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We blame TMC and Banerjee for illegal Bangla and Rohingya infiltrators - What has BJP govt done in 10 years to throw them out ?


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Why is it that BJP has not deported the hell out of illegal Rohingyas and Bangladeshis - everybody knows where they are - everybody knows they are in illegally.


Why has BJP done nothing in 10 years to deport them - per latest reports, there are more than 6 crore illegal Bangladeshis and Rohingyas in India - thats more than the population of most Indian states and UTs ? Why does nobody question them on what they have done in 10 years ?


@Lone Wolf @raki05 @coffee_rules



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Haven't been to Bangalore but my close friends and cousins who work there have told me that they have seen alarming rise in random people speaking Bengali over there which wasn't the case 10 -15 years ago.  You just have to take a stroll around the city to witness.


I have heard similar Stories from other big cities as well.  Delhi is not the only place where they have infiltrated in droves.


Illegal Kangludeshis might be insanely higher in number than estimated.

The delay in Census data shows nefarious intentions towards the people of this country.


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What is BSF’s role in all of this ? 

Are they not duty bound to protect India’s border ( which includes preventing illegal infiltration ) ? Why is it that they are above board ? Why is it so easy to just walk into India ? 

I know there are a staggering number of illegal kangla cockroaches in Pune as I have seen them personally. I hear Delhi Noida is the most infested. They do this in the NCT area and the govt just does lip service. 

I am an out and out BJP supporter - but these budhaos have just disappointed big time. Wish they just left politics with dignity and allow Yogi and Hemanta to run the show. 

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49 minutes ago, rangeelaraja said:

I wonder why the bloody hell doesn’t the opposition corner the govt on this…. What is the plan to kick these kangladeshi cockroaches out after interrogation ???



It serves their vote banks, so win -win for them

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19 hours ago, coffee_rules said:

It serves their vote banks, so win -win for them

But for BJP Muslim population is not the vote bank and with falling birth rates they can’t win in future. They claim to be nationalist even Bangladeshis are getting benefits from government. Indian taxes are paying for their benefits. Is BJP that incompetent? 

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33 minutes ago, gattaca said:

But for BJP Muslim population is not the vote bank and with falling birth rates they can’t win in future. They claim to be nationalist even Bangladeshis are getting benefits from government. Indian taxes are paying for their benefits. Is BJP that incompetent? 

I was arguing on why opposition doesn't corner the govt on illegal BDeshis (illegal BDeshis  are opposition votrebanks). Either BJP is incompetant or too distracted by winning elections by only talking about illegal kandlus. They need a kick in the backside like in UP (LS) or Jharkhand assembly polls. 

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3 minutes ago, coffee_rules said:

I was arguing on why opposition doesn't corner the govt on illegal BDeshis (illegal BDeshis  are Congress votrebanks). Either BJP is incompetant or too distracted by winning elections by only talking about illegal kandlus. They need a kick in the backside like in UP (LS) or Jharkhand assembly polls. 

Opposition has no leader. This is a problem. 

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On 1/13/2025 at 4:42 PM, mishra said:

Try finding out reasons to why people dont go into China or Middle East? Do same.


As first step, Not just remove Secularism from Constitution but  declare India Hindu State.

Yes let's be a copy of pakistan, because nations formed on religions have worked so well in history. 


It's incredible that despite seeing a nation built on majority religion failing big time we have our low IQ gullible population wanting to ape that and follow the same path of mindless hafe and  destruction because we have few minor problems every democracy has.

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5 hours ago, New guy said:

Yes let's be a copy of pakistan, because nations formed on religions have worked so well in history. 


It's incredible that despite seeing a nation built on majority religion failing big time we have our low IQ gullible population wanting to ape that and follow the same path of mindless hafe and  destruction because we have few minor problems every democracy has.

This is very simplitic view. Probably you need to understand defimition of "Secularism" and what is "Hindutva".



Everyone is free to practice their religion. Everyone is free to propgate their religion.

Now, If a religion is preadtory by nature, It will be only one that survives. When I say preadtory, It means abilty to take women and men from other religion into their fold. Sometime by force, Sometime by coaxing , For example, just in name of admission into St Xaviers or Love Jihad or just by prooving others are wrong to a ignorant.


Bottomline is that Secularism has been fully gamed by Islam and Christinity. There is no concept of "inclusivity"



Your Dharma (Virtious Duty and NOT religion) is different then your pantha (belief System and NOT Reliogon). Pantha is private. Dharma is situational. if a terrorist/know paedofile/convicted serial killer  comes to me, Should I treat him as a Doctor? If I am a lawyer, Should I fight his case as best of my ability in Court of Law despite knowing his crime?


Now Pantha is private, But Hinduism  has mastered the abilty of coexistence and inclusivity. Followers of Lord Ram also Go and bow their hed in Front of Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu or Krishna or Lord Venkateshwara or Ma Durga, Ma Kali, Ma Saraswati or in a Jain Temple or Budhist temple or Akal Takht. Because inclusivity was Gamed by them. They parallely celeberate Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Bihu and visit Maha Kumbh.


So, explain to me how we will turn into Pakistan? By making India a Hindu state, You are enforcing inclusivity by Law on followers of Islam and Christinity. Israel is Jewish because it wants to enforce "Inclusivity" in Israel. Hindus are step ahead of Inclusivity. They founmd a way to love and accept ,respect ,follow , various belief systems. A type of Khichadi of various Pantha


If you got another answer to the inherent problem of Secularism, which is designed to convert people of various Pantha to Islam/Christinity religions (Not even Jewish Pantha,Zorashtrian Pantha) then I would be interested to hear. Because Secularism is limited to religion only and has no understanding of Pantha Concept.

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