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The truth about the size of India's nuclear arsenal


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Abhijit Chavda is not ordinary YouTuber.  He is a scholar theoretical physicist.


According to him, for donkeys years the same number has been published for India - fissile material to make warheads for 120/130 nukes. 


How is it possible that a country of India's resourcefulness has equal or less than Pak which is touted to have 130/140.


In a sense, It is a smart tactic to underplay your capability. Abhijit does some research and puts our number at 1000- 2000.





Edited by rangeelaraja
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Both India/China has highly secretive Nuclear doctrine...  So counting exact figures is futile.  Even a number of 300-500 is sufficient for India. 

80% of Pakistani nukes are mostly based in Balochistan whole world knows.  US will eventually take hold off them. 

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10 hours ago, Vilander said:

India has more enriched fissile material. If india were to use reactor grade plutonium for warheads yea they can produce 2000 war heads. But does not mean they would. They have arpund 150 and probably dont care for more. 


One thing this war in Ukraine is proving, is that regardless of whether you use western tech or russian tech, missile based delivery systems have extremely high attrition rates - both sides have fired missiles at each other and have less than 25% success rate, with 75% interception rate - thats unacceptable for nuclear armed missiles and until the world develops a nuclear armed drone, the threat of nuclear war has significantly gone down for all sides. 


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We might have 1 or 3000. Atleast one thing we r very good at hiding is our nuclear testing and arsenal. CIA to this date feel embarrassed  on pokhran success. They literally had most of theor satellites on this site

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4 hours ago, Ranvir said:

The fallout alone will ruin the region for years to come. No one wins in a nuclear war. 

1. Thats not the case with 1-2 nukes. You'd need to fire 100s of nukes for the fallout to be severe enough to affect the planet

2. There is no fallout to hydrogen bombs, aka fusion bombs. 


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