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31 minutes ago, Pollack said:

Rama's life was completely disastrous and tragic and yet this man managed to be a great king, son , brother and leader and according to me a good father too.  I agree with you that he was an unfair husband. 


he was cursed by some sage ..

moral of the story is even gods should know their limitations

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Hi beetle its hard for me to explain,if u consider this issue as a discrimination against particular women..Its not...Its a belief system on that particular deity,respecting the ritual,simply..Just like ''Attukal pongala'' is not a discrimination against men,just a belief system.


By what impact ,it could have done...I mean its about ''sensitivity of the situation''.some liberal,rebel women are trying to enter forcefully with the help of Police to prove a point..when such a decision is made,everyone needs time to accomodate it..For eg;''Nothing will happen to me or to the society if i didn;t go there,but there will be riot and disastrous outcome if i go there..''As a sensible human what should i do in that situation..''...Thats exactly where the liberal women failed..They want to prove a point at that very moment to prove what?..Is that women empowernment...?I don't think so...Claiming insecure God,is treating things simply..Either u are a believer of that diety or not..If you are you will comply with the rules,which in no way harming you,your life or your future..


On the otherhand that particular ritual is affecting you,then it should be abolished...The govt tried to fix a thing that wasn't broken''..Thats why everything went wrong..


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6 hours ago, beetle said:

I am not even remotely interested to do that.No need to make it personal.


....but the SC says the ones who want to go should be allowed to go ....and I do care that mobs don't have their way based on numbers and the brutality they can commit ....because when mobs get their way once,they don't stop at one.


And don't tell people who they should worship and where they should go to worship because you don't have that authority . No one gave you that right .


It is a public forum and people will have differing views. If you can't  read views other than your own kind,use the ignore facility for people who offend your sensibilities.


You know my views,I know yours.....why do you keep repeating the same thing on the same topic ? Learn to agree to disagree.


I wanted to know riya's views because she is a woman in the ' banned by the lord' age group like me.





Errm, that quote is for general consumption. Not directed at you. 

Edited by coffee_rules
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8 hours ago, beetle said:

When I was a child,me and my brother used to make bows and arrows from bamboos and play Ram and laxman.

That time Ram was the most interesting God ....with an amazing journey .

We must have heard the same Ramayan from mom a thousand times.


As a kid, one doesn't question  much  and I did not find anything bad about the later part of Ramayan.


As one grows, one learns to question.


As I grew ,I questioned his abandoning his wife.

Later on ,I stopped questioning that because it was between two adults .Who knows the entire story? May be they were incompatible .


Since I had a child,I find the act of abandoning ones children quiet saddening and questionable. 


Since then I find  Ram as a God with some major flaws that are hard to justify.


 I find it very hard to tell the story of Ramayana to my child with the same innocence and lack of judgement that my mom did.


I hope that answers the question.

I haven't answered the rest because it is all repetitive from the other thread  we had on the topic.


1000 salutations to Mata Sita who was a Sakshat Shakti herself. She didnt crybaby like modern feminists are. (ummm mmm we are not allowed to do this and we are not allowed to do that, my husband abandoned me). She had just spent 14 years in jungles. She could have easily freed herself from the clutches of ravana. But Rama had to put an end to ravana's misrule. More than killing ravana, it was destroying his ego that was the moral of the story. She didnt need a support or help. She was not weak. She was extremely capable to raise her two sons which she proved by how she raised them. Feminist should stop apaprachar that Shri Sita was abala nari and she would need a support of these ....leave it. 


Shri Ram himself is worshiped  and praised by Shri Shiva. Shri Shiva, whose name even cannot be brought on my tongue without me being perfectly cleansed (not worldly cleansing like bathing etc. It is inner cleansing). I am incapable to imagine and comprehend what Shri Ram would be and that Shri Shiva meditated on him. The meaning of word Maryada purushottama is not easy to comprehend for human. Despite being the most powerful fighter in the war against ravana, he gave him numerous chances to surrender and accept his mistake. Never lost his patience, never let his emotions take over his judgement, never misused his powers.


Shri Ram had incarnated on the earth in a human form. You and I both are humans. I will leave rest to your imagination. 


abandon :

    1cease to support or look after (someone); desert.


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केरल के सबरीमाला मन्दिर में घुसने की कोशिश कर रही रेहाना फातिमा और इनके नेता वो लोग हैं जो हिन्दुओं और मुसलमानों में झगड़ा पैदा करने के लिए विदेशी ईसाई देशो से हवाला के जरिये करोड़ो रुपये मिलने से भारत को सीरिया, इराक,सुडान, इथोपिया, अफगानिस्तान, पाकिस्तान और कश्मीर की तरह आतंकवाद फैलाकर दिलो में जहर भरते है...

SP, BSP, RJD, RLD,कांग्रेस,ये सब पार्टियां नहीं पारिवारिक गैंग हैं,
जो अपनी जातियों को मूर्ख बनाकर अपने 'नालायक बेटों' को मौज करवा रहे हैं
    खाकपति से खरबपति बने मुलायम सिंह यादव और मायावती जी पिछड़े और अनुसूचित जाति और अनुसूचित जनजाति के लोगों को अनुदान देकर तकनीकी शिछा और तकनीकी व्यापार करने के लिए औजार अनुदान से दिया होता तब सभी पिछड़े और अनुसूचित जाति और अनुसूचित जनजाति के लोगों के अपने घर और बैंक में रुपये होते... 

लेकिन वोट बैंक के लिए अपनी ही जातियों का शोषण कर रहे हैं... 

तथाकथित सेक्युलर पार्टियों के आतंकवादियों को बसाने से कश्मीर में जो हालात कश्मीरी पंडितों का हुआ,सीरिया,इराक,इथोपिया, अफगानिस्तान,सुडान, पाकिस्तान का हुआ वही पूरे भारत का हो सकता है ....

सीरिया,इराक जैसे खूबसूरत शहर खंडहर बना दिये गये,बच्चे स्कूल नही जाते ज़िन्दगी जहन्नुम हो गयी है,लड़कियो का सार्वजनिक बलात्कार हो रहा है... 

तथाकथित सेक्युलर पार्टियां  पिछले 22 सालों से 17000 हजार करोड़ रुपये हवाला से मंगाकर पांच(5) से दस(10)करोड़ विदेशी रोहिंग्या मुसलमान जो आतंकवादी भी हो सकता है का आधार कार्ड,वोटर कार्ड,राशन कार्ड सरकारी कर्मचारी और अधिकारी से बनवाकर,राजस्व कर्मचारी से फर्जी दस्तावेज बनवाकर इसी पहचान के कारण भारत की निचली अदालतों से अस्थायी स्थग्नादेश लेकर स्थानीय पुलिस और भूमाफिया को लाखों रुपये देकर मूल भारतीयों की निजी जमीने,सार्वजनिक सड़क, पार्क आदि जबरदस्ती कब्जा करके निजी दुकाने और घर बनाकर रोहिंग्या मुसलमान जो आतंकवादी भी हो सकता है को बसा रहे हैं जो वोट बैंक है और एक दिन भारत के टुकड़े करेगा... 

भारत विश्व में भुखमरी और गरीबी के 105वें स्थान पर है... 

जो भी सरकारी कर्मचारी और अधिकारी घूस और भ्रष्टाचार के रुपये लेकर ईमानदार लोगों के साथ गलत काम कर रहे हैं वही आनेवाले समय में सरकारी कर्मचारी और अधिकारी के अपने बच्चों के साथ भी गलत होगा....

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रोहिंग्या मुसलमान जो आतंकवादी भी हो सकता है ट्रको में बैठकर दो तीन जगहों पर महीने दो महीने रुककर बड़े- बड़े शहरों में झुग्गी-झोपड़ी डालकर बस रहे हैं...

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जबकि,हवाला के रुपये से यही गद्दार मुसलमान हुक्मरानों,तथाकथित सेक्युलर पार्टियों,सरकारी कर्मचारी और अधिकारी के अपने बच्चो के लिए देश और विदेशों में आलीशान बँगले,रिसार्ट,होटल,खरीदकर लक्जरी बसे,लक्जरी गाड़ियां,जमीने आदि खरीदकर पूरी शानोशौकत से रह रहे हैं...

पूरी दुनिया में ईसाइयत कायम करने के लिए ईसाई देश करोड़ो डालर मुसलमान हुक्मरानों को देकर मौलानाओं और मौलवियों से धर्म के नाम पर जिहाद करने के नाम पर कि जन्नत में हूरें मिलेगी बताकर गरीब,बेरोजगार मुसलमानों को आतंकवादी बनाकर पूरी दुनिया में इस्लाम को बदनाम कर रहे हैं ...

ISIS, तालिबान,बोको-हरम,अल-कायदा,मुस्लिम ब्रदरहुड बनाकर अपने ही धर्म के सुन्नी,शिया,कुर्द,यजीदी,बलूच,रोहिंग्या को सीरिया,इराक,सुडान,इथोपिया,पाकिस्तान,अफगानिस्तान,कश्मीर में मार रहे हैं और एक दूसरे की लड़कियों का बलात्कार कर रहे हैं ...

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1 hour ago, Vilander said:










this is an irrelevant argument.

When someone is being prosecuted, they cannot say 'what about all the murderers/rapists not caught ? this is discrimination'. 

Its classic whatabout-ism and deflection. 

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1 hour ago, dial_100 said:

1000 salutations to Mata Sita who was a Sakshat Shakti herself. She didnt crybaby like modern feminists are. (ummm mmm we are not allowed to do this and we are not allowed to do that, my husband abandoned me). She had just spent 14 years in jungles. She could have easily freed herself from the clutches of ravana. But Rama had to put an end to ravana's misrule. More than killing ravana, it was destroying his ego that was the moral of the story. She didnt need a support or help. She was not weak. She was extremely capable to raise her two sons which she proved by how she raised them. Feminist should stop apaprachar that Shri Sita was abala nari and she would need a support of these ....leave it. 


Shri Ram himself is worshiped  and praised by Shri Shiva. Shri Shiva, whose name even cannot be brought on my tongue without me being perfectly cleansed (not worldly cleansing like bathing etc. It is inner cleansing). I am incapable to imagine and comprehend what Shri Ram would be and that Shri Shiva meditated on him. The meaning of word Maryada purushottama is not easy to comprehend for human. Despite being the most powerful fighter in the war against ravana, he gave him numerous chances to surrender and accept his mistake. Never lost his patience, never let his emotions take over his judgement, never misused his powers.


Shri Ram had incarnated on the earth in a human form. You and I both are humans. I will leave rest to your imagination. 


abandon :

    1cease to support or look after (someone); desert.


Sorry, but Ram abandoned his wife based on gossip. That taints him in my books and his maryada purushottama as a flawed and obsolete ideal. 

That a woman can be capable and take care of herself is no excuse to mistreat her and Ram's conduct towards Sita is mistreatment. Period. Any spouse who abandons their mate based on gossip is a shitty spouse.


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27 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

this is an irrelevant argument.

When someone is being prosecuted, they cannot say 'what about all the murderers/rapists not caught ? this is discrimination'. 

Its classic whatabout-ism and deflection. 

Ok fine lets talk about mosques only then..


Obviously there are double standards here..


Its very obvious.. That foreign funded NGOs are out to get the hard working Indian middle class which also happens to be Hindu.. 


Evangelist and wahabi ngos down down.. Bharat mata ki jai.




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10 minutes ago, Vilander said:

Ok fine lets talk about mosques only then..

Sure, lets open a thread about it and talk about mosques there. 

10 minutes ago, Vilander said:

Obviously there are double standards here..

Maybe there is - it deserves its own thread. Double standards is not credible defense. You can stand in a court of law accused of fraud and saying 'what about the Gandhis and their fraud' will not absolve you. 

10 minutes ago, Vilander said:

Its very obvious.. That foreign funded NGOs are out to get the hard working Indian middle class which also happens to be Hindu.. 


Evangelist and wahabi ngos down down.. Bharat mata ki jai.




Yes. But unfortunately the sanskaari hindus are not propagating hindu sanskaars but muslim ones.


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59 minutes ago, Muloghonto said:

Sorry, but Ram abandoned his wife based on gossip. That taints him in my books and his maryada purushottama as a flawed and obsolete ideal. 

That a woman can be capable and take care of herself is no excuse to mistreat her and Ram's conduct towards Sita is mistreatment. Period. Any spouse who abandons their mate based on gossip is a shitty spouse.


This is in Uttara Kanda, which is not written by Valmiki himself, was added later.

Rama didn't abandon Sita on mere gossip, he came to know what the commoner had given the reason to expel his wife from his house ("I am not like Rama to let his wife back home"). He had to protect and choose  Raja Dharma over Purusha Dharma for the greater good of the society. 


I found this explanation and you will respect Rama even more,



The person with the most impressive material assets is usually the king. If the king demonstrates detachment by not letting material things come in the way of spiritual cultivation, then the king’s example forcefully edifies citizens about the importance of life’s spiritual side. So, integral to the king’s duty was the duty of demonstrating to his citizens that worldly attachments couldn’t sway him from his spiritual dharma. This duty conflicted with Rama’s duty as a husband.

When Rama heard the accusation leveled against Sita, he was faced with an ethical dilemma. Whereas a moral dilemma confronts us with two choices, one moral and the other immoral, an ethical dilemma confronts us with two choices, both moral. For resolving an ethical dilemma, we need to discern the higher moral principle and harmonize the lower moral principle as much as possible. Rama’s dilemma was ethical because his duty as a king conflicted with his duty as a husband.

As a husband, he was dutybound to protect his wife. But as the king, he was dutybound to exemplify and teach detachment to his citizens. If his citizens felt that he was so attached to Sita as to keep her despite her impurity, then they would, consciously or subconsciously, use Rama’s alleged attachment to rationalize their own attachments to unworthy things.

Read more https://www.thespiritualscientist.com/2016/12/rama-abandon-sita/


He didn't abandon his kids as @beetle says. He never know Sita was pregnant with twins. When he realizes Lava and Kusha are his ]sons, he brings them back to his kingdon. 

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49 minutes ago, coffee_rules said:

This is in Uttara Kanda, which is not written by Valmiki himself, was added later.

Rama didn't abandon Sita on mere gossip, he came to know what the commoner had given the reason to expel his wife from his house ("I am not like Rama to let his wife back home"). He had to protect and choose  Raja Dharma over Purusha Dharma for the greater good of the society. 

this is bullshit reasoning. So because people are too stupid to know better, therefore i should join their stupidity to make them feel better about their stupid choices ?
He failed in pati-dharma AND Raj-dharma in this .


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That decision, for a supposed God-avatar, is imbecile level.

he was duty-bound to find out the truth. He failed to differentiate between evidence and unsubstantiated allegations. And he cowardly gave in to unsubstantiated allegations. 
We KNOW evidence based thinkers like Galen, Ptolemy or our own Bhaskara were superior to Ram in their ability to differentiate between proof and unsubstantiated allegations.


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1 hour ago, cowboysfan said:

IMo the SC doesnt have the same balls to impose these kinds of restrictions on the Church or the mosque,even though they have reached the right decision they should have avoided even taking this case because it looks like hindus are soft targets.

Exactly well said.

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1 hour ago, cowboysfan said:

IMo the SC doesnt have the same balls to impose these kinds of restrictions on the Church or the mosque,even though they have reached the right decision they should have avoided even taking this case because it looks like hindus are soft targets.

hindus are softer targets than christians or muslims and this is not rocket science. The amount of foreign money that can be funneled for x-tianity or islam is orders of magnitude greater than hinduism can dream of. Not to mention, their monolithic faith also makes it a lot EASIER to funnel such things. 

its like you are new to prison and there are three guys in the yard that you can ask for a lighter - one is a delusional mass murderer who chops people up, one is a rapist-murderer who literally dismembers their victim after raping them and the other one is the dude who stole a car. The last guy, is what the hindus are. Thats why the government goes after it more. 

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