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Major terror attack underway in Gaza Strip


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Israel has vowed to hit Iran. Question is not when, Question is how.? I dont see Israelis violating airspace of of Saudis, Iraq, Jordan, Syria or use Gulf of Aiden. So what now for Israel. How they will retaliate? Will they instead attack Rafah which West has ensured is protected so far?

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32 minutes ago, Lone Wolf said:

Biden Musk Tmkc...  Lo**de ke democracy 


america has set a precedence , hope we take stringent actions here too. ... education campus cannot be used as protest grounds disrupting others who come solely there for education. 

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1 hour ago, diga said:

america has set a precedence , hope we take stringent actions here too. ... education campus cannot be used as protest grounds disrupting others who come solely there for education. 

We exported azaadi protests to columbia. Arrey hum kya chahte hai

Filistine ki azaadi



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2 hours ago, Lone Wolf said:

Biden Musk Tmkc...  Lo**de ke democracy 



This is what US does to protesters in colleges. If the same is done in JNU, domeocracy khatre main aajati hain! V-dem and other institutions will rank low  on decomarcy index or educational freedom index. It’s all about institutional narrative setting



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11 minutes ago, Real McCoy said:


This is only because its against isreal because jews have quite the lobby there. they literally own us and uk. if the girl protested against India, she would be called a freedom fighter fighting for kashmiris, muslims and whatever community that goes with the "oppressed" category. we should hold the same double standards towards us and uk but we dont have the guts nor the superpower status to do it.

You have no idea how much pro-Palestine protests is happening in US colleges. It is the new BLM movement for the privileged youth. It’s could be funded by Soros/Saudi or Qatari warlords to  destabilize  US. This girl gets to be the punching bag because there is no backing like Islamic organizations or American ones. Lesson for Indian Hindus to shut up , bend down and study. Stupid one, don’t know who advised her, naam se DMK or Keralite commies ki beti lagta hain. 

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3 hours ago, Real McCoy said:


Yeah its never in our best interest to pick a side and voice for it atleast in this issue. I said in this topic about why Indians getting emotional for Isreal but that would apply for Palestine also. Its not in our interest to take up Palestinian cause too. Its bad enough that our muslim population is not aware of this. Now its the hindus. Are they really nuts? Two girls arrested recently.


I'm sensing the leftists are pushing for total domination now and its the "evil racist" right wing that is more reasonable. Its these leftists who are indoctrinating Indians right from the school stage onwards. Maybe its Soros. Saudi regime works well with the west. Their pro-Palestine propaganda is just that. Its there to divide the population so that it makes the population polarized and be easy to rule.


I don't think the parents can handle this man. Already they are stressed out living in US and the rest of the west and doing ugra karma to just earn their living. The Gujarati girl who got arrested seemed like she was raised well by her parents. She knowing the hindu customs is a good indication that her parents wanted her to know her culture. But still she rose in the public scene as a patsy ready to be arrested.


I think a better upbringing would be too add the parents' take on current events along with the cultural norms. I doubt Indian parents can keep up with what's happening in the world right now. I mean even in this forum many people are clueless about it including me. But the effort must be made to educate themselves first and pass it on to their children. Its tough day to be a child these days.


We need to understand and make sure others understand that we don't have a hold in US politics even at a basic level. I think Indian Americans are beginning to find out that they won't be protected like someone who is black or mexican would be (even muslims have better political clout that hindus because they are a global religion and they by their own essence are driven to be political). I don't think we can expect any protection in SHTF scenarios. Its better we stay out of it entirely, try to be in the good books of everyone there and maybe vote for better candidates (mostly Republican).


PS- Didn't want to type an essay :lol: It just turned out like that






it is in our interest to back israel in this conflict, which is why we are clandestinely backing israel in this conflict. 


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21 hours ago, coffee_rules said:



This is what US does to protesters in colleges. If the same is done in JNU, domeocracy khatre main aajati hain! V-dem and other institutions will rank low  on decomarcy index or educational freedom index. It’s all about institutional narrative setting



There are more People reporting it than protestors

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This thread has many geopolitical / strategic / military perspectives. Lacking such strategic knowledge and rhetorical skills, I tend to focus on individual persons and look for glimmers of hope in grassroots interactions. Like the one described here between a Jewish youngster and Palestinian Muslim student. Call me naive, but if at all there is hope for peace, voices of peace must be amplified.






But then something unexpected happened. Zach struck up a conversation with a Palestinian woman in the crowd, a student at the Parsons School of Design who declined to give her name. Although the encounter was initially tense, I watched as a thoughtful conversation unfolded between two people for whom the Middle East crisis is not some faraway abstraction but instead a matter of life and death.

Their exchange — and the efforts by other protesters at the rally to prevent it — highlighted one of the less understood divides on America’s tense college campuses. Obviously, there’s the divide between Israelis and Palestinians. But there’s also a clear schism between students personally connected to the region and those for whom the war has become a flavor-of-the-month activist cause.



Also, somewhere early in this thread, I have shared how proud I am of my students and administration for organizing and implementing civil discourse. And it has stayed that way so far. My fingers are crossed. 

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13 hours ago, BacktoCricaddict said:


Also, somewhere early in this thread, I have shared how proud I am of my students and administration for organizing and implementing civil discourse. And it has stayed that way so far. My fingers are crossed. 


Alas, only if the debate stayed as a civilized discourse instead of the paid & organized disruptions of classes in university campus that we are seeing now

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30 minutes ago, Real McCoy said:


I'm saying both India and Indians should be neutral on the Israel-Palestine issue. We already have enough division in our ranks. No need for another division topic.


no. we should support the side that benefits us. Which in this case, is clear-cut Israel. The division makes it that our support is informal and clandestine, not overt. Which is working out just fine. 

India is getting too big to sit on the sidelines and we have to take risks and progress our agenda, not hope for everything to come passively 


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