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How would India be different if the Maratha empire had ruled the whole region for significant time period?


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I have learned not to go think much of "what could have been" in history.one point in history of self destruction paved the way for european colonization of Asia,the Mings destroyed their entire "treasure fleet" of over 3000 ships  and stopped all sea faring trade..this in my opinion is one of biggest factors in the asian colonization by europeans,their ships had no opposition at all.

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No offense, but the OP is asking whether water is wet. The Moughals were one of the most parasitic empires in history according to economic historians. Just getting rid of them was enough to improve the country, Marathas or no Marathas. 



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3 hours ago, Green Monster said:

you did no such thing brother muloghonto!!!


all you did was claim there to be homosexual potatoes!!! show us those gay potatoes brother!!!

Where on earth did i claim there are homosexual potatoes ?

I cited research, you cited nothing. Ie, you are proven wrong. A psychologist who does not know that women rape men too, is a fake psychologist. 

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On 3/24/2018 at 7:14 PM, Green Monster said:

same place u tried to disprove all of statistics by saying random sampling is invalid, despite not being a statistician... that women r weaker/shorter than men because of conspiracies of men, and that virtually all species r homosexual...


apparently they teach peoples where u r from that vegetables are homosexual, that feminism invalidates physiology, n that statisticians r getting paid millions of dollars around the world for something disproven by a little narcissistic engineer on the internet   


now u r trying to save face... this is not done brother!!! nakli intellectual ka jahilliyat :crazy:


1.You went to 'potato' to twist my words, because you KNOW that almost every species of ANIMALS have homosexual behaviour. Ie, homosexuality is natural in kingdom animalia and Koran is wrong- not surprised, because desert barbarians have so few animals to study to proof-check their BS.


2. Women are marginally weaker than men, but not sufficiently weak that they cannot do any job that a man can do. Proven by quotes from israeli generals and the fact that women have earned the highest valor honours of the Israeli army.


3. Statistics IS my field.

Edited by beetle
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3 hours ago, Green Monster said:

no quote provided, just your jaahil bakwas brother...

"marginally" :facepalm:

this jaahil has given no evidence for anything in this statement!!!

You are a grade-A liar. Examples already provided.



3 hours ago, Green Monster said:

any narcissistic jaahil can claim to be anything they want to be on the internet... your jaahiliyat regarding random sampling is evidence enough that u are no statistician... show us a single source which says random sampling is invalid

Completely true. Just like you claimed to be a psychologist, then claimed that women cannot rape men, then when i produced university research paper proving you wrong, you ran away.


Random sampling in a tiny sample-space is irrelevant to modeling the entire sample space, if the sample space is NOT predictive. Human interactions are NOT predictive- this is why exit polls often fail to predict the outcome of elections. 



homosexuality is noticed in virtually ALL species on the planet. Homophobia is noticed only amongst humans and largely, amongst religious people. So homophobia itself is unnatural.


there4 u r an jaahil who thinks vegetables, fungi, bacteria are homosexual...


no census to make a generalization on who is anti-homosexual


no evidence homophobia is unnatural  


no evidence it exists in almost all species of animals 


== brother muloghonto is a jaahil 


So i will amend it, so that followers of jaahil religion like yourself cannot have an out :

Homosexuality is noticed in virtually ALL species in KINGDOM ANIMALIA. Out of MILLIONS of animal species that exist, reproducing by sexual intercourse, homosexuality exists. 
Ergo, homosexuality is natural amongst kingdom animalia.

Followers of desert BS, where hardly any animal species exist, could not have known that, hence their made-up religions call this natural phenomena (homosexuality in animals) as unnatural. Proof that these religions are bakwaas made up nonsense and unnatural themselves.








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47 minutes ago, Green Monster said:

werent u the one lecturing some other posters about scientific sources, peer review, and whatnot, now u use wikipeida :phehe:

I gave you ALL the above, kiddo. 

Since you are a fake jaahil psychologist, long since outed as one, i dumbed it down for you. 
Don't complain because so far, i have presented far more research papers to back my position than you have. 


47 minutes ago, Green Monster said:

are u ready for what is next little jaahil?

here v go


of 2 of ur links state:

so ur links say that 1,500 species of animals have sum sort of homosexual behavior... well ur statement was this



47 minutes ago, Green Monster said:

lets amend that for u to say 

well how many animals species r on the planet?


brother, does 1,500 = 7.77 million in ur world??? 


fake statistician :phehe:

The 1500 are data-set for THIS study. 

Hey unpar, jaahil, you conviniently ignored THIS link, because its the scientific paper:




Again, as i said and I QUOTE the paper :

Male homosexual behaviour—although found in most extant clades across the Animal Kingdom—remains a conundrum, as same-sex mating should decrease male reproductive fitness.


Definition of clade:

a group of organisms believed to have evolved from a common ancestor, according to the principles of cladistics.





The reason, you fool, the terminology is 'all extant clades', is because scientifically, we cannot investigate sexual orientations in species that are extinct or don't share any common ancestor with us anymore ( such as Trilobites for eg).


Whether you like it or not,the conclusion is simple - homosexual behaviour is present in almost ALL animal species alive today, thus making it natural.

A desert fake ideology, is proven fake, because idiots making nonsense up in a desert are highly likely to get it wrong when it comes to what is/isn't 'natural behaviour' for animals, due to deserts LACKING animals.

So * off with your jaahil unpar ideologies from the iron age, where my daughter possesses more knowledge than the sum total of the civilization that gave rise to such jaahil unpar  desert God nonsense.




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