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Captain Kohli turns vegan, feels it has improved his game

Singh bling

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On 10/8/2018 at 12:02 PM, Muloghonto said:

here is another example : the mustard plant shows is eaten primarily by cabbage patch catterpillars. Mustard plants dont want to be eaten, so when this happens, they up the secretion of oil in their leaves, which apparently these caterpillars find distasteful and lower their consumption. Now, we've found through research, that this is a learned behaviour. It doesnt happen immediately in young plants. It takes practice. Just like with an animal taking practice to hunt or run the heck away. Once practiced, you could play a RECORDING of the sound of the cabbage patch caterpillar munching on the leaves of mustard plants and it does the same response. 

This is pretty much the same behaviour in animals, where you see a tiger roar and run the heck away. Next time you just hear the roar and start running. 

These are signal processing and decision-making attributes - the most base result of any artificial or natural neural nets. Sure, its not as evolved as that of a higher mammal, but i highly doubt its much different (in its output and processing range) than that of a much less capable member of kingdom animalia - like a plankton. 

Where this is happening ? we have no idea. but we have mounting evidence to trash the assumption that CNS is necessary for feeling pain and such. 

A mustard plant can hear a recording?? 


So basically the mustard fields in DDLJ could hear SRK croon ad infinitum. I always knew it. That explains the wild swaying without any wind. Its basically mustard plant dance!

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