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Hinduphobia In Secular India


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I can only say that Hindus might be the most tolerant population in recorded history. Of course it doesn't help if they have been held to impossible higher standard that Abrahamics don't have to. 


Here is a movie Annapoorni where main protagonist tam bram vegetarian woman wants to be top chef. And lo behold she has to non veg biryani which her Muslim justifies ( because Lord Ram also used to eat meat ). And to add tadka on top of it, this lady is advised to do namaz before making the biryani because that's the X factor. 


There were 6 recorded beheadings after Nupur Sharma quoted the actual text. And here we have Hindus just outraging to get this film off OTT. For the record I don't agree with this even since I am for complete free speech. But in a rigged game , one has to protect ones back. 



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On 1/18/2024 at 2:01 PM, mishra said:

I was having a discussion about this with a Pakistani who claims that he is not a religious person and religion is root cause of all evil. I told him problem is not religion. Problem is "lack of inclusivity" among athiest as well as any religious follower apart from Hindus.


And evidence is China who is supposedly atheist system doesnt allow religion, Islam and Christinaty dont allow any other religion to coexist including concept of atheism. While ages back, Hindus accepted if a villagers have faith in a local tree and they worshipped that, or Zorashtrians and Jews who were completely different system altogether.


@Lannister the day you understand this basic concept of inclusivity, you will not have arguements why Hindus are complaining. Hindus are inclusive and their complain is others are not inclusive.

Why do you think Hinduism is inherently inclusive? Our society embraces inclusivity because it operates as a democracy.

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1 hour ago, cowboysfan said:

In a Democracy all citizens have inalienable rights,that is a central tenet of OUR democracy.


Yes and those rights are determined by constitution and laws of the land. Laws of land are determined by law makers usually driven  by the political party which holds majority in the house. 

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On 1/20/2024 at 11:50 AM, Lannister said:

Why do you think Hinduism is inherently inclusive? Our society embraces inclusivity because it operates as a democracy.

Just by choosing democracy , it will not enforce inclusivity. Inclusivity comes inherently to society because of its constituents that is people. Democracy is functioning in India because of its majority is inherently democratic. Hinduism is a way of life, it evolves with time. Pakistan also chose democracy, can you say it is functioning ?

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9 hours ago, coffee_rules said:

Just by choosing democracy , it will not enforce inclusivity. Inclusivity comes inherently to society because of its constituents that is people. Democracy is functioning in India because of its majority is inherently democratic. Hinduism is a way of life, it evolves with time. Pakistan also chose democracy, can you say it is functioning ?

It depends on how strong the rule of law is. Democracy alone won't assure you fundamental rights. It has nothing to do with how Hindus feel on a given day or what they believe in.

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On 3/4/2023 at 1:15 PM, Lone Wolf said:

This guy is good...  Taking full advantage of individual liberty while also being controversial. 

Ninja PR technique 

Still he is a rice bag convert. These rice bag converts are wors t than the one who is forcefully converted. He looks clear cut exchange of rice bag , hence releasing his frustration through comedy. Hope he travels the same Mumbai society where kunal kamra went few years back or have a call with Hindustani bhau.

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On 3/4/2023 at 5:39 PM, Lone Wolf said:

He won't try it anywhere else...  Munawwar Farooqi has insane fan following but even he picks n chooses his stuff.  This guy wants to be either next Kamra or Farooqi


Like above 2 he also will be thrashed some day. Than he can do his so called comedy with broken @&&.

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On 1/13/2024 at 2:11 PM, ravishingravi said:

If Hindus were in minority there wouldn't be any left



Sharm nahi hai kuch chutiyon ko who cry day in and say out that minorities are treated badly. Such namakharams we have in this country. Hope they migrate to country of there prefrence. These purulia goons are all rohingiyas and some local peaceful communities ones. Minorities Christian and few Sikh brother cry in day in day out Hindu atrocities on minorities should name one Muslim country where their fundamental rights are orotected and preserved. Just check the neighbouring Pak and BD how many christians and Sikhs are left there.

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5 hours ago, raki05 said:

Like above 2 he also will be thrashed some day. Than he can do his so called comedy with broken @&&.

Saw Farooqi in Big boss other day...  So pathetic to see this guy still being given national platform. 

Add to that he looks set to win lol..  Mulla fans & some idiot chapris would vote for him in droves. 

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21 hours ago, cowboysfan said:

In a Democracy all citizens have inalienable rights,that is a central tenet of OUR democracy.

Not really. The concept of a democracy is that there is decision-making by consensus. As a governing concept, it has nothing to do with rights, etc. All those are constructed around this central concept. Inclusivity, inalienable rights, etc can be part of any style of government - from a monarchy to communism.

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9 minutes ago, bharathh said:

Not really. The concept of a democracy is that there is decision-making by consensus. As a governing concept, it has nothing to do with rights, etc. All those are constructed around this central concept. Inclusivity, inalienable rights, etc can be part of any style of government - from a monarchy to communism.

i know,thats why i said OUR democracy.

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On 1/20/2024 at 4:50 PM, Lannister said:

Why do you think Hinduism is inherently inclusive? Our society embraces inclusivity because it operates as a democracy.

Which democracy is inclusive? They are Secular. Nowhere they say you have to be inclusive. Read constitution of any country.


Has British or Anerican started giving reservation to oppressed Blacks in schools and colleges? You can argue that US has reserves for Indians (native Indians ie they are not American) in fsome areas. But thats specific areas like we have for tribals in India. But fact is Jews are treated unfairly in any Western Society. Blacks are regularly killed. And before you jump with Sunak example of British PM, Despite being only choice and most suited, He hasnt got mandate of people. He will loose race of PMship because of his race.


Was there democracy when Vohra from Egypt decided to come to India? Our subcontinent  society is inclusive because somewhere every non Hindu in India has a bit of Hinduism left in them. Dehinduisation project is nearly complete in Pakistan, Only those aged 50 and above among Pakistani Society has still a bit of Hinduism left. Wait for 25 more years and you will see how Pakistan becomes intelerant. Or how Bangaldeshi's attitude changing. Because 3 -4 generations later, Family doesnt have any moral foundation of Hinduism in them



Edited by mishra
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10 hours ago, mishra said:

Which democracy is inclusive? They are Secular. Nowhere they say you have to be inclusive. Read constitution of any country.


Has British or Anerican started giving reservation to oppressed Blacks in schools and colleges? You can argue that US has reserves for Indians (native Indians ie they are not American) in fsome areas. But thats specific areas like we have for tribals in India. But fact is Jews are treated unfairly in any Western Society. Blacks are regularly killed. And before you jump with Sunak example of British PM, Despite being only choice and most suited, He hasnt got mandate of people. He will loose race of PMship because of his race.


Was there democracy when Vohra from Egypt decided to come to India? Our subcontinent  society is inclusive because somewhere every non Hindu in India has a bit of Hinduism left in them. Dehinduisation project is nearly complete in Pakistan, Only those aged 50 and above among Pakistani Society has still a bit of Hinduism left. Wait for 25 more years and you will see how Pakistan becomes intelerant. Or how Bangaldeshi's attitude changing. Because 3 -4 generations later, Family doesnt have any moral foundation of Hinduism in them



Every democratic system promotes inclusivity, while religious states are considered immoral, evil, and obstructive to a decent civilization. Just look back to the medieval era, which stands as the darkest age in the history of human civilization.

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2 hours ago, Lannister said:

Every democratic system promotes inclusivity, while religious states are considered immoral, evil, and obstructive to a decent civilization. Just look back to the medieval era, which stands as the darkest age in the history of human civilization.


i think you are making a statement and declaring it as fact. Your statement clearly indicates that you are promoting athiesm and against religion. And therein lies the issue. You think your system is best and everyone should change to ur system. Doesn’t that sound like followers of Islam or Christianity?


I am going to make another claim. Take so called Democracy of West, Hypothetically assume they are developing country and there per capita income is comparable to India or hi lobal South. You will see democracy disappears overnight in thin air. 1 Billion. less than $650  per capita, struggling infrastructure , strong external attempt to divide them , but India is standing.


Hindus are inherently democratic because they have learning from life of Ram,. Even u haent read constitution because u don’t need to read constitution to find out diffrence between right and wrong

Edited by mishra
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On 1/20/2024 at 9:50 AM, Lannister said:

Why do you think Hinduism is inherently inclusive? Our society embraces inclusivity because it operates as a democracy.

Because unlike the western religions, our religion never had a problem with succession of our rulers based on their religion. 
Your western masters couldnt even avoid civil war for changing sects in the same religion, while we have zero problem with our next ruler being a different religion to his father.

Hinduism was inclusive enough to absorb buddhism into its fold instead of trying to wipe it out, like western atheists have tried with religion or western religions have tried against others.


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17 hours ago, Lannister said:

Every democratic system promotes inclusivity, while religious states are considered immoral, evil, and obstructive to a decent civilization. Just look back to the medieval era, which stands as the darkest age in the history of human civilization.

We are one of the original inventors of democracy and india has functioned as a democracy at base level for thousands of years via the panchayat system. As for medieval era- it stands as the darkest age because of that era being dominated by fascist religions of abraham.

The prior era- classical era- where polytheism and civilised religions prevailed, saw higher level of civilisation both in india and europe, despite being deeply religious societies.


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