effort to carry it out. However, thoroughly vetting people, building a wall, hunting down those who don't belong here on a massive scale to deport them would have a big impact. Automatic turrets and the death sentence to invaders is far fetched but I would love to see the intimidation and deterrence it brings. Heck, if the cockroaches make it through, maybe they could be useful for something.

They are useful for something - working jobs you regular americans won't do, like picking fruit for 2 bucks an hour. Maybe it comes back to the fact that better educated people tend to be liberal and educated people, especially those who know history, see how spectacular failure long defensive walls are at preventing immigration (not just invasions but immigration). 

15 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Again, gender studies or throwing paint on a canvas isn't intelligence. Look at the amount of liberals that think otherwise - now that's a true conspiracy!

Bud, i am a STEM degree holder. You don't need to convince a STEM degree holder to the uselessness of a fine arts degree or gender studies degree. I've already said so myself. Yet it is fact that the higher the education level of a person, the more likely they are liberal. I've already presented the evidence. 


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28 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

True. But most americans are worse off compared to rest of the first world. This is a fact. This makes America a less than ideal place to live for most people. 


We are going in circles. I don't care about the ones who you claim are worst off. I can't make them help themselves.


28 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


A failed casino in Vegas makes him a crap businessman. Period. Just like losing an entire tank batallion to 100 men with 1 jeep and 1 recoiless rifle makes one a crap general. No two ways about this. No amount of conservative echo chamber-ism will gloss over the fact that bankrupting a gambling business (casino) in one of the top 5 places in the world to gamble is an epic black mark of failure for a businessman. 

I struggle to think of equivalent failure in coding world, i don't think a proper analogy exists to that level of failure. 



This casino thing exists in echo chambers only and you are proving it, nobody cares but libtards. You are better off comparing the lahori logic failure of the Pakistani general to Obama's failures.


28 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:






As you can see, there is significant research out there that higher the education level of a person, the greater the likelyhood of them being liberal. Professors lean more liberal than Graduate degree holders, who are more liberal leaning than bachelors degree holders, who are more liberal leaning than high school only. 

So this isn't about which degree who holds but the fact that higher the level of education in ANY field, the greater the chances they are liberals. 

Colleges and academia in general are communist breeding grounds, nothing earth shattering about this. Do you expect libtards to say that art and gender studies makes them dumber?


28 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


Teach your kids that its okay to be who THEY are. Why should your kid, if he/she is gay, be forced to suppress that ?! Why should your kid, if he/she is a hidja, be forced to suppress that ?! What kind of a parent does that to a child ? Its their life and your job is to accept your kid for who they are and make their journey through life as easy as possible. Chances are obviously that your kid will be cis & straight, because that like 90% people, but there is 1 in 10 chance that your kid will not be. Let them be who they actually are. 


Sorry but responsible parents don't guide their kids to be mentally deranged, that's how liberals are created and run around promoting this garbage.


38 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


Nope. Sorry. The libertarian pillar of capitalism is anti-minimum wage and anti-maximum working hours. The libertarian core ethics of capitalism is, the market will determine what is right/wrong. If people want to work for 2 bucks/hr for 20 hrs/day, its their choice. 
That is de-facto pro slavery. 


Again, a flawed socialist view. People are free to chart their own path to success. This is opposed to being government property under the commie system.


41 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


They have two choices that are ethical - either be pro abortion or be anti-abortion but pro child support. But they are not. They are anti-abortion and anti-child support. Which makes them de-facto inflicting of harm on innocent little children who's parents cannot afford a good life for them. 


Whatever, it's liberals killing their kids - why should I care? As I said, less votes for their side.


41 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

Stop your nonsense. I have family who are doctors and nurses. Just a few weeks ago a super-conservative Christian woman set aside her 'morals' and chose compassion to abort her child seven months in, due to the fact that this foetus had an unclosed heart and the doctor told her in no uncertain terms that her baby, when born, will live for less than a day and will die a painful death. 

Any woman who chooses to birth a baby only to watch it die in pain in a few hours is not a conservative paragon of virtue but a psychopath. 

The overwhelming majority of late term abortion are medical necessities- most places do not allow you to abort viable foetus in the third trimester. 

That is a very special circumstance is a heart breaking situation for a conservative woman. However the majority of women who get abortions are not in such a situation. They are just classless sluts.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


Conservatives are victims and play victim card too when it suits them. They play the victim card of 'we are victim of liberal media, we are victimized by liberal agenda towards abortion or religion' stuff. 


Those are not victim cards, those facts. Conservatives don't go around looking for reparations.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:



They are in the business of creating the cesspool of racism and ethnic divide, since most of the KKK and stuff identify as conservative. THey are the baggage of conservative people because they are conservative far-right. Hence the term the 'far right'. 

You not owning them is just as disingeneous as liberals not owning the crazy crackpot feminazis in their midst. THey can use the same logic as you did too. 


Far right is a liberal coined term. You can't associate immoral garbage or stupidity to conservatism. These things are exclusive to liberals.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

I didn't say my feelings were hurt. i said i was called a term seen as racist by many. 


Whining and crying about race constantly is a common theme of liberals. Trust me, it won't get you anywhere.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


There is nothing more conservative than a pastor or a priest. Paedophilia is a conservative people problem predominantly, whether you want to admit it or not. Most paedophiles identify as conservative. So lets call you a paedophile by the standards you espouse.

Pedophilia is sick just like all the other masterpeices that libtards partake in. You can't sell these closet libtards as conservatives - they are not. You will have better luck trying to sell RINOs as conservative which is also deeply flawed.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:



Irrelevant. We are talking conservatives vs liberals here. Not republicans vs democrats. Conservatives and liberals can switch cards and labels all they like every 100 years, but they are still the conservatives or the liberals. 



The switcheroo card won't help you here. The liberals and Democrats are one disgusting entity.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

No, irrelevant because it has no bearing to the points we are making. 


Of course it does. American conservatives don't own some Hindu that goes a killing spree against Jihadis. Even though I would like it, this is in a different sphere.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

It is very clear what i am. When liberals call me out for being conservative and conservatives call me out for being liberal, it makes me a centrist. We are a shrinking bunch in this polarizing world, but unlike you, i am of the soil of India and i havn't forgotten my ancestral culture of seeking balance. 

Any liberal that calls you out for being conservative has really let the sickness of unlimited gender identity get to their head.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


I have issues with Islam. But my statement stands - the non-islamic Africans and the Latinos are far more likely to go into STEM fields or management or trades than the average European who is way likelier than them to sink money into useless studies like gender studies or fine arts. 



That's fine, and the average Asian is more likely to do better than the African or Latino. I'm not looking to take above average crap, I want the best.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

Nope. They are conservatives. You don't get to pick the labels for people to suit your worldview. A pastor/priest is a beacon of conservatism by principle, by logic and self-identified as such. You don't get to label the inconvinient malcontents amongst your midst as liberal as you choose,sorry. They are your baggage.


A priest that starts loving on other males is no conservative. He is a liberal by every definition. As much as Jihadi's love to molest, they belong to the left wing too. You can't change it.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

You are proving one of the axiomatic problems with conservatives - they are far less prone to self critique and acceptance of malcontents in their midst without labelling them as liberal/commie insiders. 

You have to call out the crap of society for what it is. Playing the PC game is utter stupidity. If it acts like and talks like a communist piece of ****, then it is one. No different than your pastor example.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


In simple terms, their model of democracy is far more relevant to America moving forward than the unique, exceptional and unnatural scenario that spawned American democracy and is now a bygone era. The American dream is not a natural economic state but the product of an empty continent laid waste by disease, waiting to be exploited. That window closed a 100 years ago, hence sticking to the American dream has destituted the American masses more than the superior socio-economic systems of rest of the western world. 



Again, Europe doesn't matter. American exceptionalism is what makes America great and different.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


Still doesn't change the fact that there are elections in the last 20 years where Afro-americans have voted predominantly Republican. Ergo your contention that they are democrats primarily, is shortsighted and incorrect. 


Blacks have been slaves to the Democrat plantation for decades and it isn't changing anytime soon. A few intelligent Blacks (or Uncles Tom's as their own race would label them) isn't giving Republicans ownership of the entire voting block.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


Nobody has authority over human life. Doctors and medical professionals do have authority to determine if it is human life or not. 



Nobody has the authority for any such thing period. If you want to devolve into that discussion, then the Jihadi Orlando shooter had authority to abort those in the gay club. His religion clearly gave him authority to kill/abort the haram.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:



Again, the overwhelming majority of medical professionals in the western world are pro-choice. Because they see ghastly horror stories of unviable babies being forced to born in conservative societies with laws that do not take medical realities into account. Ireland used to be that way until just a couple of years ago. 


Sure but they will treat a Mother and her baby as two lives as well. What you are describing is how they adapt to situations. Glad that they can, it allows them to save a conservative mother and her unborn baby in certain medical cases or discard a hood rat's new born in the blink of an eye. This is good in my view.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

Intelligence or will doesn't make everyone squish into the top 1% bracket. Thats an oxymoron. The simple reality of America is, America is an inferior country to Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway,Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan, Netherlands and probably one or two i am forgetting, for anyone outside the top 5% bracket comparatively.


This makes USA, objectively, an economically inferior nation for most of its citizens. 

"Not my fault people cannot do better" is an implicit argument to what i stated earlier - America is the greatest nation on the planet for the top 1-10% of income earners but a backwards nation by first world standards for the rest 90% of people. 


The reality is that America is the greatest country in the world, this can't really be argued. Sure the countries you have listed are not that bad, but economically, militarily, socially (if you exclude liberals) and culturally (if you exclude liberals), America is the shining light of the world.


55 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:


We are far superior than USA because we have public healthcare that doesn't destitute people for breaking a leg or being punched out. Amongst many other things. 

Or America is far superior to Canada because you can actually get a doctor when you need one. Public healthcare makes Canada a socialist craphole, the country is inferior because of it.


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

Then no amount of your made-up delusion of feeling happy when you were poor is gonna change the fact that USA is a cr@phole of the first world for overwhelming majority of people. Simple. If you are going to dismiss feeling of happiness despite being poor of other people, then yours are dismissable just as easily as well. 



Again, you don't need to be rich to be happy in America. This is a false narrative made up by libtards. Jihadi scum in Qatar might be super rich but their country, culture, religion, lifetstyle etc. is all garbage. Therefore their country is garbage.


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:



They are useful for something - working jobs you regular americans won't do, like picking fruit for 2 bucks an hour. Maybe it comes back to the fact that better educated people tend to be liberal and educated people, especially those who know history, see how spectacular failure long defensive walls are at preventing immigration (not just invasions but immigration). 



They are useless. We have hordes of welfare hood rats that could be forced to do the work. Also, you make a moot point. History doesn't predict the future. A wall with other solutions could have a completely different result. This is why liberals are bound to be failures, they fail once and believe they will always fail hence they need handouts. Conservatives are different, we won't see eye to eye.


1 hour ago, Muloghonto said:

Bud, i am a STEM degree holder. You don't need to convince a STEM degree holder to the uselessness of a fine arts degree or gender studies degree. I've already said so myself. Yet it is fact that the higher the education level of a person, the more likely they are liberal. I've already presented the evidence. 


So? Many STEM degree holders are idiots too, they are also likely to be influenced into stupidity as well because the same craphole colleges that produce gender study or art majors also produce STEM grads. Just because a professor teaches STEM doesn't mean he is any less libtarded than the black studies professor whining about slavery from centuries ago, right? The students are no different, a liberal idiot is a liberal idiot - no way to cut it.

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4 hours ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

We are going in circles. I don't care about the ones who you claim are worst off. I can't make them help themselves.

Sure. But if the majority of people in your nation are worse off than majority of people in another nation, then its objective to say your nation is crappier for majority of people being well off. Doesn't matter if you care or not, but this is the objective fact. 


This casino thing exists in echo chambers only and you are proving it, nobody cares but libtards. You are better off comparing the lahori logic failure of the Pakistani general to Obama's failures.

Anyone with any nous of business cares about the fact that he is a terrible businessman for bankrupting a casino in the top 5 places on this planet to have a casino. Even baniyaas in India laugh at this terrible business nous. You being a DT fan doesn't change the fact that he is a terrible businessman and this is just one example of him sinking something that should be unsinkable. 


Colleges and academia in general are communist breeding grounds, nothing earth shattering about this. Do you expect libtards to say that art and gender studies makes them dumber?

This is not about arts or liberal studies. This is about higher the level of your degree, the more likely that you are a liberal. Across ALL fields. This is what i meant when i said the more educated you are - the more likely you are to be a liberal, ergo, less educated you are, the more likely you are to be a conservative. 


Sorry but responsible parents don't guide their kids to be mentally deranged, that's how liberals are created and run around promoting this garbage.

Responsible parents help their children be what they are and succeed at it. We all hope for our children to be cis-gendered straight people but if they are not, its our responsibility to make them comfortable with who they are and succeed at it. 

Conservatives who force their kids to be something they are not, just to conform to their ideology are just as bad parents as liberals who force their kids to be gender fluid and stuff to conform to their ideology. Two sides of the same coin. 


Again, a flawed socialist view. People are free to chart their own path to success. This is opposed to being government property under the commie system.

False. People also have freedom from overexpoloitation. This is why all successful economic systems BALANCE capitalism and socialism with worker rights. Otherwise we end up with slavery where you can pay bare minimum to a human being and work them to death. This used to happen in the 1800s is the direct reason why communism came to people's rescue in the first place. And even though it was a broken system, it imparted elements of socialism into our economic model that has objectively benefited it. 


Whatever, it's liberals killing their kids - why should I care? As I said, less votes for their side.

If you want kids to not be killed, then pony up and pay for their welfare costs. Otherwise you just want a kid to be born and suffer. 


That is a very special circumstance is a heart breaking situation for a conservative woman. However the majority of women who get abortions are not in such a situation. They are just classless sluts.

Overwhelming majority of late term (third trimester) abortion are these special circumstances. As i said, you know nothing of the medical field, nor are you connected to it. In my relative's hospital, there is atleast one such heartbreaking case a week where the foetus has to be terminated for its own good and to inflict less cruelty. 


Those are not victim cards, those facts. Conservatives don't go around looking for reparations.

Those are victim cards, sorry. If they are facts, then what the liberals say are also facts and not victim cards. You don't get to engage in double standards, sorry. See i consider BOTH to be victim cards. Because i am centrist, it doesn't affect me. You on the other hand, want to label your grievances as facts but those of your opposition as victim cards. Sorry, thats inconsistent and easily dismissed as biased nonsense. 


Far right is a liberal coined term. You can't associate immoral garbage or stupidity to conservatism. These things are exclusive to liberals.

Then far left is a conservative coined term and you cant associate the garbage of far left femminazis to the regular left. 

The KKK is your baggage, just like how Femminazis are Liberal's baggage. Man up and deal with your baggage. 


Whining and crying about race constantly is a common theme of liberals. Trust me, it won't get you anywhere.

Its also a conservative thing. Hence KKK are conservative and conservatives have such strong racist tendencies in the western world, especially pro-white racism. 


Pedophilia is sick just like all the other masterpeices that libtards partake in. You can't sell these closet libtards as conservatives - they are not. You will have better luck trying to sell RINOs as conservative which is also deeply flawed.

I am not selling anything. They are pastors and priests. they are by default conservatives. Paedophilia is therefore a conservative problem. No amount of trying to run from it will make it go away. 


The switcheroo card won't help you here. The liberals and Democrats are one disgusting entity.

Yep. Now they are. 100 years ago liberals and republicans were the one entity. I dont care about your political terms of democrats or republicans and how they change over the centuries. Liberals are liberals and conservatives are conservatives. Thats all that is relevant to this discussion. 


Of course it does. American conservatives don't own some Hindu that goes a killing spree against Jihadis. Even though I would like it, this is in a different sphere.

Nobody said they did, just like how american liberals and kazakh liberals are two completely seperate entities. Irrelevant to our discussion. 


Any liberal that calls you out for being conservative has really let the sickness of unlimited gender identity get to their head.

I am plenty conservative by Canadian & European standards. As i said, its a hallmark of being a centrist - we get called out from both sides. Thats how you know you are a centrist. I am liberal to you because i am more liberal than you. I am conservative to the real liberals because i am more conservative than them. This is basic set theory on how to determine your position on the graph, buddy. 


That's fine, and the average Asian is more likely to do better than the African or Latino. I'm not looking to take above average crap, I want the best.

you won't get the best without the crap that also comes with it. Thats the name of the game of immigration - legal and illegal and you are much too young and much to naive to think you can pick and choose effectively, when nobody has been able to. 

Besides, whatever happened to your 'actually i prefer Europeans over the Africans/Latinos' angle ? Why ? It is quantifiabe that Latinos and Africans are more likely to go into STEM +Management + Trades than the average European who is far more likely to go into waste of time and money arts degrees. Are you going to address your bias towards Europeans vis-a-vis latinos or is that just a product of growing up in the Saudi Arabia of the western world ?!



A priest that starts loving on other males is no conservative. He is a liberal by every definition. As much as Jihadi's love to molest, they belong to the left wing too. You can't change it.

There is nothing to change. They are conservative people because they espouse conservative values and are conservative people with a glitch in their system. They spend most of their lives being conservative but cannot help themselves to their sickness. Ie, its a sickness that afflicts conservative people more. That is objective, rest is you just trying to disown your political spectrum's baggage. 


You have to call out the crap of society for what it is. Playing the PC game is utter stupidity. If it acts like and talks like a communist piece of ****, then it is one. No different than your pastor example.

Nope. They are conservative because they are beacons of conservative society and spend most of their lives being conservative and upholding said values. They are much more accurately described as conservatives with an affliction that they act on from time to time. Ie, broken conservative people. but still conservative.

Sorry, but you are not going to succeed trying to pass off priests and pastors as liberal folks just because they have a higher propensity to molest children. 


Again, Europe doesn't matter. American exceptionalism is what makes America great and different.

Europe matters more than America moving forward and i already explained how. I already explained how American dream is a losing equation and the effects of the empty continent to US economic & political development making it an exception case, not the default. Since you have no counter to that,i gather, you are simply not prepared to accept the fact that your nation is coming in for a hard landing. 


Blacks have been slaves to the Democrat plantation for decades and it isn't changing anytime soon. A few intelligent Blacks (or Uncles Tom's as their own race would label them) isn't giving Republicans ownership of the entire voting block.

Sorry the switcharoo is not going to help you here. Blacks were slaves to conservatives. Those conservatives 150 years ago were democracts. Now they are mostly republicans. Democrats and Republicans do not have ownership over black votes, because it is evidenced that in the last 40 years blacks have predominantly voted both democrat and republicans. Those are the facts, so your view is incosnsitent with the facts. Its just that simple. 


Nobody has the authority for any such thing period.

Those who are educated in a field, will always have prime authority to determine matters of validity on that field. Its a doctor, not you, who gets to sign off on a death certificate. Ergo, they have greater authority than you on determining the basis of human life. 


If you want to devolve into that discussion, then the Jihadi Orlando shooter had authority to abort those in the gay club. His religion clearly gave him authority to kill/abort the haram.

Nope. Because my argument is meritocratic, not divine authority. Doctors & medical professionals get to determine what is alive and what is not, because they are far more educated and experienced in that field than you or I. Just like how I get to determine if your software needs fixing or not or a mechanic gets to determine if your car needs fixing or not. 


Sure but they will treat a Mother and her baby as two lives as well. What you are describing is how they adapt to situations. Glad that they can, it allows them to save a conservative mother and her unborn baby in certain medical cases or discard a hood rat's new born in the blink of an eye. This is good in my view.

Doctors dont make such distinctions, i am sorry to burst your bubble. Rules of triage does not give two toss about if you are a hood rat or a conservative child-rapist pastor's daughter. 




The reality is that America is the greatest country in the world, this can't really be argued. Sure the countries you have listed are not that bad, but economically, militarily, socially (if you exclude liberals) and culturally (if you exclude liberals), America is the shining light of the world.

It sure can. All those countries have greater economic wealth for a greater % of their population. That, objectively makes it a better society. Economically America is good for only the top 5-10% of society. For the rest 95-90% of society, rest of western world is economically superior. This is empiric fact. As for culture - LOL. North American culture is a tea-pot in front of the OCEAN that is the culture of Eurasia. Turin alone has more culture in it than entire New England put together. 



Or America is far superior to Canada because you can actually get a doctor when you need one. Public healthcare makes Canada a socialist craphole, the country is inferior because of it.

False. I can see my doctor anytime i want. If i have a medical emergency, i get any treatment i want, for free. The only difference is, if i want a cosmetic procedure, i either have to pay out of my pocket and get it immediately or wait till more important cases are dealt with.

Canadian healthcare is decisively superior to American healthcare. I have experienced both and it played a decisive role in me settling in Canada over USA. 



Again, you don't need to be rich to be happy in America. This is a false narrative made up by libtards. Jihadi scum in Qatar might be super rich but their country, culture, religion, lifetstyle etc. is all garbage. Therefore their country is garbage.

You also don't need to be rich to be happy in Bhutan and the average Bhutanese is happier than the average American. That is also a documented fact. 

American lifestyle is more garbage than most of the western world is why most Americans are in greater debt and poorer than most of the western world. 


They are useless. We have hordes of welfare hood rats that could be forced to do the work.

Sorry, you can't force people to work. Thats called slavery. 


Also, you make a moot point. History doesn't predict the future.

Sure. But as Einstien said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different outcome every time. Walls have been built to keep people out. They are historically batting at 0% level of success at their objective regarding immigration. As a betting man, i don't bet on losers or losing ideas. 


A wall with other solutions could have a completely different result. This is why liberals are bound to be failures, they fail once and believe they will always fail hence they need handouts. Conservatives are different, we won't see eye to eye.

yet its liberals who foster change in society, even according to conservative philosophers. Interesting. I suspect you have much education to be had. 


So? Many STEM degree holders are idiots too, they are also likely to be influenced into stupidity as well because the same craphole colleges that produce gender study or art majors also produce STEM grads. Just because a professor teaches STEM doesn't mean he is any less libtarded than the black studies professor whining about slavery from centuries ago, right? The students are no different, a liberal idiot is a liberal idiot - no way to cut it.

I am sorry, but saying people who disagree with you are idiots, regardless of their level of education is just a roundabout way of saying 'i am right, you are wrong and i dont care what you say or i say,i am always right'. Thats a 4 year old's argument. STEM people are objectively better at logic and reasoning than non-STEM people in general, because you CANNOT be good at math if you suck at logic and you CANNOT be a good electrical engineer for eg if you suck at math. 

Not to mention, this trend of higher the education level, more likely they are liberal is ALSO true for people educated in predominantly technical institutes and polytechnics like MIT, CalTech etc. who have a tiny humanities presence and are dominant STEM field institutes.


I see that the fact that higher the level of education, the more likely they are to be liberal,has stung you. Well as you grow older, you will learn to roll with the warts and imperfections of what you identify with, instead of trying to ignore it or wish it away. Thats called life. 

Edited by Muloghonto
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4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Sure. But if the majority of people in your nation are worse off than majority of people in another nation, then its objective to say your nation is crappier for majority of people being well off. Doesn't matter if you care or not, but this is the objective fact. 


That is false, you can't compare **** nations to America. Even the welfare queens have it better off than most because they don't even need to work.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


Anyone with any nous of business cares about the fact that he is a terrible businessman for bankrupting a casino in the top 5 places on this planet to have a casino. Even baniyaas in India laugh at this terrible business nous. You being a DT fan doesn't change the fact that he is a terrible businessman and this is just one example of him sinking something that should be unsinkable. 


Anyone with business sense would realize what Trump has done is absolutely amazing. Your so called more educated liberals can't even build a single business.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

This is not about arts or liberal studies. This is about higher the level of your degree, the more likely that you are a liberal. Across ALL fields. This is what i meant when i said the more educated you are - the more likely you are to be a liberal, ergo, less educated you are, the more likely you are to be a conservative.

Liberalism is a mental disorder - being more educated will not fix it no matter how much you make that claim.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Responsible parents help their children be what they are and succeed at it. We all hope for our children to be cis-gendered straight people but if they are not, its our responsibility to make them comfortable with who they are and succeed at it. 

Yes conservatives hope for this, but liberals are pushing their kids to become trannys. It's sick and disgusting.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

False. People also have freedom from overexpoloitation. This is why all successful economic systems BALANCE capitalism and socialism with worker rights. Otherwise we end up with slavery where you can pay bare minimum to a human being and work them to death. This used to happen in the 1800s is the direct reason why communism came to people's rescue in the first place. And even though it was a broken system, it imparted elements of socialism into our economic model that has objectively benefited it. 


Any system that moves towards socialism is garbage and will eventually become a failed state. Commie countries are crapholes.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

If you want kids to not be killed, then pony up and pay for their welfare costs. Otherwise you just want a kid to be born and suffer. 


Where do you think welfare queens get the money from? The free child support has always been there.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Overwhelming majority of late term (third trimester) abortion are these special circumstances. As i said, you know nothing of the medical field, nor are you connected to it. In my relative's hospital, there is atleast one such heartbreaking case a week where the foetus has to be terminated for its own good and to inflict less cruelty. 


These sad cases that impact conservative goddesses are different from what we see the disease ridden liberal sluts doing. You can't compare it.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Those are victim cards, sorry. If they are facts, then what the liberals say are also facts and not victim cards. You don't get to engage in double standards, sorry. See i consider BOTH to be victim cards. Because i am centrist, it doesn't affect me. You on the other hand, want to label your grievances as facts but those of your opposition as victim cards. Sorry, thats inconsistent and easily dismissed as biased nonsense. 


Liberalism is based on victim mentality, conservatism isn't. 


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


Then far left is a conservative coined term and you cant associate the garbage of far left femminazis to the regular left. 



Femminazi is mainstream liberalism, it would be extremely hard for you to find liberal women not following this ideology.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

The KKK is your baggage, just like how Femminazis are Liberal's baggage. Man up and deal with your baggage. 


KKK is not mainstream by any stretch - heck I have never even seen this guys except on TV. Feminist on the other hand are widespread and make up a large portion of libtards.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Its also a conservative thing. Hence KKK are conservative and conservatives have such strong racist tendencies in the western world, especially pro-white racism. 

KKK has nothing to do with conservatism whatsoever.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

I am not selling anything. They are pastors and priests. they are by default conservatives. Paedophilia is therefore a conservative problem. No amount of trying to run from it will make it go away. 


Sorry but people who are boy loving and exploiting kids are closet liberals by definition. It's incompatible with conservatism.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Yep. Now they are. 100 years ago liberals and republicans were the one entity. I dont care about your political terms of democrats or republicans and how they change over the centuries. Liberals are liberals and conservatives are conservatives. Thats all that is relevant to this discussion. 


Yes and liberals were always Democrats, the switcharoo is a myth made up by libtards.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Nobody said they did, just like how american liberals and kazakh liberals are two completely seperate entities. Irrelevant to our discussion. 


Good, same goes for the KKK - the only entity that owns that are the DemoKKKrats.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

I am plenty conservative by Canadian & European standards. As i said, its a hallmark of being a centrist - we get called out from both sides. Thats how you know you are a centrist. I am liberal to you because i am more liberal than you. I am conservative to the real liberals because i am more conservative than them. This is basic set theory on how to determine your position on the graph, buddy. 


Every position you hold is liberal so cut the centrist bs, anyone could see through it. Your positions on Muslims may be a little off but I'm sure it's cause you don't like Pakistan just like all Indians out there. It's nothing I haven't seen demonstrated amongst most indians I know.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


you won't get the best without the crap that also comes with it. Thats the name of the game of immigration - legal and illegal and you are much too young and much to naive to think you can pick and choose effectively, when nobody has been able to. 

I see nothing wrong with wanting to cut the unvetted load of **** coming in. It can be done and isn't difficult to do but requires the system to be built around it. Of course this would stem the flow on reliable future commie votes which is why no libtard would support it.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


Besides, whatever happened to your 'actually i prefer Europeans over the Africans/Latinos' angle ? Why ? It is quantifiabe that Latinos and Africans are more likely to go into STEM +Management + Trades than the average European who is far more likely to go into waste of time and money arts degrees. Are you going to address your bias towards Europeans vis-a-vis latinos or is that just a product of growing up in the Saudi Arabia of the western world ?!


Your quantifiable stat could be bs but it doesn't matter - I'm going off of observation here in America. I'm not talking about bringing in socialist Europeans either who are a complete waste of time. There are many high quality Europeans who would assimilate well within America - heck most of the country is rooted from that. Latinos that I've seen would make for good fruit pickers or burger flippers - but I think we can do better. Either way the point is to bring in the best of the best - be it Asian, Jews or whoever.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

There is nothing to change. They are conservative people because they espouse conservative values and are conservative people with a glitch in their system. They spend most of their lives being conservative but cannot help themselves to their sickness. Ie, its a sickness that afflicts conservative people more. That is objective, rest is you just trying to disown your political spectrum's baggage.

Again, the fact that these people act this way defines them as liberal. That sickness can only be owned by the mentally deranged side.

4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



Nope. They are conservative because they are beacons of conservative society and spend most of their lives being conservative and upholding said values. They are much more accurately described as conservatives with an affliction that they act on from time to time. Ie, broken conservative people. but still conservative.

Sorry, but you are not going to succeed trying to pass off priests and pastors as liberal folks just because they have a higher propensity to molest children. 



Once you go down the route of exploiting kids and boy loving, your brain has gone liberal. End of story, its makes perfect sense because conservatism is incompatible with this.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Europe matters more than America moving forward and i already explained how. I already explained how American dream is a losing equation and the effects of the empty continent to US economic & political development making it an exception case, not the default. Since you have no counter to that,i gather, you are simply not prepared to accept the fact that your nation is coming in for a hard landing. 



America is great and will continue to be great. Europe is a craphole and is on the verge of being taken over by Jihadis in the coming decades. Not sure why they matter or why you keep bringing them up, I simply don't care. It has nothing to do with America at all.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


Sorry the switcharoo is not going to help you here. Blacks were slaves to conservatives. Those conservatives 150 years ago were democracts. Now they are mostly republicans. Democrats and Republicans do not have ownership over black votes, because it is evidenced that in the last 40 years blacks have predominantly voted both democrat and republicans. Those are the facts, so your view is incosnsitent with the facts. Its just that simple. 


Lol and liberals didn't own slaves? Liberals did indeed own them and continue to own them under the Democrat party. Blacks as a race vote for their master party consistently. No other race has a higher % loyalty.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Those who are educated in a field, will always have prime authority to determine matters of validity on that field. Its a doctor, not you, who gets to sign off on a death certificate. Ergo, they have greater authority than you on determining the basis of human life. 


You don't need a doctor for someone to be dead. They are dead whether there is a certificate or not. Doctors are not gods, they are just like everyone else.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


Nope. Because my argument is meritocratic, not divine authority. Doctors & medical professionals get to determine what is alive and what is not, because they are far more educated and experienced in that field than you or I. Just like how I get to determine if your software needs fixing or not or a mechanic gets to determine if your car needs fixing or not. 


Human life is more than software code or an automobile, this is common sense.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



Doctors dont make such distinctions, i am sorry to burst your bubble. Rules of triage does not give two toss about if you are a hood rat or a conservative child-rapist pastor's daughter. 

That is just completely false. A woman who's 8 months pregnant and is in a car crash will be treated in the ER with her life and the baby's life held in mind if she asks. Some hood rat may refuse to, which I guess the doctor will be fine with that decision as well.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



It sure can. All those countries have greater economic wealth for a greater % of their population. That, objectively makes it a better society. Economically America is good for only the top 5-10% of society. For the rest 95-90% of society, rest of western world is economically superior. This is empiric fact. As for culture - LOL. North American culture is a tea-pot in front of the OCEAN that is the culture of Eurasia. Turin alone has more culture in it than entire New England put together. 

Wealth doesn't mean anything if your country is a craphole - and most other countries are exactly that. America can't do anything more to lift the liberal hoodlums out of poverty - this is what welfare culture does.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



False. I can see my doctor anytime i want. If i have a medical emergency, i get any treatment i want, for free. The only difference is, if i want a cosmetic procedure, i either have to pay out of my pocket and get it immediately or wait till more important cases are dealt with.

Canadian healthcare is decisively superior to American healthcare. I have experienced both and it played a decisive role in me settling in Canada over USA. 


Your healthcare isn't better than what the US offers. By the same token, I have all the same benefits as well. If you live to get your procedure in Canada, then I suppose you got a bargain - but don't die waiting.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

You also don't need to be rich to be happy in Bhutan and the average Bhutanese is happier than the average American. That is also a documented fact. 


Lol your documented facts are getting old. It's hard to take you seriously when you compare **** countries to America.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



American lifestyle is more garbage than most of the western world is why most Americans are in greater debt and poorer than most of the western world. 


American lifestyle is the best standard, all of the foreign trash is dying to come and obtain it. I can't fix liberals getting 100K in student debt to learn about gender studies and native American history. That's poor choice but has nothing to do with achieving my own success.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



Sorry, you can't force people to work. Thats called slavery. 


But its okay to give them handouts without work? These idiots should be required to work in order to get money just like everyone else.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:



Sure. But as Einstien said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different outcome every time. Walls have been built to keep people out. They are historically batting at 0% level of success at their objective regarding immigration. As a betting man, i don't bet on losers or losing ideas. 


Walls work wonders if employed properly. Israel is a good example. It's not fool proof but the key here is reduction. We can leverage technology to do things that couldn't be done in the past. Again, common sense.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

yet its liberals who foster change in society, even according to conservative philosophers. Interesting. I suspect you have much education to be had.

It's not change, it's corruption. Yes they do foster killing a country from the inside out, that is no secret.


4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

I am sorry, but saying people who disagree with you are idiots, regardless of their level of education is just a roundabout way of saying 'i am right, you are wrong and i dont care what you say or i say,i am always right'. Thats a 4 year old's argument. STEM people are objectively better at logic and reasoning than non-STEM people in general, because you CANNOT be good at math if you suck at logic and you CANNOT be a good electrical engineer for eg if you suck at math. 

There is little choice here. When you take the side of a mentally deranged ideology, you can't come here demanding respect or to be taken seriously. It's nearly impossible to take liberal points at face value because they originate in a cesspool.

4 hours ago, Muloghonto said:

Not to mention, this trend of higher the education level, more likely they are liberal is ALSO true for people educated in predominantly technical institutes and polytechnics like MIT, CalTech etc. who have a tiny humanities presence and are dominant STEM field institutes.


I see that the fact that higher the level of education, the more likely they are to be liberal,has stung you. Well as you grow older, you will learn to roll with the warts and imperfections of what you identify with, instead of trying to ignore it or wish it away. Thats called life. 

Education doesn't matter if in the end it produces liberalism. Once you become a libtard you betray intellect, this is is the reason why your theory is absurd.

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3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

That is false, you can't compare **** nations to America. Even the welfare queens have it better off than most because they don't even need to work.

Sorry but it is a fact that the bottom 90% of people of western society has less debt, higher wealth and better health in over a dozen western countries than USA. This makes those countries economically better for the overwhelming majority than USA. That is an easily verifiable fact if you wish me to produce numbers. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Anyone with business sense would realize what Trump has done is absolutely amazing. Your so called more educated liberals can't even build a single business.

Sorry no but sinking a practically unsinkable ship is proof positive of being a BS businessman in my books and books of all people who have no horses in the political race that is USA. The Baniya in India doesn't care one whit if Trump wins or loses, has nothing invested. Same as me. To us, he is a cr@p businessman because he sank what should be an unsinkable ship. No two ways about this, bud. 


3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Liberalism is a mental disorder - being more educated will not fix it no matter how much you make that claim.

Sorry. that is nonsense. I can easily say conservatism is a mental disorder, since liberalism is all about social change and we are not banging rocks together because of social and technological change- the former brought forth by liberal folks. 

My claim is very simple and very easily verified and i substantiated it - more educated you are, more likely you are to be liberal. Less educated you are, more likely you are to be conservative. This is also noticed in third world countries, where the overwhelming majority of illiterate people are conservative voters. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Yes conservatives hope for this, but liberals are pushing their kids to become trannys. It's sick and disgusting.

There are plenty of conservatives too who force their gay children to be straight. Equally despicable and both are failures as a parent ( i say this, AS a parent myself). 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Any system that moves towards socialism is garbage and will eventually become a failed state. Commie countries are crapholes.

Socialism is not communism and we have objective, empiric proof that market capitalist states with a socialized healthcare, education and social services net is objectively better at making most of its citizens well off. USA is a cr@phole compared to Germany and Scandinavia, who are far more socialized, yet not communist because they are still free-market economies. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Where do you think welfare queens get the money from? The free child support has always been there.

Sure. But the conservatives argue to cut it back and yet want to be pro-birthers. This is cruelty towards infants in my books and any conservative who argues that there should be less money for welfare of children of single-moms but are also anti-abortion, are guilty of advocating child cruelty. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

These sad cases that impact conservative goddesses are different from what we see the disease ridden liberal sluts doing. You can't compare it.

I can and i do. Because as i said, the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of last trimester abortions are due to severe medical complications or rape victims. No place allows late term abortion just because you now chose to, either.


Most places that allow abortion, have it happen before the foetus fully develops brain function- a stage they are not medically alive according to most doctors. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Liberalism is based on victim mentality, conservatism isn't. 

Yes it is. Conservatives try to play victim to liberal media, liberal focus all the time. They, like the hyper-liberals, make their grievances seem real and dismiss other side as victims. you are a good example of that in your posts. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:


Femminazi is mainstream liberalism, it would be extremely hard for you to find liberal women not following this ideology.

most feminists i know are not femminazis. If Femminazis are mainstream liberals, then racist KKKs are mainstream conservatives. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

KKK is not mainstream by any stretch - heck I have never even seen this guys except on TV. Feminist on the other hand are widespread and make up a large portion of libtards.

Feminists and feminazis are not the same thing. Just like someone who is simply happy they are white is not the same thing as KKK. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

KKK has nothing to do with conservatism whatsoever.

They are conservative. They identify with conservatives, they vote overwhelmingly republican, they are affiliated with conservative charities, etc. They are the ultra-right and they are ultra-conservatives. You dont get to wish them away anymore than liberals get to wish away the ultra-left commies amongst their midst. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Sorry but people who are boy loving and exploiting kids are closet liberals by definition. It's incompatible with conservatism.

Nope. They are conservative people with an affliction. You don't define what liberalism is and nowhere in the definition of liberalism is 'gay-loving' a criteria. Priests are not liberal by definition of the word, neither do they classify themselves at. 

You are simply proving my point that conservatives are worse than liberals in owning their baggage. Paedophile priests are conservative baggage. Man up and deal with it. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Yes and liberals were always Democrats, the switcharoo is a myth made up by libtards.

Nope. Liberals in Lincoln era were Republicans. Its the liberal republicans who fought your civil war to free the slaves and the conservative democrats who fought to keep slaves. I am not surprised that American education system has failed you, like it has so many there. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Good, same goes for the KKK - the only entity that owns that are the DemoKKKrats.

Nope. KKK is affiliated with the Republicans now and have been for 50+ years. You don't get to switcharoo as you see fit against the facts. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Every position you hold is liberal so cut the centrist bs, anyone could see through it.

As i said, to you i come across as a liberal. I have stronger family values and far less victim complex than most liberals, which is why they call me conservative. 

I know for young Americans, most centrists come across as liberals because your mainstream liberals in USA are slightly right of center for rest of the western world. You havn't travelled enough or lived around the world enough to know this, but this is a thing. 

Your nation is a bit of 'Saudi Arabia' of the west - the biggest, baddest, with most of everything - power, rich people, poverty, conservatives, etc. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Your positions on Muslims may be a little off but I'm sure it's cause you don't like Pakistan just like all Indians out there. It's nothing I haven't seen demonstrated amongst most indians I know.

You barely know me to understand why i hate Islam. Regardless, i don't give a whit how you wish to classify me. If you stick around here long enough, you will see some more liberal ones calling me conservative, as has happened before. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:


I see nothing wrong with wanting to cut the unvetted load of **** coming in.

Vetted has nothing to do with this. Vetting is done for criminal and professional backgrounds. Not what they wanna study or how they wanna bring up their kids. such vetting does not exist. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

It can be done and isn't difficult to do but requires the system to be built around it. Of course this would stem the flow on reliable future commie votes which is why no libtard would support it.



Your quantifiable stat could be bs but it doesn't matter - I'm going off of observation here in America. I'm not talking about bringing in socialist Europeans either who are a complete waste of time. There are many high quality Europeans who would assimilate well within America - heck most of the country is rooted from that. Latinos that I've seen would make for good fruit pickers or burger flippers - but I think we can do better. Either way the point is to bring in the best of the best - be it Asian, Jews or whoever.

I will give you a simple lesson in life - your anecdotal evidence will lose, 100% of time, to research based facts. You are just a nobody, who's seen less than what ? 10,000 people in his whole life ? Your personal experiences mean nothing in terms of over-arching social scenarios. if you think it does, you are either way too young or way too stupid to realize how wrong you are.

As such, you have no basis or credible way to determine who is socialist and who is not. Even if you make a questionnaire out of it, its incredibly easy to hide political affiliations. Look at your own nation's history of witch-hunts for commies in 40s-70s era and how spectacularly it failed to root out most commies. Therefore, you have no basis to conclude which european is a commie socialist arts-degree wannabe and which one is a hard working STEM or trades guy. 

With no qualifying factors, it then becomes a statistical FACT that Africans and Latinos are far more likely to get into STEM/trades than the Europeans. It is also a statistical FACT right now that Latinos are, per capita, represented more in STEM fields than white people in the US ( those that are from the US). So i see your anti-latino stance to be nothing more than anecdotal racism with nothing researched or educated about it. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Again, the fact that these people act this way defines them as liberal. That sickness can only be owned by the mentally deranged side.

It doesn't define them as liberal, because there is no definition of liberal that constitutes 'child molestor'. They are your baggage, champ. Own up to them instead of puss-ing out. It is a fact that most paedophiles are conservative people. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Once you go down the route of exploiting kids and boy loving, your brain has gone liberal. End of story, its makes perfect sense because conservatism is incompatible with this.

That is your unsubstantiated opinion, nothing more. Priests are not liberal and prevalence of child molestors in priests make it a conservative problem. All you are demonstrating here, is how conservatives suck at owning their baggage. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:


America is great and will continue to be great. Europe is a craphole and is on the verge of being taken over by Jihadis in the coming decades. Not sure why they matter or why you keep bringing them up, I simply don't care. It has nothing to do with America at all.

I guess the point on why European democracy is more relevant to America moving forward than American democracy itself, went way over your head. 

You still have done nothing to address my demonstration of its goldilocks scenario. 

I bring them up, because their model of democracy is far more relevant to USA in the next 100 years than the American one is, which is already losing its character and becoming more and more European. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Lol and liberals didn't own slaves? Liberals did indeed own them and continue to own them under the Democrat party. Blacks as a race vote for their master party consistently. No other race has a higher % loyalty.

Democrats were not liberals in 1850s. The Republicans were. I can quote you Abraham Lincoln's speech where he identifies as a liberal, calls the Republican party as a liberal ethos party, etc etc. Or is your education system that cr@p that foreign educated people know more about Yankee history than Yanks ?


3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

You don't need a doctor for someone to be dead. They are dead whether there is a certificate or not. Doctors are not gods, they are just like everyone else.

Nobody said they are Gods. But it is a doctor who declares a person dead for legal purposes, because they are authority on what constitutes living and what constitutes dead. Just like its a mechanic who declares whether your suspension needs fixing or not. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:


Human life is more than software code or an automobile, this is common sense.

Sure. But those who expertly study it and know at what point life begins and ends, etc. are more qualified to determine this matter than random people like you or me. Since human life is more important, meritocratic authority on human life is even more important. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

That is just completely false. A woman who's 8 months pregnant and is in a car crash will be treated in the ER with her life and the baby's life held in mind if she asks. Some hood rat may refuse to, which I guess the doctor will be fine with that decision as well.

False. Rules of triage makes it very simple. Ideal scenario is baby + mother, any other scenario is mother > baby unless there is EXPLICIT consent from mother (and deemed medically valid. A car-crash mom will most likely be deemed concussed and overruled). You don't know much about how medical procedure works, so don't make claims. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Wealth doesn't mean anything if your country is a craphole - and most other countries are exactly that. America can't do anything more to lift the liberal hoodlums out of poverty - this is what welfare culture does.

Most western countries are cleaner, with more culture and better amenities than USA. America can do plenty more by becoming more civilized like rest of the western world. If Germans can be richer than Americans for the bottom 95%, while providing public funded university education, health-care, child care, etc. then they are objectively superior. So are most first world countries. 

I realize you are biassed because you only know America, but as a dual US-Canadian citizen, i chose Canada. because its a better country to live in than USA. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Your healthcare isn't better than what the US offers. By the same token, I have all the same benefits as well. If you live to get your procedure in Canada, then I suppose you got a bargain - but don't die waiting.

Canadian healthcare is far superior to the US healthcare in virtually every department outside of cosmetic surgeries, extremely rare high end surgeries ( like spinal re-attachment stuff) and high end chemotherapy. For 99% medical procedures, Canada is equal to or better than USA in my own experience and it doesn't bankrupt a person. It is a million times more civilized and better. 
Nobody dies waiting around in Canada for essential healthcare, not unless they live in middle of nowhere and die during air-lift, something that happens anywhere with low density, such as Alaska. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:


Lol your documented facts are getting old. It's hard to take you seriously when you compare **** countries to America.

Most of these countries are better than USA economically for overwhelming majority of its population. That is a fact. So they are economically superior to the US. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:


American lifestyle is the best standard, all of the foreign trash is dying to come and obtain it.

Third world people, sure. Most first world nation people don't wanna live permanently in the US because its crappier than most first world countries to live in. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

I can't fix liberals getting 100K in student debt to learn about gender studies and native American history. That's poor choice but has nothing to do with achieving my own success.

Most americans are in greater debt due to your third world level of pay-as-you-go healthcare services and unregulated mortgage scenarios. Remember your sub-prime mortgage crisis ? Canada was untouched as was most of the western world who are more responsible with their banking and don't play as fast and loose as USA. 

The overwhelming majority of Americans carry greater debt than the overwhelming majority of western world people and people with liberal studies degrees are not even 5% of the population. Sorry but your math doesn't add up. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

But its okay to give them handouts without work? These idiots should be required to work in order to get money just like everyone else.

A single mom needs to stay by her child more than work. That is why child support exists in the first place. And there are plenty of people who are medically incapable of work, they require support as well. And even if you are a ruthless wannabe slaver who wants slavery and no social services, too bad, you still can't force people to work. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Walls work wonders if employed properly. Israel is a good example. It's not fool proof but the key here is reduction. We can leverage technology to do things that couldn't be done in the past. Again, common sense.

LOL. Israel has no walls lining its entire border preventing people from coming and going. It has a few walls in Jerusalem and wall around Gaza. Which is not even 40km long. There hasn't been a single wall more than 500km long that has worked, in history of mankind, to deter migration. Your 'wall' will be more than 2500km long. Its in the 0% category of success and as a betting man, i don't bet on sure-losers. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

It's not change, it's corruption. Yes they do foster killing a country from the inside out, that is no secret.

Sorry, but i will take the wisdom of noted conservative philosophers over you. Buddha as a force of change. So was Christ. So was MLK. These people are worth 100 of you or me in their positive social effect and they, by definition, were liberal people.


Its liberalism that drives social change. Its coservatism that resists social change. That is the classic, age-old scenario. Sometimes liberals are wrong and things blow up ( French revolution). Sometimes they are right and get it right (American revolution). Sometimes the conservatives are right, sometimes they are wrong. That is why the push-pull exists. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

There is little choice here. When you take the side of a mentally deranged ideology, you can't come here demanding respect or to be taken seriously. It's nearly impossible to take liberal points at face value because they originate in a cesspool.

Again, i care not for your twist to the simple fact that lesser the education the more likelyhood of being conservative and vice versa with liberalism. Objective, empiric data hows us this, from world over. You don't have to take it on face value, since i already presented articles on it. 

3 minutes ago, Cricket_2_Death said:

Education doesn't matter if in the end it produces liberalism. Once you become a libtard you betray intellect, this is is the reason why your theory is absurd.

Sorry but the evidence shows us that greater the intellect, more likely they are liberal. Arguing against data won't get you anywhere with a STEM degree holder like me, mate. You can whine and discard data like most uneducated people do when it doesn't align with their views but facts are facts. Already demosntrated. Conservatives in general are less educated. Maybe because more knowledge makes people more aware of social dynamics along with sharpening their intellect. 

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16 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

so how to classify oneself. White collared are capitalist in nature. correct? So the entire world is right wing then. Who is left wing?

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14 minutes ago, Haarkarjeetgaye said:

so how to classify oneself. White collared are capitalist in nature. correct? So the entire world is right wing then. Who is left wing?

Not so simple. Like all things in life, this is a spectrum people fall in, not 3 discrete options. Not all capitalists are exactly equal in their capitalism tilt, neither are all commies. 


If you are a total commie, then you are pucca left-wing. Extreme left. 

If you are a libertarian capitalist, who believes in 19th century capitalism - think ' i will pay 2 bucks an hour to anyone willing to work 15 hrs/day and i don't care if you are dead after 3 years' guy - you are a pucca right wing- extreme right. 


But most people are not such hardcore left or right economically. So how does one classify oneself ? The answer is simple. Do you believe/want to pay more taxes, so that society can have public schools, public healthcare, disability assistance etc ? If the answer is yes, you are of the left wing.


Do you believe that people should keep all their income, if a poor person breaks his leg, well he can mortgage his house and pay the debt, why should you pay more taxes for another person's broken bones, why should there be tax-funded education, etc etc ?  if the answer is yes, then you are of right wing.


Now if you share some traits of both and you are not as extreme of either wings, then you are a centrist.  ( centrist doesn't mean someone who is absolute center, fulcrum point, it just means someone who is closer to the center than either end). 


Now, that is just economic left/right.

Left/right also applies to two other avenues - socially left/right and politically left/right. 


Social left tend to be the 'everyone is equal, everyone be what they want to be, give everyone a fair chance' crowd.

Social right tends to be the ' we are better than you because look at our history, our accomplishments, i am better than you because i accomplished more, so i should get more prestige/recognition' crowd. 


Take then to extremes and you end up with extreme social left = 'you are gay if you think you are, your gender is what you want to be', extreme social right = KKK, racial superiorist parties, etc.


And lastly political. 
This one is easy. Most people are politically on the right wing or center-right. Long story short, Political right = individual rights is the king, bhaar me jaye laws that benefit society over the individual. Political left = nation/people have all the rights, you are just a minion, drone of the masses and your rights are irrelevant. 

So political right extreme would be anarchists, political left extreme would be 100% rule of authoritarian collectivist regime - like China. 

These are the three fields of 'left, right,center'. Now it is quite common to find people who are economically & politically on the right but socially on the left or socially and economically on the left and politically on the right. Its rare to find a pucca statist, who is like 'individual rights don't matter, nation/people's right is absolute' but they too, exist. Some versions of Communism, like Lenninism- is similar but its hard to quantify a purely statist viewpoint from real life example. 

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6 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

Not so simple. Like all things in life, this is a spectrum people fall in, not 3 discrete options. Not all capitalists are exactly equal in their capitalism tilt, neither are all commies. 


If you are a total commie, then you are pucca left-wing. Extreme left. 

If you are a libertarian capitalist, who believes in 19th century capitalism - think ' i will pay 2 bucks an hour to anyone willing to work 15 hrs/day and i don't care if you are dead after 3 years' guy - you are a pucca right wing- extreme right. 


But most people are not such hardcore left or right economically. So how does one classify oneself ? The answer is simple. Do you believe/want to pay more taxes, so that society can have public schools, public healthcare, disability assistance etc ? If the answer is yes, you are of the left wing.


Do you believe that people should keep all their income, if a poor person breaks his leg, well he can mortgage his house and pay the debt, why should you pay more taxes for another person's broken bones, why should there be tax-funded education, etc etc ?  if the answer is yes, then you are of right wing.


Now if you share some traits of both and you are not as extreme of either wings, then you are a centrist.  ( centrist doesn't mean someone who is absolute center, fulcrum point, it just means someone who is closer to the center than either end). 


Now, that is just economic left/right.

Left/right also applies to two other avenues - socially left/right and politically left/right. 


Social left tend to be the 'everyone is equal, everyone be what they want to be, give everyone a fair chance' crowd.

Social right tends to be the ' we are better than you because look at our history, our accomplishments, i am better than you because i accomplished more, so i should get more prestige/recognition' crowd. 


Take then to extremes and you end up with extreme social left = 'you are gay if you think you are, your gender is what you want to be', extreme social right = KKK, racial superiorist parties, etc.


And lastly political. 
This one is easy. Most people are politically on the right wing or center-right. Long story short, Political right = individual rights is the king, bhaar me jaye laws that benefit society over the individual. Political left = nation/people have all the rights, you are just a minion, drone of the masses and your rights are irrelevant. 

So political right extreme would be anarchists, political left extreme would be 100% rule of authoritarian collectivist regime - like China. 

These are the three fields of 'left, right,center'. Now it is quite common to find people who are economically & politically on the right but socially on the left or socially and economically on the left and politically on the right. Its rare to find a pucca statist, who is like 'individual rights don't matter, nation/people's right is absolute' but they too, exist. Some versions of Communism, like Lenninism- is similar but its hard to quantify a purely statist viewpoint from real life example. 

Brilliant. Thank you for putting it this way.

So as a country is USA economically tilted towards left but socially and politically tilted towards right?. 

I will deliberate and figure out which side on the spectrum I am

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20 minutes ago, Haarkarjeetgaye said:

Brilliant. Thank you for putting it this way.

So as a country is USA economically tilted towards left but socially and politically tilted towards right?. 

I will deliberate and figure out which side on the spectrum I am

More or less but unless a country is a totalitarian collectivist state like North Korea or a total slaving nation, its not so clear-cut and usually a comparative. For eg, US is economically tilted towards the left when compared to Pakistan or India but it is tilted towards the right when compared to most western nations, as most western nations have much more comprehensive welfare programs, public healthcare and some, like Germany or Finland, even have publicly funded universities ( ie you pay 0 dollars in tuition!).


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18 hours ago, velu said:


@Sachinist   dude .. if you have concluded that i meant commies/lefties are smart from the above quoted post , i really cant help you  :lol:

again proves that lefties cant meme and detect sarcasm :rotfl:  

Of course you're disingenuous.

You're right, I should treat you and your ideas as the joke they are

Continue your circlejerk

Edited by Sachinism
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1 hour ago, Sachinism said:

Of course you're disingenuous.

You're right, I should treat you and your ideas as the joke they are

Continue your circlejerk


dude .. if you are dumb enough i cant help you ..

now dont take this post as complement :lol: 

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