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Will American hegemony ever end ?


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9 hours ago, ravishingravi said:

Interesting to see how civil war thesis works out. China and Russia are actively pushing for it. 




wont happen without military/administrative fracture in the US. 

There wont ever be a colour revolution/rebellion--->govt overthrown in murrica, because murrican cops are 1000 times more dangerous and trigger happy shooters than rest of the world and their people know this and all their chest thumping gandugiri with muh guns goes to zero when they see a SWAT mobile on the way. 


The only way to break US is to push overtown window towards some form of secessionism. 


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6 hours ago, Muloghonto said:


wont happen without military/administrative fracture in the US. 

There wont ever be a colour revolution/rebellion--->govt overthrown in murrica, because murrican cops are 1000 times more dangerous and trigger happy shooters than rest of the world and their people know this and all their chest thumping gandugiri with muh guns goes to zero when they see a SWAT mobile on the way. 


The only way to break US is to push overtown window towards some form of secessionism. 



Also think that when we hear the word "civil war", the imagery is of mad max, when infact it will be civil. People will still be going for jobs, watching Netflix or going for football games. But I do believe that the fissure is opening. Top down institutions/ establishment vs bottom up unrest. Federal nature of United States itself is a fault lines like India. All they need us little bit of push. When the country men were wholly focussed on economy of making money, it easier to galvanized under that pretext. Now, I am not sure that is unifying factor. Things will unravel in name of culture, establishment rent seeking, foreign policy, identity, polarized media, mental health, wokeness etc etc. 


Country is already an asylum where reasoning has gone out of the window. Thanks to boomers there is still legacy of certain attitudes and institutions that has kept it way ahead of the race. But the graph is declining fast. Not even speaking of debt yet. 

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8 minutes ago, Vijy said:

if one reads joseph tainter on collapse and if one subscribes to his theory, it is apparent that many signals of collapse are here for US.


My only submission is that it will be slow decline. Geography and natural resources are big plus. Civil unrest, degeneracy and debt are usually leading indicators. So, it's coming one way or another. 

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8 minutes ago, ravishingravi said:


My only submission is that it will be slow decline. Geography and natural resources are big plus. Civil unrest, degeneracy and debt are usually leading indicators. So, it's coming one way or another. 

As Muloghonto wrote, I don't think civil war will happen in the strict sense of the word, because the military forces are too strong to permit random violence to erupt.

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On 12/29/2024 at 9:08 AM, ravishingravi said:


My only submission is that it will be slow decline. Geography and natural resources are big plus. Civil unrest, degeneracy and debt are usually leading indicators. So, it's coming one way or another. 

If by civil unrest u mean Antifa times 100, BLM times 100, Capitol hill times 100, then yes. those are definitely on the cards.
if by civil unrest u mean civil war part-2, for that to happen, US economy has to collapse first under dollar debt weight, because only then will the US state entity lose its ability to retain its world dominating military hardware and personnel, much like what happened to USSR/Russia at its collapse - only THEN can you have civil war, because US police are not Indian police or UK police, US , Canada and Australia police are far more murderous and wont think twice before shooting an entire crowd of miscreants, because these police forces were not created to regulate one's own population's violent tendencies, as is normal in rest of the world but were created as a paramilitary organisation to protect its people from the 'native american savages'. This is why these are the ONLY countries to eschew conventional police rank order of DSP/ACP/Comissionier etc or its analog and instead use military rank order of Lt, captain, colonel etc.


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