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So where is the line for 'Freedom of Speech' in a Democracy?

Austin 3:!6

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2 minutes ago, Gollum said:

Yeah saw that, even @sergio04 bhai has commented. Might join that forum in the future time permitting, waise bhi lost interest in cricket and tennis after happenings in July. Baaki bas chit-chat, maybe the sensitive and non-PC subjects can be discussed on DFI. Have occasionally lurked there, how is that forum? Military discussion heavy or even politics and other stuff? 


Any other ICFer there apart from these 2?

Erm..What is DFI?

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53 minutes ago, panther said:

Lol, Soviets Put the Russians there, much like Kazakhistan has so many germans and Russians, Soviets put them there.


Lol At comparing Checheans to Kashmiris, kashmiris are a bunch of rice eating softies, Only a cowardly people would Allow Another cowardly people, Indians to rule over them.

So you Pathans must Be one of the biggest cowardly softies... having let Iranians and Turks rule over them for 1250 of the last 1500 years...

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12 hours ago, Gollum said:

WTF, I wrote such a long essay there and once I clicked the submit button the thread disappeared. WTF !!!! 3rd or 4th time this has happened to me. Why can't we have a civil discussion about certain sensitive topics, where is my FOE? 


@sandeep did you ask the admins to close the thread? 


WTF is this admins? Is this a Pakistani forum?


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No I didn't ask anybody to delete.   Just an FYI, I am not a moderator, or "friends" with any of them.


Btw, the irony of the massive whinging on censorship, & freedom of speech, in a thread that started with a demand to draw "lines" on the very same freedom - by the same usual suspects, with diametrically opposed assertions depending on what suits their agenda, is really entertaining.

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There's a handful of posters on here, who feel entitled to shout down others and resort to all kinds of trash insults, simply because they don't like opinions and perspectives that they do not share.  Such infantile attitudes does not patriots make.  It makes sheeple.  And as typical of sheeple, they usually resort to echo-chamber shouting to embolden themselves in their "crusade".  


Have the balls, and the brains, to participate in honest discussions.   Without resorting to personal insults, or naked bigotry.  And try to grow the confidence, to consider the opposing perspective, if someone challenges yours.  It will only help you.  Else don't let the door hit you on the way out, go scurry on over to "defence forums" or whatever such rat-hole of bigotry you find trashy rhetoric welcomed.

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20 hours ago, Gollum said:

Yeah saw that, even @sergio04 bhai has commented. Might join that forum in the future time permitting, waise bhi lost interest in cricket and tennis after happenings in July. Baaki bas chit-chat, maybe the sensitive and non-PC subjects can be discussed on DFI. Have occasionally lurked there, how is that forum? Military discussion heavy or even politics and other stuff? 


Any other ICFer there apart from these 2?

I joined that forum much later than when I joined ICF,  after a member who lurked this forum joined ICF and suggested that I join their forum. Here are my thoughts: the only other ICFer that I know posts there frequently is the one called @vayuu1 (although I haven't interacted with him on either forum). By the nature of the forum the most active part of it is the part that covers military related issues, like this forum's cricket section is most active. There is a lot of good discussion there and some mammoth threads with some great resources.  Parts of the forum are a bit of an echo chamber, but it's nothing like R/andia where people with different thoughts get banned. One can have a different or controversial opinion on there, even relative to the majority of posters there, as I have done in the past, and one would not get banned. No one really gets banned/their posts deleted unless they post something really terrible ie something which will get the website sued, , so, yes, it is a good place to discuss serious issues, although some of the discussions happen in mega-threads rather than specific threads on the topic. The user population is much more representative of India, they even have a few posters from the NE.  Not that there is anything wrong with it, but this forum seems to have disproportionately people from Tier 1 cities like Mumbai.  It definitely needs more posters that talk about current issues, and it needs posters to give some counter views sometimes as well.  Many people there are receptive to long posts and long debates.   


I think what you are considering is wise, the chit chat forum here is more fun, but the fact that some random pidis can get entire threads closed makes it difficult to talk about anything serious. 

Edited by Tibarn
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It looks like certain poster(s) got triggered by certain posts in this thread, assuming, due to their poor reading comprehension skills, that they were the target(s) of said posts, and now is their time for engaging in shadow-boxing. Unfortunately for them those posts weren't specifically targeting them, but now the game begins! Shadow-boxing is always fun.


If certain people were so sure of the correctness of their position, they would have contributed to the said thread before whinging and/or reporting its content.  After the thread in question has disappeared,  the time has come for certain posters to display their false bravado and hallucinate about imaginary arguments they made in that thread which were apparently so water-tight, everyone else hung their heads in shame in response to their brilliance.


The reality is, the deleted thread had 0 counter arguments to what the OP of that thread posted/asked. The said posters were so incompetent, they were unable to even state why exactly the OP of that thread was wrong or illustrate their supposed ignorance/bigotry. That doesn't prevent Pidis from transforming from poodles into pit-bulls after the threads, which they had no answer for, disappeared.  


The same Pidis never contribute to any discussion that they consider haraam; instead they resort to barking,  "Chaddi, Bhakt, Sanghi, Bigot, Ignorant" on loop or whinging/reporting to get these certain threads closed.  In these certain peoples warped minds, those first five are "classy" or "halal" insults, but others are "trash" or "haraam" insults when given in the same vein. These people are truly a rare breed. The main difference being, the purveyor of the latter doesn't think of it as a form of debate, while the purveyor of the former seems to:


poisoning-the-well by slurring everyone who doesn't agree with their sensitives with a "classy"/"halal" insult, in this case "bigot", in other threads "ignorant" or "sanghi" or "bhakt" is a valid strategy and everyone else is afraid to engage in debate with such great arguments. :hysterical:   


Imagine simultaneously giving gyaan about freedom of speech while setting an arbitrary standard of debate: you can say anything you want except "bigotry", a word that certain people apparently don't know the meaning of.  Translation: debate is okay as long as you don't say something that offends me, at which point it isn't a debate because I don't like it (said in a whinging voice).


A simple google search for the definition of bigotry would show




If a person is intolerant of other ideas, races, or religions, we call that person a bigot. The intolerance expressed by that bigot is called bigotry


So basically, your "bigotry" is haraam, my "bigotry" is halal :cantstop: 



I will say it again, neither India nor the Internet is ICF where any random Pidis can get all debate that dares disagree with their sensitivities removed.  Pidis can savor small "victories"(as interpreted by them in their own heads) of getting threads deleted, to their heart's content, but even a frog trapped in a well thinks he has conquered the ocean.  :winky:

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The most vile creature residing in India, dunno why she never faces legal trouble? 

Lying bitch, whether it be Gujarat Files (trashed by SC) or Bengal nun rape case or Kashmir.... ISI mole guarantee. Look at the sheer volume of her lies and how WaPo laps it up....she is being condemned even by JK top cops.


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